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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Given the amount of fun I have watching leftists meltdown over Trump, it's not likely I would ever vote for a Dem, especially given how far left the party has shifted. So if I were to give her a chance, I would be curious as to her position on open borders, late-term abortions, health care, anti-semitism, the Green Deal, removal of the electoral college, and socialism. These are all positions the Dems have openly and feverishly embraced for 2020. I'd be curious where Gabbard stands on them. That said, let's be honest...the Dems won't let her in. If they were happy to cockblock Sanders, they won't think twice about kicking out Gabbard so they can run the perfect identity candidate, who would be a gay female minority: Cory Booker.
  2. What he says is he supports a woman's decision to get an abortion right up to birth.
  3. Screw you, CA parents. First grade is the perfect time to discuss sexual identity of historical figures. I hope they don't bring up Justin Trudeau. Even he's confused about his sexual preference.
  4. I appreciate your taking my advice.
  5. Yes, meltdown. Most of your posts are incoherent. Get some sun. Take a nap. Step away from the computer. Don't just do it for you. Show the board what addition by subtraction really looks like. You can do. Just step away.
  6. Cartoons don't make me batschittcrazy. Take a break. Try again tomorrow.
  7. I bet Tlaib and Omar can't wait to shake his hand.
  8. You should really take a break from the keyboard. Pretty much everything you're posting today is based on some meltdown reaction that seemingly has you foaming at the mouth. Take a break. Get some sun. Go for a walk. Wipe the foam off your mouth. Try again tomorrow.
  9. No. At least in CA, they give you a pass. And a phone. And an EBT card. And a voter registration form.
  10. CNN Goes to Work On Lying about the EC. Did Madison really call it 'evil?'
  11. He's barely a longshot because he is on the record for open borders and infanticide. It gets him donors and it gets him a seat on MSNBC, but there is no way the US votes for a guy who wants open borders and is in favor of third-term abortions up to birth. Plus, he needs to get with the program like Fauxcohantas and move the goal posts for the US to be ruled by the coastal elites. Oh, wait...looks like Robert Francis is in lockstep...
  12. We don't have any family here, and a few friends, but we're not dug in. The one thing I hear from people when they hear we're cleaning house and leaving CA is "We'd do it in a heartbeat, but for (fill in the blank; family, friends, work, school, etc). I work from home and she home schools, though he'll go into a high school in Idaho. We're selling virtually everything we have, throwing some essentials in a truck and skedaddling as soon as his school year is done.
  13. Too bad. Her position on guns and the NRA are spot on. The NRA wants to sell assaut rifles to a teenager in Walmart! The Donner Party primary is going to be the best ever.
  14. That's not her style. Her style isn't much better, but that's her style.
  15. Funny. This weekend we literally discussed his point. We love it up there, and we know we love it up there, but we don't know everything. So we'll rent or, possibly, buy something on the water than can serve as a rental. In the end, the big thing for us is to sell our house with no contingencies. I don't want to have to compromise my sale here because I have a sale waiting somewhere else. We get what we want, or we pull it off the market and wait a few years and still buy something up there that can also be a rental, but we can go up and spend a week or two at to keep feeling the place out.
  16. As we keep saying, Donner Party 2020 Positions: Socialism, Open Borders, and Infanticide.
  17. They'll handle it like they handle everything else: tax someone to pay for a study to determine if carp are being harmed, and then have a carp advocate perform the study and write the report that says the carp are in trouble and the state MUST take water from the farmers in order to save the carp!
  18. Forget the conservatism you want. Settle for the progressive liberalism you need! The best way to ensure everyone is equal is to make them equally homeless! Viva Los California! If you're lucky, you'll get a front porch!!
  19. My bad. I read "You really need to get out of there" as "You really need to get out here."
  20. Hysterical. Hey Yahoo! Now do Kamala and Planned Parenthood.
  21. Don't listen to this. CA will have 40M people by this time next year. Twice as many as NY. And they're coming after your wallet creative ways that will make you puke. But hey...at least you'll be able to get from Bakersfield to Merced in record time, so you have that going for you. Which is nice.
  22. A day late, but still...
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