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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. He's not a Christian, he's a Catholic, which people like he and Pelosi can get away with because of the idea that ordained Catholic priests determine if you are truly a Catholic or not. That's not the way it works, but it doesn't matter because there are billion Catholics and they'll vote for you if you meet their requirements. Almost 40 percent of NY considers themselves Catholic. Do the math. On the upside, he's definitely not a Christian, and in the end, that is all that matters. Neither Cardinal Dolan nor any other priest gets to determine Cuomo's fate after death on earth.
  2. I think if Pelosi hands you something and asks you to join on, there is history there and you can make a fair judgement call on the right thing to do without reading it. AOC can barely squeeze a tube of toothpaste without getting something wrong, so you have to wonder why anyone would NOT read it before signing on. It's now being reported the "Green Dream, or whatever it is" resolution is something that has been around from her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, who worked for Bernie Bros but couldn't get him on board with it. So I suspect they all realize it's a marketing ploy of some sort, which would be fine if it wasn't one of the dumbest things I've ever read that wasn't written by Tibs, 34 or Coach Tuesday. All hail The Donner Party 2020!
  3. Cuomo pisses on Cardinal Dolan. I'm sure he'll make amends when the needs the Catholics again.
  4. If you don't take out the cows, you could face a cow uprising. And AOC insists it's possible since they're already showing up on Chick-Fil-A billboards. It's just a matter of time before they move into your neighborhood.
  5. No, you eliminate cow farts by eliminating the cows, which is step one toward healing the environment, followed by step two, which is to eat a banana for breakfast.
  6. A close friend of mine got one, backed into a pole and dented the fender. Repair was over $10,000. I was genuinely impressed by the people who signed on, given that it reads like it was published by Golden Books.
  7. As do I. My house goes on the market next month. I've had enough.
  8. No. According to AOC's "Green Dream, or whatever it's called," trees are planted by the Keebler elves, though under her plan they're not called 'elves,' but 'handibakeable' so as to not appropriate the culture of real elves, who would never get caught dead baking cookies. It's all very complicated, but it pays for itself in 15 years, plus you get the added benefit of energy-efficient-baked Rich 'n Chips, which we'll need once we eliminate every cow that passes gas.
  9. No, you still have to drive them. They've replaced the Maserati as the 'must have' rich person's car. To add to the humor that is CA, a big incentive to get any electric car here is that it gives you access to the HOV lanes which, as you can imagine in CA, is worth its weight in aluminum. CA is now doing away with that benefit, and in fact is looking at taxing you based on the miles you drive and not just on gas. Because if there is a dollar to be had, CA will find a way to take it from you.
  10. That must be because everyone is driving them out here.
  11. It's not even approved, and it's working already! Just the very idea encourages me to find it in my heart to learn how to be unwilling to work. We all must do our part for the Green Dream, or whatever it's called!
  12. Maybe we can get Geraldo to open the safe on a very special episode of Hard Ball with Chris Matthews! It would be a ratings bonanza!
  13. You know what's funny? There are so many people like you who wake up each day and hate Trump so much, you'll take anything you can get to embarrass him. And there are so many people like me who wake up each day and, in many ways, is a little fearful of how much Trump will embarrass our country from some stupid act, past or present. The difference is when I wake up, Hillary still isn't president, and I stop caring about what Trump's going to do because whatever it is, it would pale in comparison to a Hillary presidency. If you're worth billions of dollars and still think it's a good idea take a phone photo of your junk because you're cheating on your wife, you're dumber than a box of bricks. Period.
  14. One thing we've learned this week; from AOC to Bezos, mind-bending embarrassing stupidity doesn't care how much money you have.
  15. To paraphrase AOC, it's not a question of what it will cost. It's a question of what we'll do with all the money we have when it's done. You have to give her credit; she got a lot of big names to sign on. I can't tell if it's because it's just a flowery resolution they know will never go anywhere, or if they all hate Pelosi that much.
  16. This is probably where he explains that what's next is to save the planet by taking all the money from the rich to provide free college and free health care, paid vacation and a pension to people who are unwilling to work. And he'll call this plan something like "The Green Dream" or something like that. And THEN he'll show YOU what liberal witty and clever looks like. Ignore him. He's smart enough to figure out how to post to a message board, and then the smarts come to a screeching halt.
  17. It's a beautiful skin, but the few I've tried on were really, really stiff and I'm told they don't loosen up much.
  18. This part of the story blows me away. Someone needs an intervention.
  19. You have to wonder how many of her voters are reading stuff like this and thinking, "What the hell did I do?"
  20. This is an old story, and has been the version of the truth I have tended to believe when it came to the birth certificate nonsense. (Nonsense, by the way, started by the Clintons, not the right.) It was never that Obama was born in Kenya, but that he told everyone he was born in Kenya to get that extra diversity edge for college admissions and publishing. Much like a certain rich white chick spent her life telling everyone she was of Cherokee heritage, and ran with the minority status through her entire collegiate career. It's a way to game the system on the back of diversity, and no one will game the system better than a leftist.
  21. History will show that the fall of the American leftist started off the python skin-covered snip-toe tip of a social media cowboy boot. These chuckleheads simply can not keep random thoughts to themselves because, in their minds, there will always be a few friends who yell "You go, sister!" But all the other comments are more like "You dumbass. I guess you won't eat Italian food for the rest of your moronic life. Think first, then post."
  22. Not to take away from the primary point of that article, but if you're posting this... ...you're doing it wrong. Why would you, for the past three years, knowingly loan $5,000 to the government at zero interest? And what do you mean by "start us over"? Are you counting on getting paid back the zero-percent interest loan from the government so you can pay off your 19% interest credit card debt to "start over"? Otherwise...y'know...Yahoo News. I can scan Twitter and find ten people who believe they've been anal-probed by aliens, but you don't see me writing an article about it.
  23. I don't give a crap who recognizes it as an issue. It's an issue because lazy people make it an issue. If you think Congress must "look" like America, then let's have that discussion. If you want Congress to "look" like America, then why doesn't your emoticons of Dems show more homeless people? They certainlyi ensure there are enough of them living on their streets. And how about drug addicts? There are more homeless people and drug addicts than there will EVER be transgender third graders, yet it's the third grader who gets the new bathroom. THAT is the Dem America. Why don't they elect more cancer survivors, or obese 7-11 clerks who consider the Slurpee to be a major food group? Why don't they elect more people who are hair follicle-challenged? How about a few from the southern states who still hold the dream that one day their single-wide will be a double-wide? How about more mentally handicapped? How about more wheel-chair bound? But no. Skin color and gender. The same damn things we're told should NOT matter when we make a choice. If you genuinely want Congress to look like America, try not to be so divisive about it. There's more to this country than skin color and gender, but you have to want to see it first.
  24. Wow. Racist much? Why is everything skin color to you leftists? It's 2019. Maybe you should drop your excessive need to label and qualify people specifically and exclusively on how they look. Brutal.
  25. Eliminate the red lips and you can sell it any cold-weathered town.
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