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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Hey, I admittedly don't follow hockey, but I saw this on Twitter and was wondering if anyone knew what this was about?
  2. And in the end, the bolded is the way this will fall off the map. I've been following all of this info about Hillary and Obama and the server and the money laundering and the colluding with the media, and the bottom line is they get away with this because they can. NO ONE is going to cover this to the extent that change will take place. All we end up with is another six months of people on Twitter posting things like "Schitt's about to hit the fan!" or "It's all about to unravel!" And then nothing goes down and nothing unravels and two months later they return with "This is bad news for Obama! People are going to jail!?" And then nothing will happen. Again.
  3. Mayor Pete does himself no favors going after Pence. In spite of the way the left lies to sue Christians into a stereotype, genuine Christians have open arms for homosexuals. Yeah, I get it. The Bible is strict about gay marriage, but other than the hard-core evangelists who take the word of God out of context or are considered legalistic, Christians would vote for a homosexual. And trying to rile the LGBTQ base by going after Pence, a man who has always said nice things about Pete, is bad advice. And by LGBTQ, I don't mean this...
  4. I never understand the need to kind of mock someone like this. The dude's personality was a bit strange, but he was one bad Pete Carroll decision from handing the Pats* another SB loss. Feed him the ball there and it's game over. You can't say that about a lot of backs. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Marshawn.
  5. Let's be honest. It never would have happened if Obama didn't give us eight years of stagnation! Thanks, Obama! You're the best! AND you had Hillary's emails! Is there nothing Obama can't do?!??
  6. One of the best setup lines ever.
  7. That article is from 2015.
  8. If you look at the second picture, you'll see a guy in military garb to the right of the queen. Don't let him fool you. That's no military guard. That's Frank Drebin. And he's going to save the queen again.
  9. My wife's mother is somewhat eccentric. She can be talking about something, and then, like a file you click too fast on a old PC, she'll kind of spirals a bit, look off into the distance as if to study a bug on the wall -- you can almost see the hourglass spinning -- and then she'll suddenly blurt out a word that has nothing to do with the topic. "Well, you know, when we lived in Covina, we had a neighbor who used to....(pause, pause, pause, reboot, reboot, reboot and then, suddenly)...MEATBALL!" That's Exiled in a nutshell.
  10. The left has lost its mind. Are you kidding me? Did you get enough donations to throw in the towel ALREADY?
  11. Oh, well, then...I guess AOC is correct! Thanks for fixing this, Donald Trump!
  12. Man, oh, man, this broad is the gift that keeps on giving.
  13. Max Boot almost makes Jennifer Rubin seem coherent.
  14. And he'll beat you within a hare of your life.
  15. She make'em heap big promises!
  16. DeBlasio is going to win re-election in a mudslide.
  17. Washington Post: Sri Lanka Bombings Stoke Far Right Anger in the West. According to WaPo far right leaders were kind of upset about the bombing, but the minute it was announced that Muslims did it, the far right got REALLY upset. Can't imagine a more embarrassing time to be a leftist.
  18. IMPEACH! IMPEACH! Oh. Wait. Nevermind. (Welcome back, @B-Man. I don't know what I missed more: your links or the people who bitched about them.)
  19. First of all, it's not funny. It's literally what the Dem 2020 candidates talk about. And yes, @Joe Miner is correct; I totally forgot about late term abortions. Second, do you honestly and genuinely believe going after Trump is going to force him and others to behave better? It's so far out of our reach it's not even funny.
  20. My advice for the Dems is simple: stick to their current message, which is: Impeach Trump New Green Deal Open Borders Socialism Reparations Follow my advice to 2020 success.
  21. It stunning to me that anyone thinks trying to impeach Trump is a good idea, let alone doing it based on the concept that even though he was fully cleared of collusion, it's a good idea anyway because we don't want people to think he didn't do something. Trying to impeach Trump heading into the 2020 elections would be the dumbest thing the left could do since thinking Hillary was a good candidate. It's such a bad idea, I'd actually donate money to the cause. But that would mean taking away from my donations to AOC's re-election. Choices. Choices.
  22. So embarrassing. The next time a leftist comes to this side of the board and claims it's a right-wing circle jerk, please remind me to post to this kind of programmatic stupidity. PPP wouldn't seem like such a right-leaning place if the American left would stop embarrassing themselves to the extent that their constituents had to always hide in shame.
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