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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Which is how the media will have to dig into this story. Maybe they won't dive deeper to find video, but every time a Dem brings up Trump and Epstein, Trump will bring up how the media should look into all the trips Clinton took to bang the pedos. And that's almost as bad for the Clintons. The last thing the left wants is someone like Stephonopolous having to defend the Clintons.
  2. Make no mistake...if anyone watches the next Dem debate, they'll see the candidates have gotten their marching orders to stop beating up on Obama (via Biden) and start beating up on Trump. The minute one of those schittshows bring up Trump and Epstein, he'll be on it like white on a hispanic...and the media will have to keep reporting it.
  3. Press is having a bad day, it seems. This Cuomo stuff is freaking awesome. Especially the hypocrisy of him and CNN to suddenly decide calling someone Fredo is a racial slur, followed by countless videos of CNN hosts calling people Fredos...and Cuomo actually calling himself Fredo once. Is it any wonder that the left's base is suddenly reduced to Tibs and Qbabys.
  4. Again...he says what nary a single other president would say, but what many people genuinely WISH they would say. The more he does this stuff, the more you see one of two things happen: either the press finally digs deeper into the pedo world everyone knew involved Clinton, or the press is shown to the world as being the schitshow everyone knows they are. Yeah, yeah, I know...it's not very presidential. It makes a mockery of the office of POTUS. He's embarrassing us to the world. Imagine how devoid of original thinking you must be to be embarrassed by Trump pointing out how Clinton went to Pedo Island almost 30 times to bang underaged girls, and NOT have a problem with the fact that Clinton ACTUALLY went to Pedo Island almost 30 times to bang underaged girls. That's some Tibs Qbaby logic right there.
  5. Based on what I just read, Epstein wrapped a bedsheet around his neck and his neck was tied to his bunk bed. Tricky move.
  6. Hard to remember the last time I turned on Fox News. If you eliminate Brett Baier, it's just CNN without the airport audience. In fact, if you eliminate the time I spent watching the Dem debates recently, the last time my TV was turned to any news station was election night when Trump beat Hillary. And even then I turned to MSBNC, because let's be honest...watching those assclowns schitt their diapers for two hours was literally more fun than watching Plaxico Burress catch a SB-winning Eli Manning TD pass with the Patriots* logo under his feet.
  7. This post has been automatically modified by the Twitter Content Administration and Correction Team.
  8. Wait. Are you still of the mindset that Trump colluded with Russia to tilt the election?
  9. Clintons are probably hiding her in their Chippequa house. No one ever looks there for anything.
  10. Y'see...Billy Idol gets it. Suddenly this conspiracy is a bridge too far for Dems.
  11. Am I spreading Twitter-based junk, or pointing out the hypocrisy of people spreading Twitter-based junk? Let's check with Kavanaugh and Putin, shall we?
  12. In lieu of making an actual argument, the left first and foremost scare people into shutting up for fear of retribution. The only hero is the one who does their ridiculous bidding.
  13. The same source who insisted Trump is a Russian asset. The same source who insisted Kavanaugh gang raped college girls. The same source who insisted Trump and Epstein raped a girl. Same source.
  14. It's funny to me that the minute Epstein was taken to prison, virtually the entire world starting placing bets on how long he'd be there before the Clintons had him killed. He is put on suicide watch, tells his family someone is trying to kill him, he's removed from suicide watch, the jailers suddenly break protocol they have followed for years, the cameras suddenly don't work, Epstein ends up dead, and an entire political party that spent two years pushing ridiculous conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia suddenly are upset that Trump tweeted what the rest of the world is thinking? Yeah, okay. Have a nice 2020 election Dems. Your message is so tight and on point, it's going to be a landslide for you.
  15. I was thinking it would be a wise idea for Scarborough to sit this one out. You don't think Trump will tweet about the dead intern in Scarborough's office?
  16. So let me get this straight: You believe the USA is currently ranked as the 42nd most 'free' country in the world, and your idea on how to make it more free is to take everyone's guns? That's the dumbest effin' thing I've read here all month, and that included a week where people were quoting Qbaby posts. We're keeping the guns, whether you like it or not. Whine, cry or stomp your feet...we're keeping our guns.
  17. Have been pretty busy lately so I'm not up to speed on things. Does the left still believe Trump will go down with Epstein, or do they still think he colluded with Russia, or have they dropped those because they're busy trying to blame him for an Antifa pig killing a bunch of people in Dayton? Just curious.
  18. Tulsi is starting to become the Chris Christie to the left's Marco Rubio. Tulsi doesn't have a chance, but she's going to kneecap Harris before she tries to knobbob her way into the WH.
  19. The dude knows an opportunity for national exposure when he sees one. It's one of the perks of having the left own the media. It starts with a CNN article, and before you know it, he's live with Jake Tapper, then he'll be making the DNC media tour on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, with HuffPo and NYT guest columns, a quick visit to The View where Joy Behar will suggest he could run for president, at which point the donations will come in right before we find out he used to be in law school with Avenatti.
  20. The only thing more embarrassingly stupid than all the 2020 candidates blaming Trump for the shootings are the actual people who believe them. These people better be careful what they wish for...as they will surely get it.
  21. Helluva start. Lost, of course, on most on the left. Especially those stupid enough to think a GPS on a gun will keep another Antifa nutbag from shooting a bunch of people.
  22. You should take your GPS plan to Bernie! Or better yet, why not take over the empty Chief of Staff position for AOC and you can include it in her New Green Deal! Now with GPS tracking for people who dare to fly by air! Trying to board a plane? We're going to melt you down, you punk ass traveler! Greatest meltdown ever! Now entering it's third season! Right on! Same with spoons! The only way to stop the spread of obesity is to to put a GPS in all spoons. If you're a fatass going for a double scoop of Ben and Jerry's Antifa Jubiliee, we're going to melt you down, punk!!!
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