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Dean Cain

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Everything posted by Dean Cain

  1. What is the Vegas over/under he makes it to a 2nd season?
  2. Pettine's goatee

  3. Marrone because he went 25-25 at Syracuse.
  4. If Pettine was smart he'd come back to Buffalo in 2014, and help us make the playoffs. If next year 6-7 HC positions open as usual, Pettine would likely be the #1 option.
  5. Here's an great idea, eliminate the holder, and mandate that all kicks be drop kicked in. I theorize Doug Flutie would come out of retirement & play another 30 years.
  6. I believe Flacco & Ryan both 2008 rookies made the playoffs each of their first 5 years, but failed this year. Ryan appears to be the more consistent QB, however Flacco has the better arm. What happened this year to both teams & why did they struggle? Injuries, & lack of depth at the skill positions. All this said I will take Flacco over Ryan.
  7. Watched the replay 5 times this morning. The Seahawk's lineup with 3 WRs on the right and a TE on the left of their formation, all 3 run a vertical. The TE stays in to block. SF appears to be in a 1 safety high look, Whitner is playing the deep middle. Regardless Seattle's Baldwin is the closest WR to the middle of the formation, he easily beats his man and Whitner adjusts his coverage to take the pass away from over the top, Wilson makes a great throw to the 2nd WR, not the man Whitner was helping cover. Watch it for yourself. Tell me what I am missing?
  8. Why don't we get Terrence Cody?
  9. I'd love to awake tomorrow in an alternate reality like the Truman Show, where the Bills are in the midst of an unprecedented 14 consecutive Super Bowl victories.
  10. Wilson seems to be the modern coming of 2001 Brady. Good supporting cast, good coaching, benefactor of a few questionable calls. The roughing the punter non-call was terrible.
  11. A defense that you can count on to stop the run.
  12. Donte played well. Wasn't involved in the TD you spoke about
  13. These charts are great but can they find me a future HOFer?
  14. Does the fact that Rodak is a New Englander have any reason why you dislike him? In my opinion I dislike Rodak because he offers zero insight into the actual game of football. Sure he will report play counts & arbitrary statistics, but is that the reason ESPN is paying him? If so why not hire a Chinese person to pull the box score?
  15. We lead the league in sacks despite playing a majority of the minutes of our games trailing. Imagine our D with say Peyton Manning's offense? Now that would have been the stuff of legend.
  16. Imagine Byrd in the Browns secondary with Hayden & Gipson, could be tough to throw on. Couple that with Clowney, and possibly another weapon thanks to the Colts pick and the Browns could be the surprise team of 2014. Don't we get to play the Browns thanks to our 4th place finish?
  17. Pettine's resume rebuilding the Bills defense with a no-name secondary to begin the year and ending the year leading the league in sacks bodes well for his chances. Cleveland by all accounts has a better linebacker & secondary than the Bills. Given an early draft choice of Clowney and the Browns have all the pieces in place on the defensive side of the ball. Thanks to Indy they'll also have a top 28 draft choice. In a deep draft at WR, Cleveland could add another WR to go alongside TE Jordan Cameron & WR Josh Gordon. The question mark becomes what veteran QB comes available that can improve their QB position? My early guesses Matt Flynn or Michael Vick.
  18. Generation 1: Sammy Baugh invented the forward pass Generation 2: Otto Graham dominated his era Generation 3: Johnny Unitas reinvented the forward pass Generation 4: Joe Montana dominated his era Generation 5: Peyton Manning reinvented the forward pass
  19. russell wilson is suspect as a QB can be. 108 yards last week, and was saved by a miracle reception. count me as unimpressed. don't get me started on colin "daddy long-legs" kaepernick. one blow to his boney knees would shatter the 49ers world.
  20. A front row seat to see the chronic ineptitude? Sign me up.
  21. the pawns are always sacrificed in the game of accountability.
  22. Such a joke. IMHO more malcontents . If you pout long enough you get sent to the destination of your choosing. We gotta man up in our FO. Weaker will always loses influence.
  23. Count me in the corner of grabbing an elite G or T round 1. I think WRs take 3 seasons to develop see Moulds & Stevie, and we have a number of young guys. Probably go TE round 2, NT or LB round 3 & 4.
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