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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Well, you know what they say: If you like your acceptable lie, you can keep your acceptable lie.
  2. At least he didn't smile and stare at an indian or things could have gotten out of hand real quickly.
  3. CA McDonalds worker gives birth at work, tries to drown newborn in toilet, gets caught, gets arrested, receives no jail time, must attend parenting classes. "Okay, so for today's class, let's turn to the Lesson 1: "Drowning your newborn in toilet water is kinda not okay by some people's standards."
  4. It's kind of funny watching the lengths people will go to gain notoriety to haul in campaign funds. It's hard to out-AOC AOC, but this guy could do it.
  5. You can find 700 prosecutors who think Spam is a food group. But thanks for the headline. Really earth-shattering. I bet Vox message boards are all abuzz!!!!
  6. Damn I love this dingbat. You can't even pretend to be this stupid. Donate early. Donate often. This woman has a real future in front of her and we MUST ensure she stays in congress for years.
  7. The reality is that virtually no one cares except those on the left who have run out of things to whine about. Tibs whined about Russia and he whined about collusion and he whined about obstruction and he whined about the wall. Having lost literally every point the left has whined about, this is what he's left with: whining about a baseball manager no one can name, ignoring an event no one cares about, in what the left considers the first in a long line of blows that will finally bring down the Trump administration. This time it's gonna happen. Just you want and see. Trump is going down and a baseball manager is going to get it started.
  8. This just in: Man dead in 12 years, but other mammals have decades.
  9. For most of these leftists, it's a money grab. Many of them can announce their intent, and bring in 7 figures just for the thought. Half the people running are unknowns, but it's probably good for mid six figures for their coffers. Same thing you saw with Chris Christie, Scott Walker, etc. back when the GOP was driving the clown car. I mean, how do you think Bernie Sanders came to own three houses?
  10. Looks like the left has its new boogie man. No more collusion. Let's get his taxes. Trump should say he'll release his taxes after Obama releases his college transcripts.
  11. They actually did a second one with Akroyd as Carter which was possibly the funniest. He told Americans it was too hard to fix the economy, so his new economic policy was going to be "Inflation is our friend." I've never been able to find the video, but I did find the transcript.
  12. Except 4.5M votes in CA is just a smidge over 11.2%, giving the D 89% of the CA votes. Saw the thread below this weekend. Look closely. If you eliminate the electoral college and go to popular vote, you can have a scenario where the R wins 48 states by 54% margin, but D wins NY, CA and DC by 75% margin (highly likely), the D wins the election. Three states pick the president.
  13. In all fairness, the Dems have come a long way. If that were Obama, you'd see a teleprompter.
  14. I'm surprised CNN didn't have an eight-person panel to discuss if Trump really won that golf award behind. Did Trump cheat to get that trophy? Join us for a very special two-hour Reliable Sources investigation!
  15. I'm talking about El Kabong!
  16. When I say 'aborted' you say 'fetuses.' Unhinged leftists try to make themselves relevant.
  17. And your 66th post is wielding the "you post here a lot, you must have no life" sword. Can't wait to see what you do with 67. Maybe tell everyone how collusion isn't collusion again.
  18. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
  19. Thanks, Obama! You made this happen!
  20. It's like the Dems are BEGGING for Trump to get re-elected.
  21. Tha same poster had a great comment about Kamala Harris: Kamala Harris says it’s “outrageous” that Mike Pence doesn’t like to meet with women alone. That’s funny.... Because if all married men did this, she wouldn’t be in office.
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