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Dean Cain

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Everything posted by Dean Cain

  1. My fellow conservative leadership thinks they can trot out a Latino minority or women with canned diatribes they are doomed. We need D'Jango unchained, not Rubio Excusinator.
  2. I think the spending "cuts" start here. http://www.infowars.com/shave-and-a-haircut-cost-taxpayers-5-1-mil-since-1997/
  3. And last most QE has resulted in the big U.S. investment banks taking money from the fed at 0.25 interest and making loans to the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India & China. The smart money has exited the U.S., U.K., Japan & the Euro. How quickly the western middle class fell.
  4. Fitz getting cut soon.
  5. I want Glennon. But will study up on Bray soon. I don't like Bray but that's because of the spin doctoring normally done to get guys like Barkley into the 1st round.
  6. The Germans have gotten way better ROI results in solar. It seems we have no idea that ROIs should be attainable faster than the span of a Homo sapiens lifetime!
  7. Like any commodity oil can be used as a hedge against inflation. So much like smart investors have positions in gold & silver, they also take positions in oil. The best part is they can front run the bull market, and due to their ability to control supply either they're an exporter in the case of Saudi Arabia, producer like Exxon, or investment banker with insider information Goldman Sachs they can also front run any bear market. It is the ability to front run that creates the market fluctuations in prices that greases the skids of liquidity. But the one constant we all know is oil, like gold and silver is a finite resource, and capitalism's basic premise is ever expanding growth. There will always be a break even point where we can no longer have growth beyond the price of oil. It is at this point and slightly below where we find the price of oil. Inflation is merely the capitalist producers profit realized on this price discovery.
  8. Has anyone ever played pro ball at 53? There's only a few guys who could do it IMO, and Kelly's one. I bet Kelly could still hit some patterns Fitz can't in his prime.
  9. I agree 100%. When kids play little league baseball they give everyone a trophy. This fairness mentality is bs. We need to find a way to shut down all socialist forms of government; and you do that by taking away the federal reserve, social security, Medicaid & Medicare.
  10. I bought a $200 "grill" once....from Home Depot.
  11. Cuba aired the state of the union address.
  12. Why don't we just let Ben Bernake deliver this? Obama will NEVER pass another stimulus but meanwhile he's let the Federal Reserve print $85 billion per month buying up bad bank debt or the equivalent of $269 per citizen per month. Where's our $269 check? Oh yeah stolen with the payroll tax holiday!
  13. I love my insurance company at least they can keep their lights on without invading a middle eastern country on money borrowed from China, just so we can lower unemployment for the dumb masses who don't have jobs.
  14. This just in.....Kelsay lost his old faded red Nebraska hat.
  15. Hillary will run in 2016 on the platform of converting Obamacare to single payer.
  16. that's what pauly d would call a robbery.
  17. Kelsay didn't bring his pail in '12, Barnett & Wilson were more productive and are 2 years younger in positions where being 30 plus is more doable than the defensive line.
  18. Buddy Nix is white, Kelsay is ...
  19. Kelsay, Fitzpatrick, McGee, Anderson, Pears would be a good start. Doesn't sound too confident.
  20. 32.5 sacks are good for #6 overall sacker from the 2003 draft.
  21. @ByTimGraham: The Buffalo Bills have released safety, captain and NFLPA rep George Wilson, sources tell The Buffalo News.
  22. Dareus & Teo night have much more in common than previously thought.
  23. I searched to see if anyone ever posted this. I find it odd that NFL.com & ESPN.com are still reporting Dareus' date of birth as November 18, 1989. Dareus has stated on twitter that his real birthday is in a few weeks: March 13th 1990. I searched ESPN, & NFL .com only to find the November 18th 1989 date. Then I went to buffalobills.com only to find his date of birth isn't even listed on his bio, although his listed age is 22 insinuating that if the Bills had November 18th he would be listed as 23.. Yahoo Sports has the correct date March 13, 1990. Wikipedia has since been corrected. So which date is it? The last thing we need is our fan and possible future owner Donald Trump demanding Dareus' birth certificate. https://twitter.com/...521913502212096 "My birthday is March 13, 1990. I'm sorry but Wikipedia is wrong...." http://www.nfl.com/p...2495478/profile http://espn.go.com/n.../marcell-dareus http://sports.yahoo....l/players/24790
  24. Don't try to guilt us. 18 cents an hour is a ton of $ in China! Don't hate "the free market". Lazy union slobs can starve to death!
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