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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. What's funny is how you are implying that the national emergency Trump is referring to has anything to do with the hiring of illegal aliens. That's dishonest at best, and I think you know that. It's about drugs and sex trafficking. Leave the low-hanging fruit to Tibs.
  2. Not really because they changed it from "must" to "shall." If it was already mandatory, why change the word to something that only implies mandatory? Because you could infer that as not mandatory.
  3. Costco is more convenient for me, but I also figured it was a haven for Democrats because every time I go, all I see are people clogging the aisles while they stand in line for free food. It's working for me. I don't think I'd vote for Schultz, though I also voted for a meteor in the last election, so who knows.
  4. Again, you used the words yourself, so you know the part of the law we're talking about. There is no need for life support for the product of an abortion if the abortion was successful. If you are aborting the child, and it arrives alive, "measures for life support...shall be available..." You can kill it or let it die after they're born. And there is no such thing as an after-birth abortion. It's calling killing or letting the baby die.
  5. Ouch. The left really, really hates this guy. I think I'm starting to warm up to him.
  6. You used the language yourself earlier. Product of (such) abortion. That includes a live, delivered baby. To put it more cleanly in the Governor's words. You can call it extreme, but this is precisely what the bill allows. In fact, WHY delete the words "substantially and irremediably"? They want the ability to kill the baby at any time right up until AFTER birth, and that law gives it to them using vague, easily manipulated language for impairing mental health. Define "impairing mental health." Go ahead. Define it. You can't. Which is one reason so many people are disgusted by the law. In the end, it's kind of clear you're taking a position to take a position so I'll end my effort to convince here.
  7. You're damn right it's an extreme time limit. That's why so many people find the law vile. It PERMITS killing the baby moments before birth, and even AFTER birth. For intentionally vague reasons. We're not making this up. THIS is the law they tried to pass.
  8. Watch the video. Read the bill. It ABSOLUTELY permitted the killing of a live baby out of the womb. The Governor was very specific. They would keep the baby comfortable until a decision was made. It all depended on the mother's health, emotional or otherwise. THAT is the law he tried to pass. A law so vile that even one of the co-sponsors pulled out after she realized she signed onto a bill that promoted infanticide. It's a lot of things, but fake news is not one of them.
  9. Or what some people call a chance to have the ear of Hillary Clinton for a few minutes.
  10. Part of me feels like you're just taking a position for the sake of taking a position, but if you have a baby, we'll know soon enough. When you're in the delivery room, and you either push the baby out of you or cut their cord, as you hold that baby for the first time, take a moment to ask yourself if only moments earlier you would be okay with the doctor killing that baby because you were afraid the baby's mother might be stressed about having a newborn. Or think for a moment about handing that baby to a doctor because you suddenly decided you didn't want it because maybe a hand was deformed, and they take the baby to another room to kill it. That's the law we're talking about. That's the law you are okay with.
  11. Hats off to VA lawmaker Dawn Adams for owning up to her mistake. Well done.
  12. Nope. Blue checkmark guy. Columnist for for Daily News. Full boat leftist.
  13. Or maybe because you don't have a child. Here's what I suggest you to get a better grasp. Make a purposeful point to see a newborn. There must be someone, somewhere, who can help you with this. Have a friend in the hospital who just delivered? Or maybe just came home with a newborn? Have a friend who's a nurse or doctor? Go visit a newborn. Some may not want you to hold the baby too soon, but you don't need to hold it. See a baby born just a day or two ago. You just need to see it. Watch it. Listen to it. Watch it instinctively react to light and sound and learn within minutes how to feed off a breast. I've read your posts. You're not a completely ideological bozo. You have common sense. You know that the difference between the newborn you see today and the baby it was in the womb 48 hours earlier is nominal. Now while you're looking at that baby, ask yourself what it would take for someone to forcibly kill that baby and slice it up just two days earlier. Three days earlier. Five days earlier. Look at the baby and let us know what you think about killing it two days early because someone thought the baby might cause the mother a bit of emotional trauma. !@#$, man, the last thing I wanted in this world was a baby, but I loved my son the moment I saw his heartbeat and I bawled like a baby when my wife bled out and he was delivered a month early. A WHOLE FREAKING MONTH! And they want to kill it right up to dilation. You're not stupid. You just haven't experienced it yet.
  14. Maybe Planned Parenthood can donate another million to his campaign to get him to eliminate that step.
  15. And yet again...far left nutbags dumping on the Starbucks billionaire. You didn't build that. You people have lost your freaking minds. On the upside, it looks like Starbucks stock may be pretty affordable soon.
  16. And in an effort to follow the Democratic playbook page by page, step 2...admonish everyone for giving you grief for hearing what you said as if you never really said it. My law to allow infanticide isn't disgusting. YOU'RE disgusting. Predictable pig.
  17. It's impossible to imagine how bad things would be if Obama didn't spend 8 years tee'ing this up for the next president. Barack Hussein Obama. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm.
  18. Here. Read, but watch it for yourself. Is it not clear what PP is up to? Is it not clear why Kamala Harris suddenly had the desire to raid Dailaden's house as CA AG and confiscate his PCs and videos? Is it not clear why most of Harris' charges against him were dropped? But even if you find ALL of that so hard to believe, ask yourself, honestly, is the idea of states giving PP more leeway to harvest baby parts in exchange for a couple of million dollars simply not a truth you can see?
  19. In case you were curious...according to the VIrginia Public Access Project website, VA governor Ralph Northam has received almost $2M from Planned Parenthood. Like I said earlier: PP gets money for baby parts; Dems make it easier for PP to get baby parts; PP gives money to Dems to keep them in office so PP can keep dicing up the babies. America's Democrat Party: They're going to get their money if they have to rip your babies limb from limb.
  20. Former bartender insists man who literally grew up in poverty to become a billionaire shouldn't be president because he needs to "work (his) way up."
  21. She was also bankrolled by PP to confiscate Daleiden's videos while CA AG. PP owns Kamala Harris, much like they own the governors now making it legal to deliver a baby alive so as to have a better chance at providing limbs to market. One of Daleiden's videos actually has PP talking about how much better their chances are of getting more salable limbs if they can remove them while the baby is still alive outside the womb. Videos, by the way, which were recently proven to not be doctored.
  22. Yeah. That's it. Four states come out in support of infanticide, and you think it's just a right-wing tangent. So are you in favor of these new laws?
  23. This is the Democratic Party. Notice you don't here a single one denouncing it? Or even complaining about it? Part or the reason is that the media won't ask them and the other part is because, if asked, they'll show full support for full-term abortions. How do you think Kamala Harris became a Senator?
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