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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. If it turns that Dems are now throwing themselves in front of cars to protest Trump...well...I'll be honest. That's change I can believe in.
  2. It's global warming. Scratch that. It's global cooling. Scratch that. It's global climate change! Scratch that. You're all MORONS!!!!! You global warming cooling climate change nutbags are hysterical.
  3. Writer at National Review (Alexandria DeSanctis) suggests:
  4. Because the FBI realized she was married to a pedophile douchenozzle and decided that was punishment enough.
  5. But again, you can find ordained Catholics who are okay with this. That doesn't mean they genuinely adhere to doctrine. But you can find "Catholic" priests blessing abortion clinics as easily as you can find "Christian" pastors marrying homosexuals. It doesn't mean anything anymore unless it means something to the individual.
  6. If you have any trouble, ping Bill Pullman. Things like this don't happen without it being followed up with an epic Bill Pullman speech.
  7. This is your reminder...
  8. The Hill: Reporting The News Americans Care About
  9. Okay, so can someone break down for me why these liberal states are all, suddenly and virtually simultaneously, declaring they want to abort babies at any stage? Was this some big campaign promise? Has American been asking for this? It's a little stunning, and a lot scary.
  10. Morning Joe: Asking the questions that matter most.
  11. TV star announces he was attacked in Chicago by MAGA hat-wearing people. Chicago finds no evidence of anything happening. Racist insists president should denounce people who wear his hat. You nutbag leftists really know how to make a day go by. Best meltdown ever.
  12. Lots of money in baby parts. Lots of money for PP. Lots of money from PP to VA Gov. But I'm sure this is just another thought from the tin foil crowd.
  13. And he laughed and laughed and laughed the whole time. True story.
  14. NY is the same way, but it's assumed that the baby survived the abortion upon delivery, and they just need to finish the job off. That may be what the VA GA was disacussing. Still in all, my understanding is that the amount of money to be made in harvesting baby pieces is insane, and the product is better if you can deliver the baby alive and dissect it more purposefully like PP was caught doing.
  15. This is your reminder that Daleiden had many more videos of PP dicing up babies, but his house was suddenly raided by then CA AG Kamala Harris, at which point all PCs, cameras, etc. in his house were confiscated. Charges have been dropped, but no videos are available. Kamala Harris 2020: I'll Suck Off Anyone To Get Ahead.
  16. The Kavanaugh hearing was pushed into every face on this planet by means that were never available with Thomas or Bork. You couldn't look at any social media without people in your timeline calling him a gang-banger racist. People NEVER would have seen that much information on Thomas or Bork, that often and that furiously, simply by looking at a phone wherever they stood or sat.
  17. Says the person who thinks Trump got elected because of Russia.
  18. You think Garland set the bar high on politics with an SC nom? I'm guessing you were asleep during the Kavanaugh hearings. Did you miss that? Ignore it? Or are you convinced Kavanaugh is a gang rapist and the only problem is enough people didn't pay attention to Avenatti? You know what is absolutely ridiculous? That so many people genuinely believe it to be in the realm of possibility that the Democrats would hide the death of SC justice and posthumously issue opinions in her name . My first thought was, "Okay, people, let's be serious about this." But then you think about it seriously, and you look at all the incredibly underhanded things the Dems do, and you think to yourself, "Likely? No. Possible? Yep. Pretty much." Kind blows my mind a little bit.
  19. And the media would explain that while the events that transpired were bad, they weren't as bad as what the Rs did to Garland.
  20. Unless you're at TBD and you heard Kelly wants to work with Josh Allen on some things. Then Kelly is trash.
  21. Sandiego. Which, in German, of course, means a whale's *****.
  22. It gives me something to do since I don't try to have a conversation here with Tibs.
  23. From a business standpoint? Absofreakinglutely! You think business executives care because he calls people names and has typos in his tweets? They couldn't care less. Trump does a lot of unconventional stuff, but in what world does anyone think the business world is afraid of him from a business standpoint? Precisely what numbers are you looking at to even sniff the idea that Obama = Trump on the economy? Give me numbers. Obama was an economic embarrassment for this country. Not to mention he missed THE golden moment to be a leader in the black community. But what suffered most under his presidency? Black employment numbers. Look. I get it. You hate Trump. But thinking Obama = Trump on the economy is ridiculous.
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