I have been surfing these boards for years and finally decided to create an account. I have been a Bills fan since 1985 and have been through the high and lows. Born and raised in Buffalo I bleed the red, white,and blue and even after I moved away 11 years ago, I still carry that passion wherever I go. I can remember being at the home opener in 2000 Sunday Night vs. Tennessee after the debacle of the playoff game. Watching the game last night made me so proud of not only the Bills but being from Buffalo, and missing the energy and passion the fans bring to primetime games in Buffalo. Working as an educator I have several young Bills fans who never have seen the Bills in the playoffs or have a winning season. Hopefully those studenst after last night can see the excitement and passion we as Bills fans have and a glimpse as to what it was like back in the Super Bowl years!!!! I am proudly wearing my Bills sweatshirt today at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
GO BILLS!!!!!!