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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. One of these days these far left full-Canadian nutbags are going to go after the wrong person, and blood will be shed.
  2. You would think after the back-to-back embarrassments we just watched the left get sandwiched in between the fajke Buzzfeed story and the Fake Indian Vietnam Vet story that you'd think twice about opening your pie hole about the Conspiracies R Us. But no. Because the left never misses a chance to go full Canadian.
  3. He's Justin Trudeau?
  4. You're trying to have a discussion with a guy who today will tell you the Russians screwed the election, then tomorrow tell you Hillary should be president because she got more votes, and next week will complain about how declaring the border a national emergency is above the office of President. Put him on ignore. Your visit here will be much more intellectual simply by subtraction.
  5. In fairness, the media must be excited to incorrectly report information that isn't easily and embarrassingly refuted by the entire world watching a video of what actually happened.
  6. You know how some people go on a vacation to the Caribbean and sit on a beach drinking umbrella cocktails and reading the latest Tom Clancy thriller? That's Tom, except it's not the Caribbean, it's the Potomac...it's not an umbrella drink, it's kifer...and it's not Tom Clancey, it's census data.
  7. In all fairness, Stone must have done something really serious or Mueller would have staged this arrest to take place on a Friday morning so the media can advance the narrative right through the Sunday talk shows. Oh. Wait. Nevermind.
  8. How will we ever survive without the HuffPo's opinion section? How glorious is this?
  9. I put him on ignore a while ago, and if his comments are ever quoted by someone else, I just scroll past them. He's beyond racist. He's a freaking nutjob. But let's say we take action against him here. Let's say we stand up together and deliver him the harshest blow we can possibly deliver, which is a permanent ban. Neither you nor I nor anyone here can do anything more than that. So let's say he gets permanently banned. Do you honestly think he's going to stop being a total nutjob? No. He'll just be a nutjob somewhere else. Put him on ignore. If idiots here find it necessary to converse with him, consider at least that it's a few moments less that he's being a nutjob in public.
  10. Free El Cheepo! That was AOC, in a nutshell.
  11. Knee pad accessories not included.
  12. Best article on this yet.
  13. Ii can get behind that.
  14. Lucky for Planned Parenthood, as CA AG, Kamala Harris was able to raid the house of the videographer who had more videos of the body slicing. That was a close call or who knows what the country would have seen. In the end, it doesn't matter. Now that NYS makes it legal to do whatever the hell you want to do to a baby...including 'mistakenly' aborting a live baby so you can harvest the parts...there's no need to videotape anything other than to promote your new business! "Bring your late-term abortion to us for CASH CASH CASH! At Crazy Eddie's Abortion Clinics, our prices are INSANE!!!" It's a left-wing win-win-win!!! Dead babies for cash!
  15. In case you were wondering with AOC, etc. fall on this Venezuela story... Hint: It's not with the people.
  16. You're arguing with a person who is simply incapable of original thought. He is trying to turn the tables on the right-sided argument that leftists want to open the borders to all the illegals, but none of them want to open their house to them. Result of a simple mind. Just ignore it and you'll be surprised how it the conversation elevates.
  17. But Andy will find another Bishop who isn't pissed about it. Trust me. Cuomo didn't promise this and deliver on it without thinking it all the way through. We'll see Catholics stand up for him shortly. Don't get me wrong; Cuomo shouldn't need a Bishop to point out how vile this bill is. But in the end, he's no more a Catholic than Justin Trudeau is a man. It's almost as though they saw this all coming. How odd.
  18. There will undoubtedly be ordained liberal Catholic priests who will stand with Cuomo to justify the bill, just like there are liberal Christians who perform gay marriages. None of it matters because Cuomo already has a judge, and I'm pretty sure He'll be reminding Cuomo about Matthew 7:21-23.
  19. Maybe he was just misunderstood.
  20. Is AOC pushing all leftists to make incoherent statements?
  21. There is video of Phillips himself claiming he served Vietnam. Could the leftist media be any more embarrassing than they are right now?
  22. The Canadian education system at work, ladies and gentlemen! Come back tomorrow for two sentences and a coherent thought! It promises to be riveting.
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