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Dean Cain

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Everything posted by Dean Cain

  1. https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing NFL facebook likes updated as of noon EST. Interesting to find the Jets are the only NFL team to see a net decline in Facebook likes since 12/17/12 to today. Rex Ryan is likely a goner after '13. The biggest gainers? Not surprisingly SF 49ers at 210,382 likes an 11.82% increase and Baltimore Ravens at 259,663 a 17.78% increase. The next best growth rate is the Seattle Seahawks at 7.37%, followed by the Atlanta Falcons at 6.00%. Buffalo added 6,177 over the same period good for 1.44% growth rate.
  2. Belichick might take a flier on this guy and turn him into his next Rodney Harrison.
  3. DC you are right to criticize this supposed economics professor's position on root causes but wrong in you ascertain that: this is really the fault of any President. The economists who saw this coming were ostracized by the leaders of the Chicago school of economics. If you want to criticize the Bush or Obama have at it but they are merely puppets to their financial handlers. These are the same Neoliberals economists who are hand picked by the Wall Street banks to run the Federal Reserve cartel. So some of the proper questions to ask TPS would be: are you a supply-sider, are you for socialism for big business and capitalism for the rest, do you support fiat currency, do banks create money, do you support finance as a means for industrial production, or rent seeking?
  4. Until we end socialism for Wall Street & close too big to fail banks we get what we deserve. This should be the core consideration votersake. Are you with Wall Street or with the middle class. Money owns this town ala Storage Wars is the song that defines DC.
  5. It used to take 100 million to get a FA to sign in Buffalo.
  6. Take a QB in 13 if we miss rinse & repeat in 14 unless we have the #1 overall pick then that goes to taking Clowney.
  7. How about any player under 26.
  8. I will cry if and when we draft a QB in the 1st round only to not pay up when the rookie contract expires.
  9. Let's draft 2 QBs!
  11. Both parties bow before the altar of the Chicago Neoclassical Neoliberal school of economics. Krugman is merely a spoke in the wheel of this branch of economics.
  12. Did you guys hear about what Joe "Cool" Montana said in the huddle before the game winning drive in Super Bowl 24?
  13. Joe Flacco holds duel citizenship. And Joe Flacco incorporated himself while also self ordaining himself a "football god", as we all know religion pays no taxes.
  14. "You know" you are right.
  15. The nice thing about their tax liability is that since investment via Private Equity is after-tax it gets treated as a capital gain which Obama has so indignantly admonished as investment income vs. labor income.
  16. DUI & 9 game suspension in last 3 seasons plus wrong side of 30 = pass.
  17. Cut the bastard already, he doesn't win!
  18. Didn't Gailey unleash D'Jango aka Kordell Stewart while also using O'Donell in Pittsburgh?
  19. Strong arm, pocket composure, avoid sacks, accurate, leadership, able to read defenses & quickly go through progressions.
  20. Contra!!! "Oh Hell Yeah Hannibal!" Mr. T A-Team
  21. This is such a sick way to make money, with money. http://www.streetaut...-fortune-460463 "The Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX), the biggest player in the new REO [real estate owned] to rental market, has spent $2.5 billion in the last year purchasing 16,000 homes, a number that amounts to over $100 million per week. The suits take over You want a smart financial strategy? Look at Blackstone. One of the houses it bought -- probably much like the others -- was bought for $90,000. It has a mortgage on it of $200,000. The former owners are still living in it. Instead of a mortgage, they're now paying rent. Now they're serfs. Do the math. If they bought the house in 2005, they probably had a 6% mortgage. Six percent of $200,000 is $12,000. Add in another, say, $3,000 in amortization and charges... and they probably had a monthly payment of about $1,250. Now the suits take over. Thanks to the conniving of other suits at the Fed, they are able to borrow 30-year money for about 3.5%. Let's add another $10,000 to their purchase price (closing, taxes and maintenance) to make the math easier. That gives them a monthly capital cost of less than $300 per month. And because these guys have big hearts as well as big wallets, they reduce the renter's monthly payment to only $1,000. Everybody comes out ahead. The former homeowners don't have to move. They save money each month. And Blackstone -- which may have only about $10,000 of its own money in the deal -- earns (are you ready for this?) as much as $6,000, net, per year. That's about a 60% rate of return on its cash. But wait. It gets better. Because Blackstone is not counting on a real bull market in housing. Nope, the geniuses at Blackstone are making a big bet on interest rates. At no extra cost, they have gotten a free "put option" on the bond market. That's right: They're short the bond market in a major way. When bond prices finally fall (perhaps this process has already begun), Blackstone is going to get another big jackpot. And this payoff is practically guaranteed. Blackstone's got its money-printing friends at the Fed to make sure it happens."
  22. Why would the Bills use actual data and thought. I like the blindfold dart board approach of the past 13 years!
  23. The Bills are going to Japan & signing the top 4 Sumo wrestlers to play Dline. Then they'll stop in the Pacific Islands on the way back to get linebackers & safeties, then they'll hit Compton & South Central for a few corners & a couple pass rushers.
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