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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Can you genuinely not tell the difference? Really? Yeesh.
  2. CA is on fire from top to bottom, and the only thing the left can do is blame global warming cooling climate change crisis. Embarrassing days to be a leftist. Just embarrassing.
  3. What Hedged posted was absolutely the entirety of your original post. The logic you're struggling with here is based in the fact that that you deleted the post. Why did you delete it? You had ample time to quote yourself and prove everyone wrong. But you never did that. You told US to go find it and prove you wrong, then deleted the post so you could pretend we're all just making this up and taking you out of context. Caught in the corner now, you go full Biden and deny everything. "I never said I'd ban fracking! I never said I'd defund police!"
  4. Not CNN specifically, but the coordination is clear...
  5. BLM money. Passing it on to journalists along with a list of questions Joe can answer from a teleprompter. It's funny to me that leftists spend all this election mocking Trump...as if they have no idea what a schittshow the Harris-Biden ticket is. Biden can barely read a full sentence, and they won't even LET Kamala field questions.
  6. The Russian hoax has been blown up countless times. You're inability to see it, grasp it, understand it or believe it is irrelevant to me, as your sole purpose on this board is not to present YOUR evidence that it's real, but rather to repeat these hoaxes in some ridiculous attempt to convince people that your brand of unhinged is the one to believe. Which is why virtually everyone here mocks you. You don't bring substance. You just bring the unhinged embarrassment that has become the calling card of the American leftist.
  7. Hey look! I found one of the last people who actually believes the Trump Russian hoax is real! Quick! Get a picture of the soon-to-be-extinct creature! Man, if Trump said he liked oxygen, some of you chuckleheads would stop breathing.
  8. What do we want? Obscure political forums on an NFL football message board hosted by a fan who uses his own money shut down! When do we want it? Whenever the mods get to it! Funniest stuff I've seen in a while.
  9. Where is this systemic racism you are claiming exists? Is this the same systemic racism that twice elected a black president? Is it the same systemic racism that helped provide the lowest unemployment for blacks ever? Is it the same systemic racism that has tens of millions of white Americans cheering black multi-millionaire sports figures? Is it the same systemic racism that tells calls black people 'tokens,' 'props' and 'Uncle Toms' because they don't believe in the Democratic party? I'm looking for it, but I don't see it. Please be specific where I can find it. Thank you.
  10. It's interesting to me, really. I mean, yeah, it makes the board ugly for a while, but what's really funny is that they've got to be ones who don't get to sit at the adult tables. You have leftists out there beating up old people. Burning down businesses. Blocking major highways. Killing police. And we get the guy who is trying to take down an obscure message board. Quite the anarchist, he is!
  11. When you don't have the patience to wait for your governor to burn your state to the ground... Well done, leftists.
  12. Imagine being so politically unhinged that your daily plan is to flood an obscure political message board tied to a perennially bad football team with mindless thread after mindless thread in hopes of making the message board go away. That's a special level of unhinged I don't recall seeing here in a long time.
  13. I wonder who the hell that guy was looking for out the window. It's funny to me that the wacky zebras, csections and Kemps of the world are so incredibly unhinged that they don't even know who they're shooting at any more. They're so wound up they make Joe Biden sound coherent. Yes. It's funny. Until football starts, it's the best sport around.
  14. Looking forward to all the people being compliant.
  15. I understood the reference. I thought you were saying someone told Tom to hit the road.
  16. It's getting increaslngly difficult to overcome these articles. There are just too many Kemps out there who WANT to believe the headlines and cheer them on and even go so far as to blame Trump fans for the rally, and you just can't make that stupid stop. It just keeps growing, which is very unfortunate.
  17. I dunno. He spends a lot of time posting on Twitter. Who did that?
  18. All of them anonymously sourced...all of them ultimately debunked...because all of them are fake stories meant to cover the fact that the left has literally no idea how to run a campaign on policy. They have a candidate who pukes tapioca every time he tries to read a teleprompter and a VP who is so unpopular, the lead story about her is her choice of shoes. And yet with this constant onslaught of anonymous assaults on Trump, Biden's lead continues to shrink and Trump's approval numbers remain above Obama's at this point in his presidency. People who can think for themselves would at least ask themselves why this is happening. But people who can't think for themselves try, like you, to explain that with all these scandals, they simply MUST be true because there are so many!
  19. How does getting rid of PPP make TDB a nicer place? It's not like you can accidentally trip your way into a PPP thread while visiting TBD. I'm not sure I get your thinking here.
  20. The spirit of Christ compels you!
  21. One of the easiest way to spot someone unable to think for themselves is to wait for them to explain how anonymous sources can absolutely confirm anonymous sources. Take that plan to court one day. Explain to the judge that three anonymous people who refuse to show up in court on your behalf believe you are innocent of your charges, and you have another anonymous person who refuses to show up to court on your behalf to confirm the three anonymous people who refuse to show up in court on your behalf. I rest my case, your honor! You want me to believe anonymous sources? Make their names public and have them explain their details; where they were, who they were with, and specifically when it happened. We know the story is a hoax because those details keep getting corrected and the sources are STILL anonymous.
  22. Do you know the Atlantic reason for reporting their story anonymously? The sources didn't want people to be mean to them. So, um, I'll see your Vindman and raise you a "boo-freaking-hoo."
  23. I didn't know about the archive, so I stand corrected. In order to take away Rhino's posts, you'd have to get rid of a lot of people who just mock him. The truth of the matter is he is always very clear about what he believes versus what he assumes, and to paraphrase him, he often shows his work. I'm not sure why you have that much adversity with him. We can all be a little harsh on each other, but in the end, most of what he contributes is pretty eye-opening for some of us. When he started his Deep State thread a couple of years ago, most here were like "Ummm, yeah, dude, put the bong down." Two years later...not so much. For what it's worth. Frankly, when you guys aren't shooting spit wads at each other, the COVID thread with facts and info is stellar.
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