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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'll be a 25-minute drive from Spokane. Plus, we've already charted out all the things we typically look for near us; specific restaurants for Italian, burgers, sushi, not to mention butchers, alcohol, banking, Costco, Sams, Staples, shipping, etc. It's BFE without being BFE.
  2. I order it online, and get next day delivery. I just kinda wish I could grab some while I'm at the store. And we don't go near Fashion Island or South Coast except, maybe, for Marche Modern, or when I need to remind myself I'm glad I don't have a teenage daughter.
  3. I had a Keurig for years and got tired of them crapping out on me, so I moved to Nespresso about a year ago and they make some of the best coffee I've ever made at home. In fact, the only drawback is if I forget to stock up. I really wish they'd sell their pods in the grocery store.
  4. Democrats...Kids at 16 should be able to vote. Also Democrats...why are you defending yourself against a little 17-year-old boy?
  5. Her character in "School of Rock" is precisely how I imagine her personality in real life.
  6. I can't wait for Robert Francis to sell everyone on his belief in open borders. It's going to be fascinating.
  7. Maybe so, but our weekly Meatless Monday Potluck is to die for. Chef Jim brings a quinoa kale vichyssoise that's out of this world. Bring a side dish next week and join the fun!!
  8. Ladies and gentlemen, your American left: unhinged and melting down over the most ridiculous stuff. There's a reason we call you snowflakes.
  9. Kind of puts 'getting a third for Tyrod' in a special kind of light.
  10. Based on the argument that Trump is only imposing these sanctions to make it LOOK like he's not an asset.
  11. What good are thoughts and prayers...asked of people who were at a house of prayer. She's not even in her own head. Her handlers need to stop feeling the need to make her comment critically on every single thing that happens. Perhaps shut up on occasion. But, hey...I'm contributing to her campaign. She's the best thing to happen to the right since Guam tipped over.
  12. Meanwhile, the press is hot on the story.
  13. You know who else doesn't win Stanley Cups? Teams from Canada. You can't win hockey. You can't win curling. You're barely strong enough to be America's hat. Here's a plan. We can create a path...a single one-way road...from Tijuana to Vancouver. We can put up a temporary barrier and allow everyone coming in the caravans an unimpeded pathway straight into to Canada. That way, we address the immigration problem and Canada can maybe field a soccer team and win a sport once in a while.
  14. So according to AOC, the victims wouldn't have gotten killed if they understood the uselessness of prayers. Got it.
  15. They get to borrow it. Then they have to return it. To the country that won it. Which wasn't Canada. Which is never Canada. But hey...way to sweep that broom. Wait. I was wrong. You can't even sweep the broom. In 2018 Olympics, who took the curling gold? Huh. America did. Well, I'm sure you got Silver...no, wait...that was Sweden. Well, I'm sure you got Bron...no, wait...that was Switzerland. Well. I'm sure the Canadian women won...no, wait...wrong again. They lost to Sweden, South Korea and Japan. You couldn't even beat JAPAN at CURLING? Okay, well in 2018, your mixed gender team won gold. Speaking of mixed genders, did Trudeau resign over Lavalin yet?
  16. One of my liberal friends has a Trudeau fan club called "Cross Dressers For Curling." It celebrates Trudeau's lack of gender with your country's inability to win a sport that doesn't feature a broom.
  17. He looks like he just left the set of "Serpico."
  18. First of all, it's not strange. Pretty much every Bills fan knows about the team's futility. Do you realize how stupid you have to be to NOT know about this futility? And yet here we are. By our own choice. Our own, actual choice. What's strange, is that some people find it necessary to keep bringing it up after every single, solitary loss as if they're being made fans against their will. Like the team OWES them something for letting them put their dimes in a slot machine. And I'll be honest with you...I wear my fandom to futility like a badge of honor. When people meet me and hear I'm a Bills fan, they can start with the ribbing, but I'm quick to tell them I've been a fan since Gary Marange was under center. You want to talk to a guy who watched Marange throw what felt like 10 picks in a game as a kid, or the kid with the Pats* jersey who never heard of Steve Grogan? I love this team. I love this sport. And I'm going to mock everyone of those namby-pamby basement dwellers whose goal in life is to wait for a Bills loss to, essentially, tap you on the shoulder after a loss to remind your wife is ugly. I know she's ugly. I freaking married her. Go bring your misery somewhere else and STFU. That's all I'm saying.
  19. When will people learn that the true racists in this country...the people who truly despite minorities...are the Dems? They despise them so much, they actually used them to get a black man elected president so his policies could literally make their lives worse.
  20. There's a lot of truth to this statement. One of my earlier times visiting this side of the board I came in to shove an unemployment number in leftist faces when Bush was president. It wasn't even a significant number. Just a small drop, and there was some stupid reason for it, but I crowed about it before it was quickly shoved up my left nostil and pulled out my ear by pretty much everyone here. I went back to TBD where I complained about what a crazy schitthole PPP was. At one point I came back just to read, and I kept reading, and it dawned on me that what happened was my problem. I was like gator; just spouting off a headline with no knowledge about the topic at all. RMPL is best learned here. Plus, you get the added benefit of realizing how ridiculous the momma bears are on TBD.
  21. You know why they're right? Because the single easiest thing to to do in the NFL is predict failure. The second easiest thing to do? Show up on a message board to yell "I told you so." Anyone can do it. Even a basement dweller with a RomCom doctorate.
  22. Don't worry. Those who are not all in will be here the very moment the team has its first loss. They'll tell you how you were homer kool-aid guzzler while they were smart enough to see it all coming. They'll insist everyone needs to go-- EVERYONE--- including the Pegulas, and they'll explain how the team would be more successful if only THEY were the GM. Then they'll retreat back to their mother's basement until the next loss. Happens ever year.
  23. I never understood the appeal of Tucker, but he must be doing something good if the left is trying to silence him, too. You'd think a group of people who consider themselves the smartest people would realize that the only reason they try to hush people like Tucker is because they don't have the ability to counter what he says. Same with people like Ben Shapiro. But hey...I'm sure they see infanticide, open borders, antisemitism and shutting down opposing voices as the pathway to a successful 2020.
  24. Yeah, we're probably going to rent in Idaho for a year and wait for the crash.
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