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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Don't mean to be so flippant, but the truth is, my house goes on the market next week and assuming I catch the wave we see in our area, I'm one foot out the door.
  2. In fairness, I'm sure most of them voted for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he let a few slip out, al a Simon Phoenix in "Demolition Man." Few things make people need more government in their lives quite like fear.
  3. Later, Ocasio-Cortez asked Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan: "Why was your bank involved in a giant boys band scheme that attempted to convince the people of River City, Iowa that simply giving children an instrument and studying the "think system," that the band would be the envy of all Iowa?" Sloan: "I'm sorry. What?" AOC: Did you not collude with Professor Harold Hill by transporting said instruments via a giant Wells Fargo Wagon that was a comin' down the street, causing all the townfolks to sing out "Oh, please let it be for me?" Sloan: "I'm sorry. WHAT are you talking about?" AOC: Next question. Either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the CALIBER OF DISASTER indicated by the presence of a POOL TABLE in your community! Sloan: Check, please.
  4. When you start to consider people like AOC, Tlaib and Omar were elected, he may have a point. I mean, it's not a heavy point. Certainly not heavy enough to tip over Guam, but still... Which science do they hate? The science that suggests humans are causing global warming cooling climate change, or the science that suggests a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks?
  5. I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I write in for SMOD. In fairness, as you know, it doesn't matter who you vote for in CA. For every Republican vote there are two harvested mail-ins. They finally got enough to turn OC full blue. As a side note, I ran Ed Royce at the dry cleaners last week. First time I've seen him out since he retired. I told him we missed him, and wished he was still representing us, and he quietly shook my hand, shook his head and essentially said, "Hard to believe how far left they've gone." Unpouncing?
  6. CRIPPLE FIGHT!!!!! You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The_Dude. Options
  7. We don't make him a saint until he does something that is truly considered a miracle: like getting AOC to peel a potato.
  8. You leftists have lost your freaking minds. Are you not aware how stupid you all look when you do this stuff?
  9. I see all the AOC headlines with "meh" in it. She's going to be the favorite of mindless, basement-dwelling, patchouli-smelling millennials for years to come. #romcomdoctoratesmatter!
  10. Wow. The Donner Party sure likes them some white meat. Why are they afraid of people of color?
  11. Only makes sense since they're led by a Queen today.
  12. Donner Party 2020: Antisemitism, Open Borders, Infanticide and The Green DeaL So much awesome.
  13. Gee, is it me or is every stupid effin' thing that comes out of this nutbag's mouth simply misunderstood? Keep up the good work, leftists. You're really laying down the tracks for 2020. Open borders. Antisemitism. Infanticide. It's all the rage.
  14. I'm not sure a multi-millionaire getting a ***** at the massage equivalent of a Yingaling's All-You-Can-Eat 99-Cent Sushi House and Watch Repair Emporium is what I'd consider 'lucky,' I don't care how old you are.
  15. Josh Allen had 10 rushing TDs last year. Ben had 16. His entire career. Tomorrow we'll compare refrigerators to sponge mops!
  16. Ridiculous. Beane has it right. The Bills haven't worked this hard to get the team with a ton of cap space and a bunch of picks with what clearly looks to finally be the franchise QB to bring in a guy who has the high chance of not reporting to camp and creating the TMZ-like crap that messes with a team. Especially a player who walked out on his team when they needed him most. It ain't holier-than-thou. It's risk/reward and clearly Beane didn't like the risk. Frankly, I'm glad the leak made Brown squeak a bit. Better now than Week 3. And lastly, the entire NFL is littered with successful NFL people who said something nice about a player, and were wrong. Gruden is no exception.
  17. Could have been worse. I could have been Ian Rappaport trying to convince everyone that the Bills are trading for AB.
  18. No. It was meant to get a laugh. I've been wrong about stuff in my life, but man, I really whiffed on Thailog.
  19. Seriously. I couldn't have been more wrong if I predicted a landslide Clinton victory over Trump. Which reminds me. Hillary Clinton. Still not president. Thank you, Jesus.
  20. i once commented that the only problem with Thailog is that he was too nice of a person.
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