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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I don't recall how coined it, but one of my favorite nicknames for Hillary was "Lady Maopants."
  2. I hope this means return of the Pu Pu Platter. I really miss the Pu Pu Platter.
  3. No. No. They think we're morons, but Canadians know they're the best nut suckers.
  4. Half the Democratic party just rested their hands under their chins and thought, "I wonder what the market is for fresh body parts of a three-year-old."
  5. Before Hillary ups her game, she needs to show everyone she can navigate a flight of stairs. Both up and down, as they have both provided her great challenges. If she can do that, then we need to see her get in a car by herself. if she can do that, she has a chance.
  6. Yep. Plus, let's assume Tibs was actually able to think for himself. I know...not likely...but if he could, he would realize Coulter's criticism of Trump was for caving on the shut down. Unable to think for himself, Tibs gets caught up in the stupidity of those he echos. "Trump is a pig because he won't open the government" followed by "Trump has no spine because he opened the government." Even Canadians look at Tibs and think, "Damn, and I though we were nut-sucking morons."
  7. The problem with Coulter is that braindead leftists like Tibs actually think she's right wing. She's not. She's Coulter wing. She makes her money off being quick to admit when she's wrong. See her enthusiastic support of Chris Christie. She's like everyone else in the media. In it for the clicks.
  8. When you have nutbag women creating batschiitt crazy music videos for you, it's not surprising your ego makes you think you can be president. He should remain a furry until AOC burns out. There's only room for one chucklehead.
  9. I don't hold a lot of centrist optimism for a guy who has his employees try to talk to me about equality simply because I'm trying to get a cup of coffee. But hey...maybe he can get the people who wish Ben and Jerry would make a run. '
  10. She wasn't gonna beat a racist black man, and her campaign was too lazy to beat Trump. But none of that matters. The only thing that matters is what the DNC wants. And they want Hillary.
  11. Tibs wants no border to the US. Who could be surprised by that kind of mindless stupidity? It's like he's looking at Canada and thinking "You guys may believe you corner the market on mindless stupidity, but hold my beer..."
  12. You say that like you have a choice. You don't have a choice. The DNC makes the choice for you. That's why your party has super delegates. To protect their chosen candidate. They have the microphone, and you don't...
  13. Bernie 2020!!! This Land is Your Land!
  14. In my much younger years, this kind of stuff used to infuriate me. I would watch people happily, joyfully do things which flew in the face of anything I considered to be human decency. The fury came from being helpless to change what was happening. Then I learned patience. The depraved people who lobbied for, and voted for, this law will have to answer for it one day...one way or another. When that happens, it's important not to be happy or joyful about their demise, because in the process of our being patient, they will leave a lot of dead bodies in their wake. It will be their final legacy on this planet.
  15. That's a lot of Rom Com doctorates.
  16. You don't even need to cross back to Mexico to escape justice. You just need to be in CA.
  17. I loved Politically Incorrect to the extent that I actually went to a taping years ago. He was smart and funny had a great gig going. Then he realized how much money and adoration come from being a far-left sock puppet and he suddenly became the equivalent of Arsenio Hall in a theater filled with people who write for Slate and Vox.
  18. Elizabeth Warren...ready to take your money and give to others being successful has no place in an Elizabeth Warren world. My takeaway here is if you support Warren, you're too stupid or lazy to be successful on your own, and you need vile pigs like Warren to take from others so you don't have to do any work.
  19. While waiting for a haircut yesterday, KCAL News was on the TV and the story was "President Trump Caves..." following by an at-the-scene reporter who reiterated the "Caved" comment before ending his report with Anne Coulter's tweet about GHWB no longer being the wimpiest president. There was nothing in the report about Dems promising to negotiate in good faith. Trump lost this battle, but if there is anything we have learned about the left over the past three years is they are completely unable to get out of their own way. The long game is not in their favor. That said, while the wall is critical to the safety of our country, it is second to replacing Ginsburg. We're going to find out she's a veggie soon and literally nothing else to this point in Trumps presidency will matter.
  20. Key sentence in that letter: We should not have allowed ourselves to be bullied and pressured into making a premature statement. That won't keep people from threatening and bullying others into saying what they want them to say in fear of retribution, but at least they own it. Unlike the media, which simply continues to protect their lies. It'll likely take a few years, but I hope that lawyer leaves everyone he sues with nothing but their AP style guide and some typewriter ribbon.
  21. I'd rather go to a Raiders game. In Oakland. While wearing a Bills jersey. And dragging a black-and-silver Chucky doll around on the ground, hanging from a twine soaked in the sweat of the entire Black Hole. Y'know, for all the yelling the left does about racism and bigotry and white supremacy, you'd think they'd do better than Barack Obama and Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren and Beto the Furry and AOC. You'd think they'd do better than a Jackson Lee, a Maxine Waters, or a guy who is worried about Guam tipping over because of too many people. Surely the left has some smart minorities. You would think. Yet no sooner is a Barack Obama in a rear view mirror, here comes a Kamala Harris and AOC, eager to take the crazy reins and yell Giddyap! Unreal.
  22. Actually, I think the quick turn to Creed was a brilliant idea. Execution appears to have not been brilliant, but part of me looks forward to seeing Creed II. I'd probably enjoy it more if Stallone didn't look like Nancy Pelosi on her way out of the doctor's office. He actually did a brief stint on "This Is Us" that I thought was terrific, and he looked great, but then he does a big movie and it's Pelosi face all over again.
  23. Oh man. Biden vs. Sanders. Gonna be fun watching the left explain how their party is led by rich old white men.
  24. Hypocrisy isn't lazy in argument. It's lazy in execution. You'd know that if you had the ability to grasp the concept of original thinking. But hey...you keep up the good work. AOC needs people like you so she appears intelligent by comparison.
  25. Hey, I don't make the leftist rules. I just use them to prove hypocrisy. No one cares what you, as an individual, did. Leftists embarrassed themselves with Buzzfeed and Fake Indian. You're a leftist.Therefore, you embarrassed yourself because one leftist represents all leftists. What? It doesn't work that way now? You dumbasses.
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