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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Is he a man? Or is he a muppet? If he's a man...he's a muppet of a man.
  2. You also have to temper salaries to accommodate the dumbest truth about teaching: tenure. When you can have a job from which you can NOT be fired, simply because you stayed with it long enough, you're begging for a defective product and red ink.
  3. So funny how in one quick post we find out conservatives, by their very nature, are afraid of change and risk, and in the next comment we find out that it doesn't really matter anyway because people are too stupid to make the right decision about who gets elected. Thank goodness we have the far left here to tell all the stupid people how to think by insisting the coastal elites choose their leaders. How stupid the rest of the country must be to look at NY and CA and think "We should really have our government decided by people whose consistent contributions are staggering taxes, hundreds of thousands of homeless people, sanctuary for illegal criminals...and the equal opportunity to take a dump right in the middle of the street while hoping you don't get typhus." It's not just addled. It's unhinged and delusional.
  4. Hey...you and AOC agree... \
  5. Idaho gun laws are funny. And by funny I mean they don't have any that extend beyond federal law. Basically, you're 18...and you're legal.
  6. My wife dragged me kicking and screaming into homeschooling. I was a solid D student and my wife holds a GED. We had no business trying to teach my son. But he was not doing well in school, and one of the teachers suggested she felt the problem was boredom because the pace was too slow. Naturally, as a parent, you immediately think "Yes, my son is smarter than everyone else," but we paid a bunch of cash for an aptitude/IQ test, and he tested off the charts. They recommended advancing him in a number of classes, and ultimately homeschooling through the Biola University PSP program became one of the best moves we ever made. You know it's working because CA is going after homeschooling guns blazing. You have crackpots who 'claim' homeschooling, but end up chaining their kids in a basement or driving them off a cliff (remember those stories?) so CA is pushing so that every house designated for homeschooling is subject to random Fire Marshal inspections of your house. Any day. Any time. They can enter your home "just to be safe." Naturally, this scares some parents. CA teachers unions rule the schools.
  7. Been traveling a bit, and haven't had time to pay close attention, but what I've been able to determine from news reports is that there was no collusion, no obstruction, Trump is kind of a douche and the Donner Party has decided it wants to double down on all of this as they get ready for 2020. Damn. You'd think all those Harvard graduates would be smart enough to move on.
  8. First, your comment about friends or social skills says all I need to know about how very little you know about homeschooling. They don't spend every day home, are tied to a curriculum and attend classes with other kids whose parents homeschool. There is plenty of social interaction, not just at the classes they attend, but social events like dances or movie nights or bowling nights, etc. So maybe understand what homeschooling is before you give us the textbook public school teacher I-get-paid-to-have-asses-in-seats complaint. More importantly, they're not tied to a teacher and a curriculum that is meant to educate the lowest common denominator, and since he can work at his pace instead of the pace dictated by the three kids who should have stayed back a grade, he can advance his education better and faster than a public teacher could ever hope to accomplish. My eight grade son goes into high school next year with 10th-grade science and 11th-grade math. They're taught to be self-sufficient in their study time and assignments. But hey...congratulations on helping two whole children attend Harvard. Quite the accomplishment. Did they tell the college they were from Kenya to get in or did they just share their recipe for Pow Wow Chow?
  9. There's a reason homeschooling is such a huge part of our country's educational fabric. Americans no longer feel guilty when they don't equate a soldier with a teacher. There was a time. Not anymore. If you have a school age child, you owe it to yourself to do WHATEVER you can to pull them from the public education system and either homeschool them or get them into a private school where you are directly involved with the curriculum. Or...let someone like @transplantbillsfan educate them and watch the growth of another mindless snowflake who doesn't understand why everything isn't free.
  10. "I don't need to donate money because I'm already neglecting my kids to be with you" is precisely the kind of stupidity we're going to munch on for weeks when the debates begin.
  11. You're the last person engaging that choad. Just ignore him like everyone else and he WILL go away. He's not here to make a point. He's here to get reactions and you're the last one giving him reactions. Take away the reactions and he returns to the basement to pick on 13-year-olds playing Call of Duty. Please. Ignore him.
  12. There must be a crapload of money to be made by being this stupid. But the left is never short of people like this, who will cater to their darkest base in order to pull in a couple of million bucks before bowing out of the 2020 race.
  13. Weaponized the ignore feature? Just wait until we unleash the holy hell that is emoticons!!!!
  14. Why, you might even say Trump acted "stupidly."
  15. Perhaps we should dig into Ms. Porter's finances a bit. How did you become the first Democrat to ever get elected in CA 45? You raised almost $7M and and spent nearly ALL OF IT to become a Congresswoman? Did you not have an extra $500/month to help that poor woman in Irvine? You know how to spend $7M of other people's money Ms. Porter. Can you not figure out how to help this woman figure out the $500/month shortfall? Why, that's $6,000 a year, Ms. Porter. A simple $60,000 for ten full years to help this woman! You got that much money FROM ONE DONOR! Hypocritical schittwhore.
  16. This is classic pussified snowflake stuff right here: The American Flag feels aggressive. How pathetic.
  17. Putting this here since the Donner Party appears intent on making 'socialism' one of their leading promises for 2020.
  18. Oh, and when you've lost Cher... Update: Apparently Cher has no idea what to do given this was a post from two years ago.
  19. If the woman had even the slightest ability to think for herself, the minute Booker said Trump is trying to instill fear, she would ask 'How so?" NY, CA, etc. all have very, very clearly defined status as sanctuary city. Very clear. If these cities and states are very clear that you, as an illegal, can come to their city and be safe from ICE. WHY would they not embrace this? Why not show everyone what being a sanctuary city is all about? But no. Trump has them crapping purple Twinkies right now, caught openly and loudly in their own hypocrisy. The only fear Trump is instilling is in the leftists who, once again, failed to think something through.
  20. Interesting read a while ago about how Minnesota is a hotbed for recruiting Somali terrrorists. Weird how they elected a woman to Congress who called 9/11 "something that someone did." Eh. Maybe I'm just imagining things.
  21. I feel like mine is the only household in the world that doesn't watch Game of Thrones and has no idea what any of that means.
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