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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I genuinely don't think it should be illegal to wear a mask. I get that Antifa does it because they're too cowardly to show their faces, but if they're going to randomly crack the skull of fellow Americans, what makes anyone think they're standing around saying "Okay, lets beat the snottschitt out of the faggotchinaman, but don't wear a mask because we don't want to get in trouble." In fact you could argue there are times you desperately need people to wear masks. Like for the cast of The View. Or any time Hillary is in public.
  2. It's funny to me when sports publications, hiring ego-dripping writers, provide a story and include a line right after the lede like "John Clayton was first to report." I'd love to see them apply that always. "Mike Florio was first to get it wrong. Again."
  3. I might just have to vote for Trump in 2020. If he can make people like Tibs schitt their pants because of a speech on the 4th of July, then the damn orange man deserves a second term. I suspect they'll really lose their minds the next time he pardons a turkey on Thanksgiving.
  4. Austin. The CA of Texas cities.
  5. Antifa beats the crap out of a gay Asian journalist, candidates say nothing. AOC releases New Green Deal that calls for the elimination of airplanes, and all candidates are on board. You gotta be one dumb mudderfrucker to even suggest you're a Dem these days.
  6. The world that cares is still waiting for someone to corroborate her story...or rather, the story Justice Democrats told their puppet to tweet.
  7. Oh please...we listen endlessly to how horrible it is that Trump is a sexist pig for paying off a porn star or how Kavanaugh was a rapist, but you mock one black chick for knobgobbling her way into office, and suddenly people are misogynists?
  8. Been happening long before 2016. Or do you not remember what the Obama administration tried to do to Netanyahu?
  9. We need to stop electing people with the last name Weiner.
  10. He only sees what he's told to see. I've read enough of his stuff to see a person incapable of original thought.
  11. It wasn't just terrible, it was lazy. One thing you can always count on from the far left: the moment they start to lose a debate, they say something stupid about Christianity to piss people off and change the dialogue. It's low-hanging fruit for the least intelligent of the left.
  12. I never saw it that way. I saw it as Barack Obama's ego getting embarrassed. He thought he could just waltz in like a Choom Gang get together and walk away with little or no effort. He schitt the bed that night, and his monstrous ego was laid bare for the world to see.
  13. It doesn't really matter. Remember Obama's first debate with Romney. He was as unprepared and as embarrassing as you can be in a debate with having the name Dan Quayle. Yet he still won. This debate stuff doesn't help anyone interested in making a decision n who to vote for so much as it's a self-serving event designed to give the political talking heads something to talk and write about.
  14. Humor often times can be found in comical statements that, unless otherwise pointed out as humor, are easily considered truth. Like this: “Things are very bad at the border,” Ocasio-Cortez explained to the press, “but I need them even more badder. That way the children will be very sad and then I will stand at the fence and see them be very sad, which will make me be very sad, and people will take pictures of me being sad, and people will see those pictures and they will be sad, and then there will be no more borders.”
  15. I'm not a fan of calling someone a *****, but the truth of the matter is that Harris got where she is by sleeping with a married man in a high political position. Brown gave her a number of BS jobs with high salaries while she was bobbing his knob. The only absolute scumbags around here are Harris and Brown.
  16. That talk works well, given he's surrounded by the Purple People Beaters. There's nothing the folks from SEIU love more than some Che quotes.
  17. No arguing with this, but it's not about Obama, it's about Biden and Trump and the way to knock off Biden is to tell everyone he's the reason you got Trump. Look...the candidates are farther left than we've seen in my lifetime. They're literally discussing gun confiscation, infanticide, free college, open borders and the merits of socialism as their platforms, and it's easy to point to Biden, who failed to deal with any of those things when he had the chance. Tie him to the reason you have Trump. Show photos of him touching little girls. Remind people how much he hated black people, and how he epitomizes the old, rich, white male stereotype. He's easy to knock off if they truly want to.
  18. If the internet has proven anything, it's that anyone can be a sportswriter. Anyone.
  19. If any of the candidates want to off Biden, they need the guts to repeatedly say Trump would never be president if it weren't for Biden's 8-year WH.
  20. My apologies if this is discussed in another thread, but apparently Wayfair employees who makes beds that are used at the border are going to walk out on strike tomorrow because they want immigrant children to sleep on the dirt. And of course the face of the Dems is right with them.
  21. You realize she doesn't do anything but what she's told to do by her 'team,' right? None of her plans are her plans. None of her ideas are her ideas. These are plans and ideas put together by the group Justice Democrats. She's today's version of Johnny Bravo. She can't even peel a potato and speak at the same time. You DO know this, right? Right?
  22. Let me be the first to admit...I never thought the leftist meltdown would last this long. It's truly the best meltdown ever.
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