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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I've always found it interesting how most men love to imagine two women together sexually, but most women want nothing to do about two men together sexually.
  2. If you step back for a second and listen to what you hear from those on the left, you can absolutely see what they're trying to do legislatively. Green Deal Late, late-term Abortion -- right up to birth, including death of "products of abortion" Open Borders Socialism Anti-Jew Reparations Just that simple.
  3. I suspect you're right about this. I keep thinking Harris makes the run because she checks all the leftist boxes and has enough PP money to start her own, small country. But Bernie vs Trump would be a bad thing for the left. Rich white guy vs. rich white guy. The left won't show up for that.
  4. The reason it seems like a circle jerk is because there is a larger number of active posters who don't lean left at all. Most are center right. You see this as a circle jerk. The rest of us see it for what it is; a message board lacking in equal number of leftist voices because the DNC has turned into the Donner Party. The face of the left is now Omar and AOC and Tlaib and Schiff and Waters. It has become the party of infanticide, open borders, socialism, racism, #believeSOMEwomenbutnotallwomen, Blue Klux Klan, and anti-semitism. Most on the left are too embarrassed to embrace this, and the rest don't know how to fight it, so they hide from message boards that aren't found at places like VOX or Buzzfeed. Bring your point to any topic, and make it clearly and concisely, and see what happens.
  5. No, no. They weren't breaking laws ENOUGH! You see, Trump WANTS them to break laws and he'll keep firing people until he finds the devil he needs. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!
  6. And still cost less and work better than California's bullet train. (For the habitually triggered, this was a joke.)
  7. I've never see that show, and I have no idea who she is or who puts this out, but she did a great job. Really likable personality. I'll take "Opposites of 'really likable personalities' " for $200, Alex.
  8. Those wall AC units are loud. Turn them up to high and no one can hear the young, gay, black boys dying in Buck's home. Dude must have a ton of cash to get away with this.
  9. He photoshopped a photo on the phone. Buck is a far-left donor who has had two young, black gay boys die in his West Hollywood home in the last 18 months. Lieu took a bunch of Buck's money, even after the second boy was found. No one has questioned Buck yet as to why young, black, gay men keep ending up dead at his house.
  11. Sorry. I responded to someone I thought could think for themselves and have a conversation. My bad. I won't make that mistake twice. Carry on.
  12. You know what you want to see. You don't even have to look any farther than this weekend to realize where the divisiveness remains. Since last Friday, countless politicians, news orgs and celebrities have been writing about, reporting on, and tweeting about Trump calling asylum-seeking immigrants as 'animals.' I even have a friend on Facebook show a photo of herself and kids at the Statue of Liberty on April 1, and underneath it writes, "Five days later, Trump calls immigrants 'animals.' " They all ran with a story even they KNEW it was not only a year old video, but he was specifically referring to MS-13 gangbangers. There is literally no denying this happened.. Trump undoubtedly pokes the bear, but the bear got him elected, and it's pissing its pants because they made Hillary lose to a giant, orange, peanut-shaped marshmallow.
  13. But he'll pull in a few million dollars, bow out and have a nice little pile of cash on hand.,
  14. It's like a Blair Witch sequel.
  15. It's the only way to preserve our natural racehorses!
  16. "We need MORE violins in high schools! Not less!"
  17. Good think AOC didn't read it that way. She'd go all Emily Litella on them.
  18. Because it's hard to say "I ain't no ways tired" in a decent Jewish accent.
  19. Man, you leftists are the best entertainment I've seen in years.
  20. Getting really, really tired of watching this coordinated lie take place all over the place and no a single leftist calling out it out. Omar...this is a lie. If you were able to think for yourself, you'd know that. Stick to what you're good at: hating Jews. And that's no lie.
  21. We should send Obama in to retrieve the money he gave them.
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