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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Every time you think AOC is the dumbest brick around, here comes Robert Francis.
  2. You'll never guess why people are criticizing Kim foxx for dropping charges on Smollett. Oh, wait. Yes you will.
  3. Congratulations. As a 56-year-old father to a 14-year-old boy, I can assure you that public school will turn your son girly long before the name will.
  4. Homeschool, people. Homeschool.
  5. Here's Ben Rhodes from Friday. Is it any wonder the leftists here just drive by with stupid comments. They see what's happening. They understand what's happening. And they're okay with it because it's not their guy.
  6. "Conservative" blogger, she calls herself.
  7. Do you recall which one of the nuts said I was quitting because I was leaving CA? Such derangement.
  8. Y'know, there are a lot of things to dislike about CA, but in my almost 30 years here, I've never had anything but a good experience with CA DMV. You can make an appointment for pretty much anything, and you're in and out with relatively little down time.
  9. The only thing that could make him more sad is if he happily posted photos here of men sucking each other's *****. Oh, wait. But hey...we don't judge. It's probably against the rules for here, but if he loves to spend his days sharing photos of men sucking each other's *****, then he should be free to so with his other Tinder boys.
  10. How do you know when the left is losing their battles again? The go to re-runs tell more lies.
  11. It would make a great SNL bit. If SNL had the balls to mock her.
  12. That's outstanding. One thing I love about leftists...they make it SO easy to mock them. She nails the whole mindless sock puppet Valley Girl thing.
  13. I like women. Thanks. But hey, we don't judge here. You like to watch men blow each other. No big deal. I mean, I guess ya gotta suck something when you're not busy sucking at hockey and curling.
  14. He would do better as a Bullworth-like character. Funniest damn political movie in recent memory, and he kind of reminds me of Trump in some ways.
  15. Kinda hard to do that in a turban and a skirt, but I'm sure he'll give it the ol' Delta Zeta try.
  16. With Trudeau at the helm, you'll probably get invaded by the next pride parade.
  17. I have no idea what is going on, but it does serve as a reminder that if I'm ever in a place where I'm recording something that I will likely post for a lot of views, remember this: STFU and just record.
  18. Who here is surprised that McD likes to post photos that look like men bobbing each other's knob?
  19. AOC gives her version of Hillary's "I ain't no ways tarred!!!" Please donate all you can. We need her around for as long as possible.
  20. Again, they have no message. They have no plan. They have no ideas. They have no insight. What they have is distract and digress. If Cain was nominated by Obama, everyone would be handing out awards.
  21. It's almost comical watching leftists struggle with the concept of individual accountability. They literally care nothing for what other people believe is in their best interest. They care nothing for the individual efforts made by individual people to better their way in the world. And they are simply unable to understand that people who have made a successful life for themselves and their family are perplexed that we are shamed into not wanting to do more for people who have not made a successful life for themselves simply because they have no desire or drive to do so. Once again, they see no difference between a hand out and a hand up. She keeps saying "Tolerance, diversity and human rights" because leftists have lost their message and have nothing left to sell, so they shame people for looking out for themselves first.
  22. Everyone knows the Dems destroyed health insurance/care. Even @Tiberius knows it. But he'll never be smart enough to understand the difference between not wanting to force people to buy a product they don't want or need...and infanticide. He's just stupid enough to think they're one and the same.
  23. Too bad billions of dollars doesn't cure stupid.
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