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Dean Cain

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Everything posted by Dean Cain

  1. McCarron can stay with Ms. Alabama - he's a good QB on a great team, Bridgewater is solid but no Clowney level of dominance & Manziel is a great college QB, but due to his playing style, height & suspect arm, I'd venture to say he'll be a slighlty better version of Colt McCoy & lesser version of Drew Brees. Your logic is like not taking Bruce Smith in 1985. You take the players who have HOF potential that were dominant in college.
  2. A good veteran for depth that overlaps the end of Wood's contract. Will be interesting to see what we do with Mr. Wood.
  3. 0-16 & Clowney comes to Buffalo.
  4. I have plenty more stupid thoughts. You guys need to get out of your mom's basement.
  5. Likelihood of probably not. Key stat; foot traffic is down 82.8 million during the first 5 months of the fiscal YOY. Like their executive said in the memo they have to grab more of a smaller pie. If they raise prices the Dollar Generals of the world eat their lunch on low end shoppers, and on the high end folks go to Target or other grocers.
  6. Given this would have been the lead story had that ex cop not gone postal I thought I'd do some research on the rescue operation of the burned out cruise ship & who picks up the tab. You'll never guess right on this one... "Cruise lines have no obligation to pay the Coast Guard or other U.S. federal agencies for services like this. Most people don't know this. Many people also don't realize that the cruise industry pays no U.S. federal taxes because companies like Carnival and Royal Caribbean are registered in foreign countries like Panama and Liberia and fly the flag of countries like the Bahamas. The industry collects around $35 billion a year, mostly from tax-paying U.S. citizens. But unlike you or me, the cruise lines are essentially exempt from paying the U.S. government anything on all of the billions and billions it collects each month." http://www.cruiselaw...istress-you-do/
  7. Can we have inflation if Walmart is struggling? Sounds more to me like corrupt Yankee Wall Street babies manipulating the markets.
  8. JJ gonna try like a D'Jango sum bee ache he is to try & blame it on his "depression". My take is he fell "ill" once he found out his illegal credit card were getting turned off. Where's your daddy and his NAACP buddies now?
  9. You heard Obama's 2nd term game plan? Blame Walmart while touting the benefits of 3D printing & adding 12 million illegals to the entitlement society. I say HELL NO!
  10. And it also is discriminatory because it is these same blacks once freed who are 10 times more likely to die at the hand of the gun. Disarming felons, and keeping them unemployed is a good way to ensure they'll live a shorter life which means less time in the big house soaking up our tax dollars while they watch ESPN & lift weights.
  11. Thanks for setting me straight ole wise one from DC. Stay outta dem brothels now.
  12. But I need my bling ba da blingy bling Judge. Now lookie here here Judge, if my client is guilty of anything it's loving fine jewelry, Rolex's & such. Now that ain't a crime, it's fine. If da Rolex don't fit you must acquit!
  13. If Eisenhower dismantled the New Deal he would have been a one-term President. At the time the New Deal cost tax payers a few percent on the first thousands unlikely today's rates & cap. It constituted a minimal part of the budget and contributed only to long term debt, but he did not raid the trust fund like JFK & Johnson did to fight Vietnam. The national highway system was also a military mobilization project Eisenhower adopted from the German autobahn. Eisenhower also checked the over zealous McCarthites from turning the US into a police state. He governed from the center and was extremely effective & popular.
  14. Further sign's that Obama is bad for our economy. Even Walmart is struggling. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-02-15/wal-mart-stock-drops-after-it-says-february-sales-total-disaster-worst-montly-start- http://www.zerohedge.com/news/confidential-wal-mart-memo-discloses-substantial-drop-store-traffic-compared-year-ago
  15. Now the left is trying to infringe on the 1st Amendment. Their arrogance after Obama reelection is palpable.
  16. Socially, fiscally, militarily, need I go on?
  17. Again do you support the government propping up this failing enterprise? I bet you do as anyone from DC is living large on the government dole.
  18. Eisenhower was more conservative than JFK. Honestly don't know why so many supposed conservatives on this board can't say they like & agree that Eisenhower was a great conservative president.
  19. I would encourage you to reach out to Colin Powell, or Condi Rice.
  20. I work for a conservative think tank. I believe I am well within my American rights to the 1st Amendment. In Canada you can only dream of such liberty.
  21. Teo is a good player. How many LBs can shed 300 plus pound NFL quality linemen one on one? In fact what did Ray Lewis often tell the big guys upfront? "Just keep your guy off me & I'll take care of the rest."
  22. Pretty honest assessment: "Indeed, Republicans’ silence on the matter of Eisenhower’s legacy says volumes about how far the party has come since his day. Rather than claim ownership over his legacy, they have abandoned it entirely, to the detriment of their party and their country." "The conservative movement that has taken over the GOP was nursed on hatred of Eisenhower’s moderation." http://www.newrepublic.com/article/politics/101442/dwight-eisenhower-memorial-controversy
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