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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. To verify your access, please click on all the trains you see in this photo. We'll wait.
  2. Again, it goes back to the left's lack of a message beyond #orangemandbad. When you don't have a message, a message will be assigned to you. AOC has filled that gap. Now the message is: 12 years left to live, socialism is great, late-term abortions are worth cheering about and oh, by the way, we don't need no stinkin' borders.
  3. What most leftists will never understand is that CA was NEVER going to actually build a bullet train system. They WERE, however, going to take billions of taxpayer dollars and pass it along to friends, all the while telling everyone how it's over budget and "WE NEED MORE MONEY!!!" It was money-laundering at its best, which is why the Feds are auditing the state for the $9B given to CA through DOT's Federal Railroad Administration. I suspect the audit is what is leading Newsome to admit that CA stole $77B to lay down a 100-mile track between two places no one wants to visit.
  4. Virtually every Dem who has announced their 2020 candidacy has backed her Green Deal resolution. Check it. From Kamala Harris and Fauxcahontas to Corey Booker and Bernie Sanders, they're ALL on board and support it. That's a lot of things, but 'not taking AOC seriously' isn't one of them.
  5. What's funny is when an incoherent nutbag like Exhiled calls you a xenophobe right before complaining that people are name-calling. This is usually where he explains he's just being ironic, in an Alanis Morissette kind of way.
  6. I have a number of friends who are devout Jews (insomuch as they do what they're supposed to do on Jewish holidays), and every one of them somehow believes that the Dems represent their best interests. It's crazy because the left goes out of its way to hate Jews. I would have thought they would rethink their position once Obama tossed Netanyahu out the servant's entrance years ago at the WH. On the upside, they all live in either Hollywood or NY/NJ, so at this point their Dem votes just lead to calls for elimination of the electoral college.
  7. Xenophobe!!! You're all xenophobes!!!
  8. You can just imagine @Tiberius, curled up in the fetal position at home, wishing upon wish that this report was not true. Wishing that he could have just one more day of believing that the reason a money-laundering ***** like Hillary Clinton lost SO BADLY to a giant orange marshmallow peanut...is because the world would MUCH rather be led by a giant orange peanut than a woman who can't even navigate a flight of stairs or watch balloons fall without losing her marbles. Thoughts and prayers until your next conspiracy, Tibs. Thoughts and prayers.
  9. She's is a far, far, far lefty leftist. She'll never see herself as the idiot. She'll see herself as the person who just needs to explain things better to all the stupid people.
  10. I'll try to find it later. She was beaten up pretty quickly.
  11. And yet they still weren't stupid enough to vote for Hillary.
  12. And they call THIS, "Screw You, Californians!" CA sees no way to get high speed rail up and down the coast, but how would the 100-mile stretch from Merced to Bakersfield like their own $77B train? What's important to remember is that yes, billions have been spent on pretty much nothing, but friends of the government got their billions, and that's all that matters. FU, CA. Can't wait to stop contributing to your embarrassing stupidity.
  13. The problem with Kamala Harris is that her approach to everything, from getting a job to running for office, does nothing but hurt women. She's not the powerful, smart, genuine and strong female role model. Her completely embarrassing tweet yesterday about how Trump's tax cut is reducing incomes because tax rebates are lower is just the stupid sauce on her idiot sandwich. She's a vile pig who doesn't care if she's sucking a married man or a late-term baby from a womb, as long as there's money and power left over when she's wiping her chin.
  14. Man, when you pick a losing cause, you really hold on tightly.
  15. Did the two white Dems in blackface get the black guy fired yet?
  16. Do people think that regular folks on the street are interested in attending a rally for O'Rourke? They had 50 groups organize his event, and he could barely fill a Waffle House with attendees. Yeah...2020 should be interesting.
  17. You would think after the same embarrassing crowd reporting on Hillary vs. Trump during the last election that the media would realize no one believes them anymore when it comes to crowd sizes and polls.
  18. When did you become this stereotypical, all-too-predictable Tibs /34/baskin-like purveyor of far-left nothing-else to-offer nonsense? Seriously. We already have those guys to post the first thing they get each day off Vox.com. Be different.
  19. Something tells me this won't end well.
  20. Actually, it's funny as hell. If people didn't believe it, it sure the hell wouldn't make it on a Bloomingdales mannequin.
  21. That's an old article, but it supports what I was saying about PP giving millions of dollars to politicians who subsequently make it legal to kill a baby if it survives the abortion. There's more money in baby parts that are removed right after the baby is delivered, rather than harvesting them in the womb. So now the doctors can, "oops," deliver a live "product of abortion," THEN harvest the parts for more money. More money to PP means more money to the Cuomos and Northams of the world, and so goes the circle of life. Or death, if you're a Democrat.
  22. The team has picks and money. They can find a stud RB, preferably one who doesn't kick women.
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