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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. He'll probably sell t-shirts with her card on it. I can't imagine she survives this. She has feverishly insisted she NEVER used her designation to get ahead. Everyone knew it was a lie, but that this leaked out shows how desperately the left needs her to disappear.
  2. The one thing I've come to like about Trump is he dives into any part of the pool to stick it to people who utter stupidity; his shot at socialism (including Sanders' comment about it) shows that he has got the left boxed in by their own extreme members. They've been espousing socialism, with no pushback, but rather strong support, from the left-sided media. Young people are literally standing around with their Rom Com doctorates thinking, "You know, she may be right. Maybe the problem with socialism is that other countries just did it wrong." The left will have to flush this out or suffer at the ballot box because like late-term abortions and infanticide, socialism is a bridge WAY too far for most Americans.
  3. Reading her posts is like reading posts by Tibs, 34 and McD: she spouts stupidity, but thinks because she does it with authority, that it doesn't sound stupid. Perhaps this was the first SOTU speech she has ever listened to; but an embarrassment? Unsettling? No direction? She might want to loosen that bun on her head a little bit. Not to mention, she's stupid enough to fall for a nod from Noonan, whose relevance on the right is gone and whose career now relies on being cradled by the Pelosi left. AOC responding to Noonan was good for Noonan, and makes AOC sound like...well...AOC.
  4. The only thing fake is Warren. She's busted in a lie. She's done.
  5. More AOC please. She's a winning ticket for Dems. Trump, she says, is losing on the issue of America becoming a socialist nation.
  6. Did Abrams finally concede tonight?
  7. This is the left's new message: America must embrace socialism. You only need to see that scowl once. It hasn't changed all night.
  8. If that baby was in Tijuana, the left would be going crazy to save it. But no. It's here. In America. And based on the movement in those arms, they're probably thinking Planned Parenthood could bring in some serious cash for those limbs.
  9. The Donner Party 2020: Open borders. No voter id. Eliminate electoral college. Embrace socialism, because it just needs to be done properly. Gonna be a helluva schittshow.
  10. I've argued for a while now that the reason the Left is such a mess is because they have no message. But it seems to be taking full shape now.. Open borders. No voter ID laws. Elimination of the electoral college. Commitment to making the US a socialist state. Quite the message, leftists. Quite the message. Too bad none of you are talented or smart enough to be successful on your own.
  11. Even he would beat Hillary.
  12. Hey, is this really MS-13 gunning someone down on the 7 train yesteday?
  13. Years upon years of Bill Clinton raping and abusing women, but NOW Newsweek is concerned about a president's sex life? And people wonder why we mock the media.,
  14. He probably never saw you moonwalk. First, I'm not signing them up for anything. They're doing this on their own...and I support it. The left has already wiped their schittcrusted asssssholes over these kids like an Occupy Wallstreet camper on a nearby police car. The left and its media tracked these kids down, found out the colleges they were getting ready to attend and started harassing the universities to take back the acceptance letters. They posted photos from years ago that have nothing to do with these kids, but associated them with those pictures anyway. They were doxxed and threatened and berated by the media and the left, and just like every other snotsucking leftist, you want them shut up and take it. They'll never see a dime out of this lawsuit, but with any luck the left and it's media will learn to stop lying about people to advance a narrative. With people like you in their party, I doubt it, though.
  15. He must have a new movie coming out.
  16. That won't be enough, though. You will need all the networks to air every single rally, every single campaign stop, every single word of every single day for the entire election. Because that's pretty much how you got Trump.
  17. I'm surprised so many people found it boring. The entire game was coming down to, pretty much, one play in either direction. If Goff had more a little more experience and a slightly faster delivery, it was the Rams game to win.
  18. Yeah, they should stop now before every media outlet in the world maligns and destroys their lives by digging up stories about them and showing old photos of students at the school. Oh, wait. Too late. Already done. You make McD sound coherent.
  19. I'm not even sure how that relates to what I wrote, which was to point out that after two years of Orange Man saying/tweeting some of the dumbest stuff around, the Dem Party is about to make him look normal. It's going to be an epic schittshow as they try to one-up each other with free stuff.
  20. We've already been through this: what he was saying was referencing line 81 below. If the baby is being aborted or the woman has a miscarriage, and "the product of such abortion of miscarriage" shows "evidence of viability" (meaning having the ability to survive or live successfully)," then life support will be provided...which is where the governor talks about keeping the baby comfortable until the mother and doctor decide to kill it. There is no denying this is what he meant. There is also no denying how PP admitted they get more money for taking parts off a live baby than a dead one. So if you're okay with killing a baby outside of womb because "the products of such abortion or miscarriage" are still viable, then you're willing to let PP-backed doctors get their parts off the live "product of such abortion or miscarriage." It's the least he could do for $2M
  21. Curious. Can you list the conservative propaganda networks for me? I'll spot you Fox News. Go.
  22. Hey, does anyone know what Northam was driving a pick up truck with a Gillespie sticker on the back?
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