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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Hey, give Canada credit. If your best sport is centered around mopping a floor really, really fast, the least you can do is elect as your PM a cross-dressing lead singer for a Village People cover band. Canada has it all! Equality and clean floors!
  2. What's the difference between Russia, America and Canada? Russians and Americans are good at hockey.
  3. Correct. The problem here is not what he did. Most every 40+ adult has done something stupid like this. The problem is that when something like this happens to someone on the right, there are few better than leftists to mount a coordinated effort to get a scalp, no matter what. There must be blood, followed by a few weeks of questions of others on the right to 'denounce' that person and their actions. We used to joke about having to take the Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson apology tour before slinking off to to the dark. I don't think you force the dude to resign because of this. On the other hand, his promotion of the state's abortion law is disgusting, and if this gets a vile Planned Parenthood meat puppet off the PP payroll and into oblivion, I'm good with whatever that takes.
  4. CA: Making Typhus Great Again. But hey...get that $25M to the illegal immigrants to make them comfortable in Mexico!
  5. I could see PP pissed that he failed to get the bill passed. They spent a chunk of change on him. Not surprised they want to toss him out and find another meat puppet to try again. They were quick to tell him to resign. Two million bucks. He'll resign.
  6. Planned Parenthood: You can kill babies outside of the womb, but this blackface stuff is unacceptable. That's $2M pissed away.
  7. Absolutely. It's kind of ridiculous. But like I mentioned earlier, the left is incapable of thinking things all the way through. Why do you think Al Franken sits at home binge-watching some Netflix series. They go for scalps on old, stupid stuff, so now they need to ear their own.
  8. This just in...Democrats insist Northam MUST RESIGN!! "If Covington students must pay for the sins of others, so must Northam!" they all yelled!!! Only kidding. Naturally, they're okay with what he did. At least the left is starting to remember their party was the party of slavery and the KKK.
  9. But Gavin Newsome has $25M to make illegal aliens comfortable. Again, the left in America does not care about Americans.
  10. Because a kid did a science project, extrapolated numbers based on a few phone cxalls, it got printed in the local newspaper, which got picked up by a politician...and presto...no more straws. No, I'm not kidding
  11. Once again the hysteria of the left bites them in the ass. You'd think they'd learn a lesson after their #metoo hysteria cost them Al Franken's seat. But no. Time for Northam to resign for something he didn't do!!! It's the leftist way!!! Dumbasses.
  12. Actually, it was well documented that no one on the left would acknowledge the murder of the CA police officer by an illegal alien. Not DiFi, nor Harris, nor anyone else on the left, let alone a leftist from CA. Meanwhile, CA has tens of thousands of homeless people on the streets, and Newsome wants to dial up $25M in emergency funds to help asylum seekers. Look. I get it. There's a lot of noise on both sides, but by their very actions, but when it comes to priorities, the left has fellow Americans on the very, very bottom rung. They are a stepping stone to power, and nothing more.
  13. While Nanker's post embellishes a bit, the reality is that virtually ALL of the voices on the left are calling for what he outlined in his post. You simply can not deny that. You'll try, but the video doesn't lie. NY, RI, VA, AOC, Fauxcahontas, Harris...these are the voices and those are their positions. What you DON'T hear are voices on the left telling people to dial it back a notch. No. Wait. You DO hear a voice asking everyone to calm down and be a bit more realistic. And the response, as best put by devout Think Progress leftist Millhiser, is "I can't wait to tax Howard Schultz back into the middle class." The left literally wants to destroy a guy who has been a great voice of the DNC for years. Because he's simply not far left enough. The Dem Party is now the Donner Party, and you better be FAR, FAR left, or you're what's for supper.
  14. You know what I find a little funny and a lot sad? It's not like human trafficking is a made up problem. It's very real, and the border absolutely contributes to it. No one can deny that. Few are better at galvanizing a movement against a cause like the left. Paper straws never had a chance. With a majority of the mainstream media on their side (again, no one can deny this), they could take this problem, join the right in the fight against it, and this country united could snuff this issue down to a bite-size morsel in less than a year. It's genuinely an undeniable issue, and yet the left is SO blind in its hatred of anyone who doesn't follow them lockstep, they would rather let this problem continue than fix it. It's impossible for me to understand how any person who yells about equality and freedom and safe spaces and #metoo can turn their backs on these people because they don't get to lead the charge. How does anyone sign up for that agenda? How can anyone look at the leadership of the DNC and think "That's the team I want to be on!"?
  15. I had to stop at that sentence. Krugman must be the most unaware nutbag on the left. I mean, other than whatever unaware nutbag would post a link to his stupidity.
  16. You leftists have lost your freaking minds. The 'ban the MAGA hat' thing is simply embarrassing. Maybe you have a particular uniform you'd like to be worn by people you don't like. Grow the hell up, you pussified chuckleheads.
  17. This is a lesson for the light-minded leftists who mocked the right with the whole "clown car" schtick when a bunch of GOP candidates were elbowing for the top spot. Be careful what you mock, as you will surely get it. You're about to go from the Democratic Party to the Donner Party. Someone make some popcorn and tell the fat lady she's on in five.
  18. If Trump flips the 9th circuit, it will be just the tasty meltdown nugget the world needs from the left to keep them babbling until word about RBG is released. Because that's when the real crazy will be released by the left.
  19. Not at all. I'm glad to see the left finally doing that since they had zero interest in "using his words" for the last president. But hey...if you like to your doctor, am I right?
  20. What it's not about is the hiring of illegal aliens. Try to keep up, or at least let the adults continue to discuss things, mmmmmkay?
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