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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Yes, but can those worries add a single hour to your life?
  2. As is the case with guys like him, she was worth it. Today. Next week? Next month? Next year? Odds say he'll go down the road of Anthony Weiner, texting his dick all over until he finds a 13-year-old girl with mad texting skills.
  3. Imagine if Obama nominated a black man to run the fed. He'd be right up there with Jussie Smollett to get another NAACP award. But Trump does it, and leftists like @Tiberius show their racist side. Like I said, I kind of liked it better when they didn't flaunt their hypocrisy like they do now.
  4. Only 11 years, 10 months left. No sense worrying.
  5. That's one expensive dick pic.
  6. You're missing his point. With more government control, the government could then run the infanticide business instead of Planned Parenthood. Lots of money selling the limbs of "products of abortion." Why, with enough "products of abortion," I'm sure @Tiberius is convinced government-controlled health insurance will pay for itself in two short years!
  7. UNEXPECTEDLY!! DRINK! Cain doesn't believe in infanticide like @Tiberius does.
  8. More specifically: anyone who does not agree with his way of thinking. People like @Tiberius are never interested in discussion. They're interested in two things: telling people why they should be miserable and pointing at everyone else as the reason for their misery. But when you cheer infanticide and laugh at Americans killed at an American embassy, you can't expect much interest in dialogue.
  9. You get the feeling she's working on an endorsement deal to sell the Potty Squatty. She's my favorite leftists ever. EVER. I can't send her enough money.
  10. Be careful what you wish for, Parker Mankey, as you will surely get it. Meanwhile, professor thinks she's got one over on average road worker who is just trying to make a living.
  11. You're trying to discuss morals with a guy who cheers infanticide and laughs when Americans are murdered overseas. You're pissing in the wind. He just posts things to get your goat. Ignore him and the board is much more enjoyable.
  12. Remember the old days when progressives didn't flaunt their hypocrisy like a badge of courage? Yesterday I saw a Tweet from Pelosi bitching about the GOP getting a budget together. How many years was Barry in office before he presented a budget? NOW it's an issue. Is it any wonder they are being pulled by nutbags like AOC, Tlaib, and Robert Francis.
  13. Let's be honest. They don't slash the throat because there's no money in that. The money is in letting the baby "survive" the abortion, get designed as "a product of abortion," and then slowly remove each limb. That's where the money is. Just ask Kamala Harris.
  14. It worked for Justin Trudeau!
  15. What if it's a guy who identifies as a woman? The left insists that identifying as a woman is exactly the same as being a woman.
  16. May 20th. That's my date. Once the funds transfer and the keys are handed off, CA can do whatever the eff it wants. Earthquakes, drought, open borders, ban pate', sanctuary state, ban guns and ammo, let little boys share showers with little girls...have all the fun you want. But just get me wheels up on May 20th.
  17. Hey, don't misinterpret what I was saying. I'm not giving you crap about anything. I just know that having a kid drew me to places I would never, ever go. Just eliminating Chuck E. Cheese from your life is a major bonus. But when you have kids, you can't escape it. I happened to be awake when it hit this morning. Just 3.5, but close enough to really shake. Not surprising, my initial concern was "Please, no. Please, no. I'm almost half way through escrow."
  18. CA public schools. The biggest CA schitthole of them all.
  19. Most of it. At the risk of this coming out wrong, it's easier to not see the schitthole part of CA when you don't have children. The network of children's friends merging with school, civic and other social activities leads you to places you'd otherwise avoid if you could. Kids' birthdays by themselves take you to Chuck E. Cheese, or the local park where bathrooms...even in OC...are fully occupied with creeps. Church or Boy Scouts, etc. take you to serve at homeless shelters or cleaning up trash in nasty areas. Everywhere you turn there's someone living in a tent under a bush by a park, etc. Last night's news did a story about trying to address homelessness in SoCal, and it was followed by another piece addressing college student homelessness. College students are living in their freaking cars in neighborhoods because the colleges are making them move their car. It's a schitthole, Jim. And it only shows signs of getting worse. But hey...nice view, amiright?
  20. You know what else that's not? HIllary's inauguration.
  21. Depends on who you are, really. There are a few posters here who would have little to fear. Very little.
  22. Look Betty. Don't start up with your white zone schitt again.
  23. Hey, everyone! We found him!
  24. Still nowhere near as bad as these abortions.
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