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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Don't be so obtuse and childish. It's not an all or nothing proposition. No one supports that, but if you think all police are terrorists...which you have said repeatedly, then maybe you should check your own rhetoric. Minneapolis is begging for police to return. Watch this poor principal, who simplyl has no answers for what the city is doing. Here's Minneapolis truth...
  2. And I would say a majority of people in Minnesota and Portland are figuring out what life is like when you remove police from the equation. Even the BLM dopes will yell in a police officer's face...until someone keeps driving their car forward, and then it's all "Someone call the police!" SInce the Dems are against police reform, after blocking Tim Scott's bill, maybe it's just this simple: let cities stake their claim: let them defund the police, replace them with social workers, and let it play out. Don't like it? Move to a city with police. Just that simple. Let's see these folks put their money where there mouth is.
  3. Reminds of the Steve Martin joke about the difference between a guitar and a banjo. A banjo has a round pot covered with a skinhead stretched over the top that projects the sound outward, and the guitar can get you laid.
  4. Is it really political nonsense or government hypocrisy? We're told wearing masks works, but then we're told we have to release thousands of prisoners because, apparently, masks don't work in prisons. We're told wearing masks works, but see the politicians telling us to wear masks NOT wearing masks or social distancing. Doesn't that reek of hypocrisy to you? Doesn't that make you wonder where the truth lies?
  5. Ask him why CA and NY are releasing prisoners if masks work. That usually makes him disappear for a day or two.
  6. You start with the belief that all cops are terrorists. After that, you'll believe anything. Anarchists aren't really early risers. They do their best work when families are trying to spend time together at the dinner table.
  7. 60% of the time, it works every time! The problem is that NYC is just like CA: the residents know they're being effed over, but they bend over and take whatever the government is shoving in them. And they'll vote for it over and over and over again.
  8. Tonight's games is one of those games that some fans look at and suggest TNF games are crappy, and no one wants to watch them, but I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing these two QBs play tonight. We know the Browns got crushed by a team everyone knows is very good, but what do we know about the Bengals losing to the Chargers? That game looked tight up to the fourth quarter, and almost went to OT but for a missed Bengals FG. Are the Bengals pretty good or are the Chargers not so good? What say you about tonight, TBD? Bengals +6 seems very generous right now. Who's with me?
  9. Especially if you're a cop. A lot of terrorists out there trying to ambush cops in parked cars these days.
  10. Condolences. Oh, and if you're a betting man, this is typically a great time to take the Pats* and the points.
  11. While I don't think Spikes warrants HOF, I'll be damned if I still don't cherish that signing. I remember Spikes commenting about leaving the field at Rich Stadium after a game as a Bengal, and fans were yelling at him that they wanted the Bills to sign him, and he was so impressed that the fans saw a valuable player and not an opposing team guy they would throw things at. Or something like that. It was also the first time I saw a player show that they knew they had a season-ending injury when the injury happens. I remember him sitting on the field, slamming his helmet on the turf. Thought about him the other night when I saw the Steelers Zach Banner on the sideline after his knee injury. He knew he was done for the season. Just sucks. Anyway...Tasker should be in...so we can stop talking about what an awful announcer he is.
  12. So to be clear, police are terrorists, but what about Antifa and BLM? Are they terrorists too, or are they the ones you're counting on to justifiably take out the terrorists?
  13. Frankly, I've never understood caring about whether it's white on white or blue on white or whatever...as long as we never see these abortions again.
  14. This new marketing department is really on it.
  15. I noticed you didn't write "All Numbers Matter." Is there a reason for that? Are some numbers not as important as other numbers? Are you a numberist? Why do you hate certain numbers?
  16. We're all told repeatedly how commenting about a women on something that you would never comment about a man is straight up misogyny. And then we get this... Imagine that THIS is what BET is discussing about what could be the next VPOTUS. Wheat timbs, dude!
  17. This Biden guy is growing on me!
  18. Well done, brother.
  19. I agree. I suspect this particular game will be more of a challenge than the Jets...but longer term, we know Fitz is just the bridge, so the question becomes Tua. When he's finally the starter, how quickly will he be able to read NFL defenses? Especially the Bills defense, which is pretty damn good at confusing everybody. As far as this weekend goes, it's one of those games the Bills are expected to win. In previous years, it was the game they were expected to win that they seemed to always lose, but this team seems much more focused at the specific task at hand, winning the games they're supposed to win. It would be great to wake up Monday at 2-0, especially with the Fish at 0-2.
  20. All true, but the only thing that literally no one can determine right now is whether Tua will be their franchise quarterback. Now, I know there are more than our fair share of Bills fans who are certain Tua will (a) be successful or (b) be a bust, but no one really knows how he will respond when his time has come. Will he stay healthy? If he is successful, how long it will take for his success to be consistent? Two years? Three? We're watching three highly-rated top QB draft picks crap the bed right now in Mayfield, Darnold and Rosen. Point being, they can have a really good new head coach, but if the Tua pick doesn't pan out, they're set back pretty badly. Think about the state of the Jets or Browns if they wake up at the end of this season and realize they need a new QB. That remains a possibility for the Fish.
  21. Again with the 'shoot the messenger' thing. But hey...you sure got James Woods.
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