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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Tough to imagine what it's like being a Democrat right now. Their party has turned the greatest meltdown ever into the biggest schittshow ever. They somehow think their accusations carry weight when all they're doing is tee'ing up Orange Man for another term.
  2. Exhibit A: El Paso Shooter = Right Wing Terrorist. Dayton Shooter = some guy having a bad day.
  3. I see losing her chief of staff hasn't make her sound any more coherent.
  4. Oh, boy. We're about to find out how much of what you post here is repeating what you've been blindly told and how much is original thought. Who's making the popcorn?
  5. We all know nothing makes Tibs happier than some dead Americans. He was probably throwing a party this past weekend.
  6. Be careful what you wish for, Strzok, as you will surely get it. By the way...are we back to Russia or we still planning to impeach Trump because he sent out a white supremacist dog whistle to a far-left Bernie fan to make him murder a bunch of people in Dayton?
  7. Sending them from all of us here.
  8. It should surprise no one that a far left nutbag who laughed at the deaths of Americans in Benghazi is more concerned about who to blame for mass shootings than they will EVER be about the deaths of Americans. You could easily argue that far left nutbags LOVE when people are murdered so they can pretend it was done by a right wing extremist so they can have a fundraiser for their campaign. From babies in their third trimester to a 6-year-old at a WalMart...why do far left nutbags care so little about human life?
  9. This is one of the dumbest things I've read here, but that's probably because I have Qbaby on ignore. You truly believe that the reason no one reports ALL the murders in Chicago is because people don't live there? Read THIS STORY. Chicago had 1500 people shot JUST THIS YEAR. Then read THIS STORY. New York is celebrating because they FINALLY dropped below their 2018 best of five shootings PER FREAKING WEEK You really think the national media doesn't report on this because people who don't live in Chicago and NYC don't care? People should have to blow into a Stupidity Breathalyzer before they're allowed to post on message boards.
  10. His entire reason for being here is to douche up the site. He WANTS you to confront him. He NEEDS you to confront him. Toss him on ignore like everyone else, and you will experience the truest form of addition by subtraction. At the very least, please don't quote him in your post. You're welcome to converse with the schittstain. Just be kind and don't make us watch.
  11. If you just put him on ignore like every other person here, he will disappear. At the very least, please do not quote him in your responses so we don't have to be subjected to his posts. Thanks.
  12. It's state by state, but the states with the tightest laws (like CA) still have problems...and plenty of them. CA is a mess, and you can barely buy a Nerf gun at this point. While I don't have answers, what I do know is that if someone wants to kill a bunch of people, our laws aren't going to stop them from doing it. I also know that what happened in Dayton is what Chicago calls "just another weekend," and until elected officials are able to stop using events like this as a fundraiser, they'll never be able to come to terms with ways to fix it. I used to go to OC Indoor Range in Brea, which was pretty convenient (relative to going out toward Riverside/Ontario for outdoor ranges). I never bought my ammo there because it was cheaper to buy what we needed at Big 5, and you can take home what you don't shoot.
  13. While I'm sure your husband is correct on the last point, the truth is that the very, very, very first thing you should do is take a local gun safety class. They're usually a few hours, and provide you with the basics you need to know about handling a gun; how to hold it, how to store it, how to load it, how to fire it, etc. The class we took ended with them having my wife fire a .22, then a 9mm, then a .40, etc. She didn't need a gun. She just needed to know how to handle the ones I have in the house. Plus, you're in a class with other newbies, so you're in good company. Just a suggestion.
  14. I think it's funny as hell that Democrats yell, whine, scream and cry about there being too much money in politics...before explaining that the only way you qualify to paricipate in the Dem Presidential Debates is if you can prove you've raised too much money.
  15. Preseason football is like the Cinemax of porn. It's not really porn, but it's close enough.
  16. None of that makes you a Christian. It may prepare you, but you do not become a Christian directly as a result of those acts. You make it sound like Christianity is the same as buying a timeshare. "We need a decision and a commitment before you leave here today!" Evangelicals don't require you to do anything to be a Christian because they can't make you a Christian. Only God can do that, and he requires your personal assistance. Without Googling it...are you aware of what God requires from you to be a Christian? Hint: it involves absolutely none of the things you've mentioned so far.
  17. Translation: Stop watching my family make massive asshats out of each other!
  18. Last night Robert Francis told everyone that Trump said all Mexicans are animals. What an embarrassing tool. He should be bowing out any moment now. WILLIAMSON 2020!!!!
  19. Whether people like it or not, God is pretty clear that he did not like men doinking men, and that marriage is between a man and a woman. The conversation I've had often with people in Bible study groups is this: Are you a sinner if you are gay, or if you act on being gay? Are you a pedophile if you like sex with little kids, or only if you act on that? Lines get blurred because, for example, when discussing adultery, the Bible implies (or we infer) that just thinking about committing adultery is a sin. Here's what I know: Jesus loves gays. He loves everyone. And we're called to do the same, first and foremost. Here's what I also know; many Christians try to interpret God's Word to fit their own will. Some have determined that God got it wrong about gay marriage. (See Jen Hatmaker). If you're going to choose your will over God's, you may as well start having gay sex with underage kids because it doesn't square with God's Word. If you are a Christian, then no matter what evangelicals try to tell you, it's a good idea to remember that God doesn't say "Oops!" Can you give me an example of how someone becomes a Christian through family tradition?
  20. I probably know better than to jump in here, but he didn't lecture. He judged. if you're going to claim to be a follower of Christ-- gay, straight or whatever Qbaby is -- pretty much the first thing you should always remember: we already have a judge and it's not us. If he is a practicing Christian (that is to say he ensures he spends time in the Word and fosters an on-going spiritual transition that is built on having a relationship with God for his glory), you recognize an opportunity last night to be the light (Matthew 5:14-16) to tens of people watching CNN. Trying to make the case that you're not a Christian if you're not in favor of a $15/hour minimum wage is, without question, the absolutely opposite of that. But he knows that. Nothing gets the left to perk up and pay attention like another Bible verse taken out of context or incorrectly applied.
  21. Helluva time tonight. CNN calling it for Warren. But we all know who won. Williamson was brilliant. 500 B in reparations. Let's do this, Dems.
  22. Gil Brandt is the one who knocks me out cold. I understand and appreciate his knowledge, but damn he's the most boring dude ever.
  23. It's ridiculous at this point to assume he's gay. To suggest he's gay means he's lying about one of the key checkbox items for Dem candidates. Makes no sense.
  24. We're all people of color. All of us. It's just that the Dems like to label and divide us based on individual colors. Makes you wonder. What kind of person obsesses day and night about everyone's skin color? Read comments here by the devout leftists. None of them are moving off fryer detail any time soon. Every day on social media I see more and more people saying "I didn't vote for Trump before, but they're making me a Trump voter now." Oh, wait. Those are probably Russian bots.
  25. So Corey Booker is a black Baptist Jew? If he was gay, he'd have this thing wrapped by dinnertime.
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