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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Illegal immigrant in CA with multiple arrests tries to kill female cop...get's deported by female cop's firearm. Body cam is cool.
  2. If anyone should be smacked for their hat, it's the guy at the 1:26 spot.
  3. That kind of sounds like you're suggesting a dedicated Dem fortress like NH is filled with white people who won't vote for people of color.
  4. You're regular reminder that the "ignore" feature is a great example of addition by subtraction. You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options
  5. I hope not. She's the best thing to happen to the Republicans since Guam almost got tipped over.
  6. I think Jussie is too old for Buck. He seems to like the teenagers.
  7. If Bezos turns out to be one of the people, then I think we found someone dumber than AOC.
  8. Showing your age there, sister. Adios, Johnny Bravo.
  9. That was a big hit by The Animals, no?
  10. Buck better hope they don't find another dead black body in his apartment. It might make Dems think twice about taking his money. Might.
  11. But no...the media isn't the enemy of the people...that's just a ridiculous statement.
  12. Hey...this is America. We don't have time for facts. We have deadlines to make and stories to tell and dammit, people don't click on stories titled "Nothing to see here. Everyone go home." We must speculate and adjudicate while we necessitate to facilitate how Ejacugate is a horror of horrors and the only way to prognosticate as to the reality of his fate is to question unabashedly if Kraft is a pawn of Jussie Smollett and his Nigerian castmate!
  13. Not once. Not anywhere. There are more black people But hey, just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean that it won't happen or it could happen if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  14. The left has lost its mind SO much that it's trying to convince people that Trump is promoting sex trafficking so he can build a wall? Yeah, The Donner Party is looking good for 2020.
  15. MSNBC Getting Real About the Mueller Report! At what point do leftists here suddenly realize how embarrassing their side looks on any given day?
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen, your American leftist...
  17. Plus, it matters if you want to live remotely near the ocean. I'm really not a fan of the beach, and I'm really not a fan of all that comes with it. So leaving it behind means nothing to my family. We've been up to Idaho a few times, and it's really just terrific. It's a lot like where I grew up in the Catskills, minus the poverty.
  18. It's interesting to watch the left see how vile they can get.
  19. Completely agree. There are too many photos of him with people like Harris to think this was about his salary. If you'll suck Willie Brown, there's little you won't do to get ahead.
  20. If Kraft isn't the biggest name, why lead with him?
  21. Skip the ocean, accept a massive lake in its place, and you can come to Idaho. It's spectacular.
  22. Typical leftist: pissed off that women forced to have sex with against their will 1500 times a year fat phucks like Bob Kraft is taking the spotlight away from your latest MAGA problem. Quick, someone say something to make TH3 feel better. "COLLUSION! OPEN BORDERS! SOCIALISM! RUSSIA! FREE COLLEGE!" Feel better?
  23. While I'm sure you're probably kidding, this is going to shed a MASSIVE light on the human trafficking part of Trump's 'emergency order.' Assuming the MSM covers it.
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