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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. My office is in the lower level of the house, with two windows overlooking the side of our our property and the forest. In the past week, I've had a wild turkey scare the crap out of me by jumping in front of my window, I've had the neighbor's cow get loose and find his way to my window where he stared at me for about 10 minutes, and this morning I watched a deer leading her baby out of the forest and onto my property for breakfast.
  2. I had no idea Trump was actually a rapist. Was he actually a rapist as in convicted of the crime, or an actual rapist like Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax? Do you believe all women, or just the ones you want to believe?
  3. That's nothing. He should go to downtown LA, not Sunset Blvd. They line both sides of the streets for blocks upon blocks upon blocks. You have to see it to believe it. Just horrible.
  4. This one is even worse. I mean, it's South Carolina Miss Teen USA bad. Where the hell does the left find these crackpots?
  5. It doesn't matter. The people who elected her don't care. Look at her district. Look at her constituents. Once you do that, you'll understand she's not going anywhere. And yes, I've been in Northern Idaho for a month now. Lots of boxes still to unpack, but it's impossible for me to genuinely express how incredibly amazing my world is right now. The house I bought has a really great fire pit in the back yard, up on a hill, overlooking the city and hills. I sit there each night after dinner with my family convinced that I've somehow been transported to the last 15 minutes of every Hallmark Christmas movie ever made.
  6. You say that like the people who voted for her would give a crap. Digest this: the left consistently says... late term abortions up to nine months are perfectly okay the problem with pedophiles is they're misunderstood, and doinking children is a condition that should be normalized black elected Dems accused of rape should be given a free pass Do you honestly think they give a crap about *****? And why the hell is 1ncest blocked by the language filter? What the hell?
  7. This is Fauxcahontas throwing the gun.
  8. In fairness, taunting police as they tape off the scene of a dead cop isn't really a Sacramento thing. It's a leftist thing. That could happen anywhere and as long as there are leftists around, there will be people cheering the death of authority figures. They laughed at the death of Christopher Stevens, they laughed at the death of Brian Terry, and they'll laugh at the death of Tara O'Sullivan.
  9. That's a man, baby! Does this mean we can still go after the Justin Fairfax, or do we follow Dem's suit and ignore the accusation? Or do we just believe all women when we want to? Anyone?
  10. This is probably where AOC chimes in to announce no one cares what Dominik thinks because nobody smokes Parliaments anymore anyway.
  11. I don't understand why the leftist nutbags who pull her puppet strings don't put the strings down for just a few weeks. She has become the face of the DNC, and that should scare the snottschitt out of every Dem. She can't peel a potato without embarrassing herself, and at some point they need to stick her away like they did with Wasserman Schultz.
  12. Frank Sinatra - Songs for Only the Lonely Beatles - Abbey Road Lyle Lovett - Step Inside This House
  13. I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I play Words with Friends and each day they have a Word of the Day, where they give you the definition and audio play of the word. Yesterday, the word was "Pride." There were 10 definitions for this word. The first definition was "An event, as in a parade, primarily to emphasize misunderstandings and accomplishments about the LBQTLMNOP community." Number 10 was something about a group of lions. You WILL be made to care.
  14. The breaking point for CA, unfortunately, was an LA deputy city attorney (Elizabeth Greenwood) getting diagnosed with Typhus. A quick Google search says Greenwood says she has a Juris Doctorate from Loyola and a bachelor's degree in Quantitative Economics and Political Science from Cal State Dominguez Hills. I'm no lawyer holding a juris doctorate, but I'm pretty damn sure she didn't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to earn some top-scale law degree so she could step over feces and rats on her way to the office every day. Now granted, she can leave and find work elsewhere, but first she needs to win her $5M lawsuit against the city.
  15. This is kind of the sad truth. SFO, LA and NY get the photos ops because their policies have led 10s of thousands of people to congregate in large pockets. But go to Portland, or Seattle, or Spokane, or Albuquerque or Denver, or many smaller cities, and they're everywhere.
  16. Interestingly, CA already already forces upscale communities to provide affordable housing to low income folks because it's just not fair that people with money get to live in the nice communities. That said, you have to wonder who's in charge of editorial writing for the LA Times when you read something like this: Gee, LA Times. How can it be?
  17. You see a problem, but Libby see's job opportunities created by the problem. No way those police officers earn an extra $100/hour if Libby didn't create such a terrific hiring environment.
  18. Interesting article. It's odd to me that cities could get residents to pay a special tax to address a special problem, only to wake up and find out the tax money isn't enough and is lining the pockets of special interests, leaving the special problem to grow and fester. Weird. Especially after watching the state bring its high-speed rail project to reality on time and on budget.
  19. Los Angeles: Come for the Handouts, Stay for the Typhoid.
  20. Damn. She was pretty young. Do you know what happened?
  21. The truth is, most people don't really find Biden creepy. Most people...at least those of us with a conservative tilt...like to bring it up because it's a perfect display of the left's hypocrisy. When EVERYTHING becomes sexual assault, then everyone is open to that accusation. Was there really a good reason for Franken to lose his seat?
  22. My second year in college, as editor for the school's newspaper, I got wind of a group of educators trying to get the campus pub shut down. I interviewed various members of the group, who all denied they had any intentions of closing the pub. We ran an article with a huge headline: GROUP DENIES PUB CLOSING. The next day in journalism class, I got taken to the woodshed by the teacher. He spent the entire class explaining to everyone that what I did was a lot of things, but journalism wasn't one of them. It was humiliating, but the lesson was learned. Appears to be an irrelevant point these days.
  23. Show me a leftist who DOESN'T blame someone else for their problems. You can't. It's their calling card.
  24. We happened upon a beautiful house on 5 acres that was falling in/out of escrow for the past six months because the woman selling it is a handful, mostly because it belonged to her son, who died a couple of years ago. It was a slow process, not about price, but about who we were as a family, and was our family going to best represent the family her son had before he died. We played patient and kind, having my son send her letters to let her know how much he loved the house, and eventually we were able to help her let go. We closed Friday, and when we came into the house, the woman left a huge basket for us of treats for everyone, including our pets, bird feeders, and then we found out she fixed all the little things on the inspection report that we took as is (lightbulbs, screens, etc.). High on hill, overlooking the city, with deer, quail, and wild turkeys already surrounding us. Freaking paradise.
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