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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You don't realize how embarrassing leftists are until you see them confuse anger with joy. Most of us here don't care for Trump, the person. But we love, love, love how me makes leftists like yourself leak your Depends. Trumptards! Orange Man Bad! Stop telling me to learn code! Open the borders! Socialism is awesome! Love me late term abortions! Best. Meltdown. Ever.
  2. You obviously have a wonderful economy with words, Gloria. We look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness.
  3. And let's be honest: how much of the incredible economic improvements are Trump, and how much of it is simply the business world breathing a huge sigh of relief that Obama is no long screwing everything up and making everyone keep their money away from his greedy little socialist fingers?
  4. I'm surprised Meadows let her go with her ridiculous "I was talking about you, but not really talking about you" response. But lawdamercy, I do love the Donner Party's freshman. It's like seeing posts from Tibs and TH3 personified.
  5. I think he said if you like your 3% you can keep your 3%.
  6. Can you imagine a debate between Trump and this nut. O'Rourke: We need to remove all walls along the border. Trump: Thanks for that thought, Robert Francis. O'Rourke: My name is Beto. Trump: Whatever you say, Robert Francis. O'Rourke: Wolf, make him call me by my name. Wolf: Mr. Trump, would you please call Robert Francis by his real name? O'Rourke: HEY! Someone get my mommy on the phone!
  7. This is probably the part where TH3 or Tibs explains that this is just Trump working behind the scenes to get sympathy for building the wall.
  8. Looks like Tibs is going to starting using the word "emoulements" again.
  9. I finally have a reason to watch the Olympics. This is going to be AWESOME! I can't wait to see LeBron in a skirt to help the women take the gold! Do you believe in miracles? YES!
  10. Girls. Wow. You just triggered a bunch of your leftist pals. They're not girls. They're cis-gendered penis-deficient self-identifying missed-abortion-opportunities.
  11. When someone is making things worse with more lies under oath, and embarrassing themselves and the people who brought them to the party, you step to the side and don't interrupt the clusterfk. You just let it fall apart on it's own. But thanks for the talking point. You seem to catch MSNBC last night.
  12. Oh, sure. Today we love the Pegulas, but lose the home opener and this board will make today's congressional circus look like normal behavior, demanding we gut the front office, hang the Pegulas and start making team choices based on TBD polls!
  13. Ya gotta give credit to the Donner Party for the way they respond to everything. "It's not that we think Cohen is reliable. But it sheds a light on the possibility of it being possible, and if it IS possible and he WAS reliable, then there's no telling how inappropriately the president behaved!"
  14. Along with everyone talking to Cohen today. All of them. Every one. Big surprise. One person here made a comment about Cohen's track record on truth. Someone responded by calling them a Trump supporter. Cohen is a convicted liar, and questioning his honesty doesn't make one a Trump supporter any more than calling Tom Brady* a cheater makes someone a Bills fan. That's all.
  15. Everyone can look coherent when they read. Obama got elected twice for that talent. When she started asking those real estate value questions, I kept hoping someone would interrupt and say "Could you please explain to everyone what you just read?" Incidentally, @GG is right. This is ultimately about his taxes.
  16. Uhhh, you know Cohen is going to jail for lying to Congress, right?
  17. Bingo. Kamala Harris is the poster child for that image.
  18. I've seen her peel a sweet potato. She has no business telling people how to do it properly.
  19. If I were Cummings, I'd call it a day before she gets the mic. This day has been embarrassing enough for the Donners. They don't need her asking Cohen if he received his law degree from Electoral College while waiving a sweet potato in the air.
  20. What you're reading are the drive-by postings of a far-left nutbag getting woke to just had badly this day has gone for the Donner Party. Does AOC get to question Cohen? Please, oh please! Because that would be the cherry on the top of this schittsherbet dessert.
  21. Nothing makes a far-left nutbag whine like realizing it took white GOP president to provide the best employment figures and opportunities for blacks in years...millions off welfare...salaries on the rise...etc. If only your last guy cared about the middle and lower class like that. Just terrible, I know. What will you do when we free the blacks from the Dem plantation? Oh, I know...free murder of botched abortions and the marijuana industry as reparations.
  22. What's interesting is that the Dems finally get the House back, and the only thing they can do is embrace a guy who already lied to Congress, vote to kill babies who were born of botched abortions, promote socialism as the only way forward, and hold up a 29-year-old bartender as the leader of their bench.
  23. Wait. So Booker's message is "Make America Great Again"?
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