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Everything posted by San-O

  1. Sorry about that. I show up for a Bills game every year. If we hook up, I'm sure we can find you something without a cork. Peace.
  2. Hate when that happens. I've had luck in the past, by slipping a very narrow parring knife between the cork and bottle. Gives you a little something to work with. Just don't push the cork in. Let me know it turns out.
  3. Flea-flicker with Travis Henry throwing to Josh Reed.
  4. Was that the Raiders going 5 - 11 last year?
  5. Well, we do have a $9,000,000/year right tackle.
  6. This is a hoax: no way does a young woman know how to execute a perfect "souffle", and the guys lands correctly also.
  7. Well, not really, but it is a very striking statistic. 38 sacks given up for the year, 16 the last 10 games. 3.6 sacks/game first 6 games 1.6 sacks/game last 10 games I am more of an "Arm-Chair GM". Trade down, don't reach, acquire more picks!
  8. I read that also a short time ago, The Sporting News I think. That is really an amazing stat. Hope it continues this year.
  9. The only thing macabre was DB behind last years O-line . UHhhh....
  10. Yes, good point, although so is Jennings.
  11. well..... we're waiting?
  12. That's kind of what I'm seeing. However, I don't really know either. Hoping they are not as "sucky" as they have been recently. I see no tangible reason why they should be better.
  13. I see your point. Really looking for someone who may have played the O-line in college, or has some real experience. Maybe a coach, ex-coach. Having someone post 2000 words why they think "hope" it will be better is really not of interest to me. I don't see how the o-line can be better, however really looking for an objective view. So: TD, O-line and MW apologists feel free to identify yourselves as such and repond.
  14. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Are you a TD, O-line or MW apologist?
  15. I never played O-line so I don't really know. Seems you lose your LT and replace him with a nobody, you are getting worse. To me, a bad o-line seems a lot like bad acting. You know it when you see it. Could someone with an objective view, state where they think this o-line is now, compared to last year, and why? TD, O-Line and MW apologists need not respond. Thanks.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You can park your car, but you can never leave.
  17. Why do teams keep so many receivers anyhow?
  18. I have an idea, let's find OUT. The guy dropped a pass in EVERY PRE-SEASON GAME!!!!
  19. Oh man, you are so ON! Why don't you save this thread, I don't know how, and we can keep track.
  20. Oh, Friday night? Only one dropped, then OK. Thought you were referring to the whole preseason. That makes at least one drop every game, and being hit by a pass should also count as a drop.
  21. Plan to see the Bills hover around the .500 mark for a long time. If JP is OK next year, then maybe Bills sneaks into playoffs. Otherwise, Ole' Whitey has a job, and there is always "next year". Wait, this IS next year! Besides, TD never published a Ten Year Plan, did he? We are only five years in: relax man, sit back, and have another long, cool, refreshing sip of TD KoolAid. All the experts on the board say: 1. JP will be good this year. 2. Our O-Line is MUCH better than last year. See FFS. 3. JM will have the O-line ready to play. 4. Our defense is the best in the league. 5. We are going to run all over everybody.
  22. Reed can't seem to hold onto the ball. Cut. He was a 'tweener and a reach. Not a running back, not a receiver. Much like Coy Wire.
  23. And you are the same as every other guy here, who has believed this for the last ten years. I wouldn't be surprised if the lineup that starts the season, is not the same one the ends the season. Not due to injury either. Oh, almost forgot this ridiculous point: If MW is so damn good, and BETTER than Jonas Jennings, why isn't HE playing LT now. Answer: He can't. He's not good enough.
  24. Sweet. Thats got to be killer for picking up the chicks too !
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