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Everything posted by San-O

  1. Baghdad Bob? Is that the same as DeeRay?
  2. So, you're saying having a subpar O-line is a Bills management consiracy to make the team more marketable by having the franchise rookie QB killed his first year?
  3. Maybe. My point really is we have a below average line, lost probably our best O-lineman, will have at least one new lineman starting next year, and possibly as many as three or even four players changing position. It just doesn't bode well. Oh yeah, I almost forgot a rookie QB under center. How many false starts, fumbled snaps and delay-of-game penalties will we rack up?
  4. How many times do you think "the Statue" ran the ball. To run, you generally have to be standing: upright!
  5. And that's the good news, I think. The Bills ranked 23rd in the league with 3.9 yards/carry. That is not good.
  6. All of the sudden? I've been irritated about the O-line for years because we never seem to make much progress and we always seem to be plugging holes. What make sit really bad this year is we are going into the season with a rookie QB.
  7. Maybe some people in then scouting department need to be fired. Four years of drafting and we have MW, Marcus Price and Ross Tucker? Please!
  8. How can we be in the fifth year of the TD regime and still not have an offensive line in place. This team was torn apart, and rebuilt with all TD guys, and now we have a rookie QB going behind center and the only position we know for certain is RG. Is this the way to build a team. This really shows how bad the Bills have been at drafting O-linemen and how poorly they have done on the 2nd day of the draft. Oh yeah, TD does NOT get a pass this year because of a rookie QB.
  9. When will the Bills return to the playoffs, or, how long is the rebuilding process going to take.
  10. There was that station in Canada that broadcast the games. Any luck north of the border?
  11. Oh, what about our problems being "correctable".
  12. "We just needed to make more plays." Oh, sorry. I already posted this.
  13. I think if you are the in the top three posters, you should be banned for one week.
  14. Brilliant! Your happy with the O-line as long as we improve it?
  15. Someone help please, I also need Bills sports talk in the net.
  16. "Where's" you learn to spell?
  17. " I think we played well."
  18. "We just needed to make more plays."
  19. Sure, let's do it! The "need" vs. "best available" are two approaches, then there is the unit draft, to build or rebuild a unit. This year is very interesting because we obviously have needs on the O-line, and this primarily is where the draft is said to be the strongest. Although, this is also said to be a weal draft overall. Why not focus on the weakest unit on the team, in a weak draft that just happens to have some depth in the interior O-line category?
  20. I would be pleased if the Bills used three or four picks on O-linemen in this draft. Is that is where the strengh is, so be it. We need the help.
  21. I agree with you completely. I just don't understand why TD refuses to address the O-Line. Read a statement by some coach a few years back, basically a great RB can't make an inferior O-Line look good, but a great O-Line can make a subpar running back look great. TD is taking this team nowhere slowly. Didn't realize we were in that bad of cap shape already. MW is really killing us.
  22. Right. Very nice post. OK then. I will hope he continues where he left off in 2004, and to learn and develop into a dominant RT, and restructures soon.
  23. Especially when you can't seem to draft them.
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