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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Interesting read for those of us who don't follow this stuff all the time.
  2. I come here saying "So long, suckers!" kind of like how you come to a Bills message board on the day of a loss and talk about the beautiful day you had at a farmer's market instead of watching the Bills. Truth is, it's really not just about the money I make but also about how they spend the money they take from me relative to the restrictions they put on my life. The laws. The regulations. The excessive taxes simply because they KNOW they have a bunch of people who are making enough money to not care that the state is sneaking a bit more of their money here and there because "infrastructure!" or "global cooling warming climate change!" They nickel-and-dime the crap out of the wealthy, and to the wealthy, it's just change in their cushions. To the rest of us, it's burdensome. In the end, like you said, it comes down to what you can make here. Because of the nature of my company, I can move anywhere and earn the same salary. The numbers totally stack in my favor.
  3. Completely understand. My industry isn't like that. I make a shitload more money just by moving out of the state.
  4. Little primer for you. CA registration is due next month on my Ford F150 for $662. Get to pass that and register it in Idaho for $79, and it covers two years.
  5. May 20. Still on target.
  6. A note to the fine folks like @transplantbillsfan who come to the board occasionally to complain of a right-wing circle jerk: This place would maybe appear less of a circle jerk to you if someone...anyone...from the left could possibly appear in a thread like this and reliably defend Waters. But you can't. Perhaps the problem is less circle-jerk and more a progressive party devoid of any genuine knowledge about what the in the everlovin' eff they're doing.
  7. There is only one bad guy, according to the Dems, and that's Donald Trump, who, they will explain any moment now, is bringing in Assange to take the focus off the Mueller report.
  8. That explains why he emerged looking like David Letterman.
  9. Maybe they're just bringing him back so he can be Chelsea Manning's bridesmaid.
  10. The problem, however -- and I mean this as honest dialogue, not as a trite little shot at leftists -- is that the base of the left is unable to process that kind of honest thinking. Their leadership must have a boogy man. They must have an enemy. And they -- and the media that supports and strengthens them -- will never take their sights off Trump as an enemy because it's how they load their coffers with cash. Greatest meltdown ever, but significant lost opportunity because it lieu of finding solutions to a true crisis, the progressives are by default pulled further and further left to the extent that any center-left voice is considered a white nationalist nazi pig.
  11. Can someone tell me if they ever recall, in their lifetime, a time when the left was as unhinged as it has been for the past two years? I mean, you leftists have lost your freaking minds and you're starting to embarrass everyone. Unbelievable.
  12. This surprises me. Biden and Bernie ahead of Kamala in CA?
  13. Good catch. I wrote Christian, but I meant Catholic. Which, as you said, is worse for her. But people like Pelosi and Cuomo are Catholics for the money. And shame on the Catholic church for backing them. Every bit the hypocrite that Pelosi and Cuomo are.
  14. It depends. What is she doing to make you think she's harassing you?
  15. Sorry for posting the condom thing in the wrong thread. Meant to put in the Greg's Ashes thread.
  16. Why do people think this is the way something should work? Do they really think that the guy who won't wait for consent is going to buy a condom that needs to be opened by four hands?
  17. Bold move by Swallwell: Ban and Buy Back every gun that doesn't exist.
  18. Many who criticize call themselves Christians. They simply don't understand that Christ would be the first to welcome the LGBTQ crowd wherever he was. Of course, Nancy Pelosi considers herself a devout Christian, and is fully in favor of third-term abortion. Look at Bishop Strickland jumping on Cuomo. Most of the left have principles right up to the moment someone is writing them a check.
  19. The reason you see this almost exclusively applied to conservatives is because the progressive left specifically chooses this strategy. Progressives do not believe in individual accountability and responsibility. They do not believe you are smart enough to take care of yourself. So they create labels, and assign those labels to you in an effort to communicate what is either right or wrong with your existence. You're not a follower of Christ. You're anti-LGBQT. You're not a skeptic. You're a denier. Your not a person who sees people for their character and not their skin-color. You're an alt-right white nationalist. You're not a person who only believes abortion is only acceptable in cases of rape or health of mother/child: You're a misogynist. You're not a person who understands the difference between a hand out and a hand up. You're a racist. You're not a person who doesn't agree with liberal policies. You're a Nazi. On and on it goes.
  20. You joke, I suspect, but I'd be lying if I didn't tell you this has crossed my mind more than once. For the past dozen years, they seem to always have odd timing.
  21. It's really unfortunate, but the reality is that this is less about Chick Fil A and its Christian owner, and more about money. The far left donates tens of millions of dollars to anyone who even sniffs at the idea of being pro-LGBQT. You'll notice you're eight paragraphs into the article before you hear the name Sean Ryan. This is the state legislator who pushed for the ban. Sean is of the mindset that a Christian-based company -- a compnay that is repeatedly reported as first on the scene of disasters like fires, floods, or hurricanes, handing out free food and drink -- is actually spreading hate and discrimination. His campaign war chest is likely heavily padded right now, and is probably growing with each campaign mailer he sends out about his accomplishment.
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