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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Impossible to keep up with this Donner Party schitttshow. I know the pendulum swings, but damn...could the left get any more embarrassing? I'm going with "No."
  2. Frankly, I'm happy to see the left embrace Omar. I think it's amazing that the Donner Party is now clearly embracing antisemitism, racism, open borders, infanticide and an embarrassing climate plan written by a bartender who can't peel a potato and a guy who is laundering millions of dollars in her campaign donations to his own bank account. Seriously. Keep up the good work.
  3. You know what's funny to me? People on the left yell every day that Trump and his voters are all racists. They literally have no evidence of it. Not a single tweet. Not a single comment. But all you hear is "Well, that language is a dog whistle...!!" Yet this freshman nutbag makes one anti-semitic comment after another, and the left is like, "What? I didn't hear anything?" It is any wonder they have to hire Nigerians to pour bleach on them to get people to think like them.
  4. Notice how you NEVER see people on the right behave like this. Only the spoiled, entitled, snot-nosed douchenozzles who somehow think they are doing good. Naturally, in Portland, the police do nothing. They let Antifa run the streets. Is it any wonder why the you leftists are led by some of the most embarrassing leftists in AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Schiff.
  5. You know what's funny? Even if President Bernie announced he was implementing the Green New Deal in 6 months, he wouldn't be able to implement it any more than he could implement a "Hop On Pop" economy.
  6. I think this is where S. E. Cupp explains that while some people see a bird that won't dance, she sees one bird as representative of all of us in the age of #metoo; forced to fight off the unwanted aggression of an overzealous lover of bad Elvis impersonators.
  7. After co-oping and, essentially, destroying all the momentum carried by The Womens March, you'd think Sarsour woud be held to an occasional Vox editorial. But as we've seen, the left is increasingly convinced that its problem is that it's simply not far enough to the left. Sometimes if feels like Sarsour, Oman, Tlaib and AOC are all one meeting away from making a public push for Sharia Law.
  8. All I could think of while listening to her cackle was Dudley Moore in "Arthur." "Don't you hate Perry's wife?"
  9. Agreed. She can barely peel a sweet potato. Her CoS is using her like he couldn't use Bernie. She'll take the fall with him because, like most young leftists, she dumb as a freaking brick and undoubtedly signed off on stuff a slightly smarter person would have questioned. Her problem, from a media standpoint, is that he's the one who wrote the Green Dream (or whatever it's called), but she and her media always implied it was written by her to fool other leftists into thinking she was something other than a dumbass bartender. Live by the lie, die by the lie.
  10. Wait. What? Newsome miniature bullet train likely to run out of money. Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, the new leader of the Donner Party.
  12. The HuffPo/Vox/WaPo/NYTs of the world are going to regret elevating this lady.
  13. Man, the left is absolutely losing its freaking mind. But hey...that Trump impeachment should be here any day now.
  14. We both know the crazy train swings both ways. This time two years ago, folks like yourself were laughing your asses off over Trump and every other candidate crammed in the GOP clown car. At one point, Cruz was apologizing for mocking the size of Trump's hands while Chris Christie was tagging Trump to Haystacks Calhoun-pile-drive Cruz off the turnbuckle. You can see me however you wish. You're nothing but an avatar to me. But the truth remains that because the left is spending EVERY waking minute trying to impeach Trump, your 2020 candidates are actually signing on to the equivalent of a fifth-grade science report released by a bartender who last week broadcast herself peeling a potato for what was clearly the first time in her life...all against a backdrop of two white guys in blackface, a black rapist, and party-wide support for killing babies who survived an abortion. Regardless of what you think about my posting style, the Donner Party 2020 is a freaking schittshow of hysterical proportions and you should probably own it.
  15. He's going to expel all the Democrats?
  16. Do you get paid based on the number of time you call people racists? Because it seems like all you do. Maybe that's why you're melting down, y'know. Just a thought.
  17. Yes, but tomorrow I can stop being an insufferable douche-bag and you'll still be a passenger on the far-left brakeless crazy train to 2020.
  18. Let's start with these simple yes or no questions. Just yes or no. Do you think there should be a cap on how much someone can earn? Do you think the Green Deal portion which provides a living wage to people unwilling to work is worth pursuing? If you are willing to pay taxes to provide health care to all, how much are you willing to pay, and who would be exempt from paying for it? Should illegals be allowed to get this free health care? Should college be free? Should cell phones be free? Should wifi be free? Should the marijuana industry be turned over the all African Americans as reparations? Should the borders be open? Are you on board with VA and NY to terminate babies born through botched abortions? Are you okay with PP harvesting and selling baby parts from abortions?
  19. Ol' McD must be sucking his thumb in the fetal position somewhere in Ontario right about now. Seems even the cross-dressing gender-neutral Village People cover band wannabes aren't above corruption. See ya, Trudeau. Hope they let you keep your costumes.
  20. And they ain't votin' for Biden, either. They'll vote for Harris or Booker or Robert Francis, and there aren't enough young kids in the middle of the country to get it done because the older electorate wants protected borders, no late term abortions, and it'll be a cold day in hell when the older folks think a socialist is a good idea. You, however, sound like you are embracing the Dem Socialist platform. Is that correct?
  21. All of your candidates are extreme left candidates. Some are just more vocal. When the debates start, the first question will be about socialism, and when you hear them all talking about how the problem with socialism is it just wasn't done right, that'll be the end of that. And if that doesn't do it, the endless list of candidates who already signed on the AOC's campaign manager's Green Deal will certainly wipe them out. Socialism, Open Borders, dead babies and Global Warming Cooling Climate Change are the Donner Party's priority right now. The problem is that is not the average American's priority. And even if you can convince Biden and his Rhetorical Flourish to run, sticking him with an Open Borders Hero like Robert Francis is a death call.
  22. Exactly. He'll be staying in the Martha Stewart Suite.
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