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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Interesting read here...
  2. I don't think it's a stretch to believe CBS, like we saw with NBC this past week, is tied deeply to the DNC. The DNC is desperate for open borders. Making people sympathetic to their plight is critical to a successful open borders plan. This story isn't a mistake. It's not like some free-flowing Vox story about woman who doesn't understand why she can't marry her soap dispenser. This went through a number of editors to get here. What I would add is that the very first lefty here who thinks this is tinfoil hat-type thinking, please explain to us why CBS would run a story that depicts coyotes at humanitarians.
  3. You know who the real heroes are? The coyotes. Simply kind enough to help people navigate their way to the United States so they can be sold into the human trafficking world. They deserve a Purple Heart, y'know? Real unsung heroes.
  4. This is actually kind of difficult to watch. Dude's not just a freak. He's a super freak.
  5. I dunno. I watched the AG in VA get accused of rape and no one paid attention to it. In fact, all of those nutbags are still in offfice and literally no one is paying any attention to them. So if the the AG can rape a chick in his hotel room and the Dems are okay with it, surely no one will care about Uncle Joe copping a feel.
  6. Donner Party, table for two! Donner Party, your table is ready!
  7. You mean Robert Francis?
  8. Gee...looks like Biden us called out for sexual harassment. Be careful what you wish for, Dems, as you will surely get it.
  9. She's a bartender who literally was thrown off by talking and peeling a potato at the same time. She's not writing her own tweets.
  10. The more you read the bartender's posts, the more clearly anhyone can see she's simply a portal through which a specific group is pushing their nonsense.
  11. Or had fantasies about motorboatin' the cow...
  12. Not CNN story, but NBC/MSNBC... For the few people left who don't believe the media and the Dems are one and the same...
  13. Notice he hasn't been to a park lately?
  14. Company does something that won't affect gun violence, loses $150M in sales, everyone's happy.
  15. Emmanuel gets back in line. This is really Trump's fault.
  16. Hey whitey...stop eating what you're eating.
  17. We went on the market last Friday, had our first open house this past weekend, and was in escrow Tuesday morning.
  18. Relax. Twelves years and you won't have a damn thing to worry about.
  19. HEY! The dude had to give up his $10,000 bail. The least we can do is give him an award!
  20. It hurts them when they cry 'hate crime' about every little thing that happens. You know what will make this all better? This.
  21. There are mods here. They'll move it. It's not like this is BBMB.
  22. Does anyone recall the last time the Bills were this active in free agency? I feel like I'm playing Monopoly with someone who buys every property they land on.
  23. Relax. It'll get moved soon enough. Then we can all get back to arguing why the Bills should have picked Rosen so the Pats* wouldn't be able to get him from the Cardinals. Offseason.
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