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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Yes, but a lot of times when I return to the "Reply to this topic" field, what I lost is somehow autosaved as soon as I move the cursor to the field.
  2. What you wrote was that Amazon paid no federal taxes. You took the time to post an article that was inaccurate, and create a thread title that was inaccurate, and yet somehow I'm the one who needs to read? At least you popped back in to remind us why you left. At the very least, if you're going to post a ridiculous topics like "Amazon didn't pay federal taxes" or "Global Warming Cooling Climate Change Is Real" then at least have the common message board courtesy to not run away every time you post something. Hell, even Tibs stays for his threads, and he still struggles with the concept of a fork.
  3. He blames the issue on "identity politics?" Gee. So odd. Dems are usually so honest and straight forward with their assessment of things.
  4. This is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read here. You genuinely believe that in the history of the world, Trump supports whine and cry about bias more than any other group? Wait. Let me guess. I need to adjust my sarcasm meter. What Trump has managed to do is show the bias to be SO blatant and SO obvious, that even non-Trump supports complain about it. You honestly find DC Tom to be a Trump supporter? GG? DR? Me? The orange peanut is embarrassing as all hell, but he makes the left piss their pants so badly and so often, you're essentially left to make ridiculously embarrassing statements like, oh, gee, "Trump supporters cry and whine about it more than any group in history." Just because you're surrounded by pieholes like 34, Tibs, and @Coach Tuesday (who never met a discussion he couldn't wait to run away from) doesn't excuse you from making similarly ridiculous comments as them. Try harder. You're no Donner Party jock sniffer.
  5. I'm sure @Coach Tuesday simply got busy and was unable to return. But I'm sure he'll come back to explain how Amazon paid no federal taxes. I'm sure he will. Absolutely 100%!
  6. Smollett taking one for the home team.
  7. Clark, that's the gift that just keeps on giving. Watching leftists foam at the mouth is hysterical. And just when you think they're done, along comes @Coach Tuesday to spit his foam all over the place.
  8. Hey, did anyone see @Coach Tuesday return to this discussion yet? Anyone? No one? Nothing? Gee...how surprising.
  9. I simply don't know how you watch any of the media today covering the president of the United States and not realize that they ARE moreso an enemy of the people than any time I can remember. And for the umpteenth time, I DO NOT LIKE TRUMP...but the left has losts its mind, their lies are early and often, and the only difference between what I think and what they think is that THEY think their work is for the good of the people because their Journo-List bubble blinds them to understand another side that doesn't agree with theirs. It's clear and obvious, and if you want the charges against them to stop, perhaps the first step would be for people like Acosta to stop making themselves the story.
  10. Shot... Chaser...
  11. I love how Harris is looking around like, "Ummm, hey, where's the person who oversees my Twitter account?" How the hell did this woman ever get elected? Oh, wait. I remember. Millions of dollars from PP for raiding the house of David Daleiden to confiscate undercover videos showing PP dicing up live babies. Now that's a modern-day lynching, eh Kamala?
  12. Smollett intended to send two innocent people to jail to take the fall for his hoax???
  13. Duran announced today that if he is forced out as mayor, he will cross into Canada and run against Justin Trudeau, adding "I'll show that cross-dressing Village People gay poser a thing or two!!!"
  14. The problem the left is running into is that fewer people are falling for the "one size fits all" faith adjustment. You can find a Catholic who will defend abortions and bless abortion clinics. You can find a Christian who will marry homosexuals. You can find Jews who hate Israel. To the left, these aren't outliers. They're simply the proof you need that even Catholics, Christians and Jews agree that all three suck. Of course, to the left, Elizabeth Warren is an indian and Kamala Harris is black, so who knows what pinballs are rattling around in those echo chambers they call a skull.
  15. Here is one of the most telling Twitter threads I've probably ever read. Read each one. It will probably piss you off...unless you're a far-left nutbag who feels this is all justified.
  16. Oh, please. Do you really believe @Coach Tuesday is going to read, digest, and comprehend what you just posted? He is nothing short of your stereotypical drive-by far-left socialist gum slapper who pops in, shouts FIRE! and then runs home to binge watch Michael Moore documentaries while ignoring anything that resembles a common sense response to his useless gibberish.
  17. As we've seen in CA, the fun part of ignoring pot legally is those who smoked it behind closed doors will now be free to do it wherever you can smoke a cigarette. How cool to be at a football game, grab your joint and head to the smoking section to fire it up with absolutely no issue? You guys are gonna love the freedom. Just love it.
  18. I am outraged! I am furious! They have awakened a sleeping giant and I will stop using Amazon services, and I'll organize others to stop using Amazon services, and they we'll get @Coach Tuesday to get us Occupy Amazon posters, and we'll march, and we'll yell and we'll... Wait. What? Oh, okay everyone. False alarm caused by our inability to understand something other than a headline. Rabble, rabble, rabble!
  19. I like this idea a lot. You have to wonder how much @Coach Tuesday would whine if people jumped into the football side of the board and started a thread like "Kaepernick Sucks At Football And Only Took A Knee Because He Knew He Was Getting Canned!" with a link to Kaep's stats...and then disappear for the rest of the thread. Surely he would see the value in that kind of idiocy.
  20. How the hell did she win her election? Did she run against a mop and stay in her apartment all day?
  21. CBS Reporters covering Harris go girly shopping with her and O.M.G. it's just SO dreamy...
  22. Once upon a midnight dreary While I sit, Obama-weary...
  23. This is about the place where AOC jumps in to say that being against the wall doesn't make her an anti-Semonite.
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