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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. In fairness, it didn't start out that way. I have a teenage son who's into science, chemistry, etc., and we enjoyed most of the first season because it started out like the original one in terms of being relatively clever. Then it became what they all become after a while; ridiculous plots, tough chicks undercover in skin-tight party dresses, cleavage everywhere, things blowing up, and a bustier-wearing midget in charge of everything.
  2. Seems like only yesterday the left was telling us to believe all women. Now we don't believe the women who claimed they were raped by the VA Lt. Gov. Now we don't believe the women who speak out about how inappropriate Biden is. Now we don't believe anything Justin Trudeau says. When are we supposed to start believing women again?
  3. When I was a kid, a buddy and I used to go to the bowling alley all the time. We'd each throw a couple of practice balls, but he wouldn't start the game until he got a strike. Then he'd be like "Okay, I got a strike. Your turn."
  4. If it weren't for Michelle Malkin, Pirro would be the most annoying conservative voice in the country. It's so difficult to listen to her speak.
  5. If you want to use your handicap to win in a competitive round of golf, you don't use a low score. You inflate your score to get more strokes taken off your score at the end of the round. The few minutes I could stomach, the guy seemed to be arguing that Trump's cheating comes from posting his scores. If you're decent at golf and want to be rated, then every time you finish a round, there's a computer in the clubhouse where you can log in and enter your round for the day. If you only post your cherry-picked scores, you increase your handicap. I think that's what he's whining about. Interestingly, he says "Clinton cheated" because he would screw up a shot, but then drop a few balls to try the shot again. Unless you're in a tournament, that's not cheating because, as the guy said, Clinton always played his first shot. In other words, he didn't play the extra shots. He was just working out a kink in his swing. That's not, however, what Clinton and Obama were known for. They are both known for screwing up a shot, and then hitting extra shots until he got the one he wanted and then playing the better ball. THAT is cheating.
  6. Dammit, I KNEW it! I just KNEW they'd get him on something. Why couldn't he have just raped a couple of chicks like Clinton and the VA Lt. Gov.? But no. He had to sneak mulligan when he thought no one was watching. Damn. Sad day in our country. Very sad day.
  7. This just in...conservatives attack AOC because she's an eloquent Latina... That's right. Our problem has nothing to do with the fact that I've got asscrack lint smarter than her.
  8. AOC explains how her movement is different from the Tea Party because her movement doesn't call anyone names...unlike those xenophobic white supremacists.
  9. We're getting to the point where even bricks think she's dumb.
  10. They're probably just getting their information from the Virginia Lt Gov.
  11. Just to be clear...Biden isn't creepy. He just has an affectionate, physical style. It couples well with his rhetorical flourish.
  12. Bernie Sanders: I will lower prescription drug costs in the US by 50%? Interviewer: How will you do that? Bernie Sanders: We will take the average of other countries, which is 50% lower than the US, and match that, oh, and pharmaceutical CEOs billionaires, something, something, MAGIC!
  13. As I'm reading that article, all I can imagine is Harrison Ford running like a bat out of hell yelling "Jock! Start the engine!"
  14. My apologies to those who feel there was a misappropriation of culture due to my getting a vacuum name confused with music for people who are doing the dancing Americans don't want to do.
  15. I understand, but it's not sustainable. Plus, "they" are going to think Trump is very stupid anyway regardless of who is telling them. "They" are too stupid to realize how stupid she is.
  16. Again, this has nothing to do with what AOC thinks because thinking is not her gig. She is strictly reciting scripts she's been given to study and repeat. She can't peel a potato let alone understand what was happening with FDR. She's the human equivalent of a Rumba, and the minute her configuration is screwed up, she'll be standing in a corner, bouncing off a wall before walking back into it until she gets re-calibrated.
  17. Donate early and often, people. We need this bag of bricks around for as long as possible.
  18. Suspect Wearing MAGA Hat Attacks Victim With Sword Now that the headline is out of the way, let's roll to what happened. Looking forward to the video.
  19. That ol' Joe and his rhetorical flourish. Gosh golly, Joe. You're a big effin' deal!
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