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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. @plenzmd1 Pretty much this right here. The primary leaders of the GOP have never punched back like Trump. They just the left tell lies and misrepresent stories on the path to the high road. That thread I posted is pretty specific to what I'm talking about and, I'll be honest, it's kind of odd you equate that to a pity party. It's a relative comment. I believe most people who aren't dead dog Dems don't find Warren, Hillary or Harris very likable or believable. Their histories are filled with disingenuous words and actions. Hillary = Corrupt. Warren = Fake. Harris = Corrupt AND Fake. Michelle has virtually always come across as above everything. Protective of her husband, yes, but she, personally, doesn't carry much baggage to the average voter other than being Barack's wife, and if you listen and watch her, you realize she's not Barack's wife. He's Michelle's husband. Assuming that makes sense.
  2. What I believe is that if you take Bill away from Hillary's world, she'd never be the political success that she has been (from a career standpoint...Senator, SOS, POTUS candidate, etc.). Likewise, If you take Michelle away from Barack, he's probably still a member of the Choom gang to this day. If I had to make a list of who would be the first female president, Michelle Obama would be at the top of that list, neck and neck with NIkki Haley, but certainly at the pole position of the Dem contenders by a country mile. Her demeanor, presence and speaking skills are everything you don't find in Hillary, Warren or even Harris. Unlike all of them, she comes across as trusting, caring, empathetic and genuine. Put another way, if Michelle Obama was running for POTUS for 2020, Trump would get destroyed. No matter what happens with this next election, I'm confident you'll see here in the 2024 field.
  3. Hell, she can barely make it out of her own kitchen with a potato peeler. This isn't her fight. It's Justice Dems' fight...and they're going to get their asses handed to them by people doing this longer and better than they could ever imagine.
  4. Here's another thread...similar in tone...a bit long, but she's right. She's absolutely right. And this is no blue-check Twitter warrior. Just some chick with a couple thousand followers who has had enough of being nice.
  5. We'll never have a full-on civil war as long as Starbucks is open and cell service works. Not to mention, the only people on the left willing to actually fight..albeit, not to the death, but from afar while wearing a mask...is Antifa. And let's be honest, if they're too afraid to show their face, there is no way in hell they stand up against people willing to genuinely fight back with firearms to preserve their country. So who's going to fight for the left, if not Antifa? Rachel Maddow? Talcum X? Spartacus? Hell, Hillary can't even step off a curb and AOC can't peel a potato and speak to a camera at the same time. There is no one with the balls enough to actually fight. I do believe at some point, a bunch of leftists in the wrong place at the wrong time will try to do some Antifa thing, and people watching will decided enough is enough. It won't last long. And odds are no one from Antifa will be heard from again after that. But it will take something like that because literally NO ONE on the left is willing to die for their cause, while most on the right would. Libertarians would just laugh and keep score.
  6. You write that like it means something.
  7. There is no Hillary without Bill. And let me qualify that by also stating there IS a Michelle Obama without Barack.
  8. True. And anybody who loves the Clintons was willing to ignore his 26 trips to Pedo Island.
  9. Let me repeat...THIS is where Trump has the left in a tizzy. No other person on the right would ever, in their life, mention this *****. They would simply ignore it and Omar could go on her way. Trump speaks, and now everyone HAS to look into this. Be careful what you wish for, Omar...as you will surely get it.
  10. We're going to disagree on this point, but the left has always jumped on Republicans. Always. They wrecked Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, etc. with horrible, childish, embarrassing tactics. Lies so disgusting, most people simply couldn't stomach the fight any longer. What you're seeing here is a person who has decided to push back, and a country that has been waiting for someone to do so. Trump is too much of an ego to admit it, but I believe he saw the window to have a winning fight after watching Newt Gingrich jump on the moderator for starting the debate asking about his infidelity. Here. From that article: That effort never got traction with Gingrich because he's not a likable candidate. Trump threw gas on it. Barack Obama told his faithful to 'punch back twice as hard." Nancy Pelosi walked through the Tea Party crowd arm-in-arm with black congressman so they could falsely claim someone spit on them, or lying that the people who were against Obamacare carry swastikas to town hall meetings, like she's too stupid to know who LaRouche was. Let's not pretend like what we're watching is suddenly unprecedented. The difference here is that the right got tired of the left's schitt and started pushing back, and the left, predictably, started squealing like Ned Beatty on a boating trip.
  11. Itself. Not themselves. The right, in general, may go down an embarrassing slope like yelling 'send her back,' but the right-wing talking heads are quick to condemn it to the extent that, most times, that type of stupidity stops. Just look at Ryan Saveedrea or Ben Shapiro...roundly criticizing this and calling it 'vile.' They're not alone. The right will wake up today about this event, and will be very likely to correct it at the next rally. The left, on the other hand, would never do this because their talking heads never condemn anything the left does. Even the four Maosketeers refuse to condemn the attack on the ICE facility. Ever see Rachel Maddow condemn something like the guy who attacked the ICE facility, or the leftists replacing of the American flag with a Mexican flag. Of course not.
  12. Could you just pick a freaking username and stick with it. I never understand the need to have more than one name. What in the hell motivates you to log in and out of different names?
  13. That's a pretty good thread. One of the things that frustrated me the most about Obama -- and any long-time posters here know this -- is that he was brilliant walking the line between imply and infer. Whenever something negative was happening, he would say or do something that could mean many different things, but was ultimately inferred by the right to be the worst of those things. The right would whip into a frenzy, and yell and scream and and whatever else was happening was forgotten in the fog of right-wing frenzy. The are differences thought, not the least of which is right-wing agitators are small in number beyond whoever listens to Hannity every night. So the frenzy would die down relatively quickly. Obama still got his result though...distraction. Left-wing agitators, however, are much greater in number given they can draw a paycheck for their agitation, and with media assistance, the left-wing frenzy can have a longer, more violent burn because they're much better at organized agitation. The right is not near as organized. I suspect Trump knows this. My concern is it doesn't take much, at this point, to trigger these nutbags to more violence, and I'm increasingly on the side that says a second Trump term will end with some bloody fights if the left doesn't get control of itself.
  14. Yelling 'send her back' is stupid on multiple levels, and I genuinely hope they'll knock it off because it's not who we are as a country. But I find it funny that right-wing people at an amped up rally yelling 'send her back' is roundly criticized by some of the most right wing talking heads...yet when a far left guy charges an ICE facility with a gun while throwing flaming ***** at stuff, the left wing talking heads refuse to condemn it. The four Maosketeers refused to condone it, in fact. So both sides are crazy right now, but only one side seems willing to correct itself. No surprise. Nothing new here. Just a reminder. That is all.
  15. Some people don't care when the season starts. They simply always want to burn it all down so they can pull out their Fisher Price GM Head Coach Decoder Ring to explain what THEY would do if THEY were GM/Head Coach and not some Wegman's meat department stay-at-home son.
  16. Like most leftists, she's too stupid to hear anything beyond that she wants to hear. But if she and the other three Maosketeers don't learn to listen better, she'll give Trump 2020 so fast it'll make Tibs cry like Bill Clinton on the way home from a week at Epstein's Pedo Island.
  17. The DNC 2020 Campaign Message in one Salon headline. Congratulations. You nutbags are tee'ing up 2020 on a platter.
  18. This is the left lately. They're the Shooter McGavin of politics. Unable to construct their own message or even insults, they go into the forest and try out the ones that are successfully thrown at them. You'll notice they will call you a snowflake. They'll suggest you're having a meltdown. All the chides tossed at them. Their lack of originality leads them to, essentially, respond with "I know you are, but what am I?"
  19. Hey, say what you want about Pelosi, but at least she can peel a potato and step off a curb without Secret Service crutches at her side.
  20. Nothing that comes out of your piehole triggers me because whenever I read your online version of anal leakage I just have to remind myself that Hillary Clinton is still not president. I just have to remind myself about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. I just have to remind myself that today the Senate will approve Trump's 63rd circuit court judge. Then I say again, "Hillary lost to Trump," and sleep like an effin' baby.
  21. Biden makes Robert Francis sound like a good candidate.
  22. You know what's funny? The left is so blinded by rage and embarrassment that they refuse to acknowledge that the man they consider the most racist president has done more for black employment in two years than Barack Obama could actually dream of having accomplished in his eight years. Few modern presidents were as destructive to the prosperity and freedom of black Americans as Barry. But I'm a Nazi, so I should probably shut up.
  23. I don't think Robert Byrd would have voted for him, no.
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