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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. It was a smart pick. He fits the profile of what they look for at LB. I suspect he just ended up rawer than anticipated, and has a steeper learning curve.
  2. Heard this the other day, and thought it was great. Ann Landers said it! "At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think. At age 60, we discover that they have not been thinking of us at all."
  3. I may give it a chance with my kids now on the Switch. I never could play it back in the day— would always make me dizzy, and I was more of a Madden guy.
  4. I was clamoring for it on the day they drafted him! On draft day, Beane said it would be easier to start him at CB and move him to safety. They needed to do this in camp, IMO.
  5. you can’t beat that, especially if it is $50 after taxes and fees. I am going to call to cancel for real here soon, and if they offer me that, I probably will stay for a bit.
  6. “Excuses are the nails that build the house of failure.”
  7. I will say that if I had to guess, in the end, the decision maybe had little to do with what you or I are saying. It could be the case that the bills really wanted Hodgins and banked on hodgins not getting poached when they tried to PS him again, but miscalculated. I do think though that in the end, the roster decision-making reflects overemphasizing ST.
  8. I give the Bills a pass on a lot of stuff, but this one sticks in my craw. You could clearly see flashes from Hodgins. Conversely, Kumerow has been in the league 5 years and has caught like 20 passes. He is nothing more than a ST guy. The team had no depth on the outside receiver position, especially at the time they released Hodgins after the packers game. And they decided to go ST over offense, leaving themselves thin at receiver. And then Kumerow gets injured anyway. Plus, he is a free agent and Hodgins is on a rookie deal for two more years. Just not a good decision at all.
  9. It was a total blunder both then and after the fact. Kumerow offered nothing on offense. They prioritized ST over offense, and it was a foolish decision. It’s also not even like they didn’t know what they had in Hodgins— when he played the few times, he looked good. I love McBeane, but they make mistakes (as everyone does). This was a mistake.
  10. I am sure the Bills are kicking themselves for letting Hodgins walk and instead keeping Kumerow, esp since he ended up with this injury and not playing.
  11. I love this thread because it allows Me to tell my one Urlacher story. I was on a flight from Philly to Chicago, and slept the whole time. Woke up and realized that the guy sitting next to me/across the aisle was Urlacher. I only figured it out when the young female flight attendant started hitting on him and gave him her phone number. It was a really awkward and embarrassing interaction for him too.
  12. I came in here to post this meme, but you have admirably taken care of it for me.
  13. I was clamoring since the day he was drafted to move Benford to safety. I actually thought they drafted him for that reason. On the coaches for not trying him there earlier. He could have been used a lot late down the stretch.
  14. They played like people that have dealt with snow for the last few months and know how to walk gingerly on the sidewalk so as not to slip.
  15. No defensive “guru” is coming here. You don’t see those hires when your HC is a defensive coach.
  16. Unfortunately, this is becoming more of the norm in basketball. The flagrant foul stuff is similar to how in the NFL they now micro-analyze every ball movement during a “catch” to then overrule our common sense as to what a catch is. NBA is worse, because you have all these challenges and really wonky interpretations of charges/blocks. By the way, how about taking a heart-breaking loss by the Bills to then follow it up with that Syracuse loss. Can’t we find a little sports happiness?! 🥲
  17. free throws were 23-3 in favor of UNC. Oh, and there was this foul called on Mintz too:
  18. Just dumbfounded. Two terrible charge calls in this game on Mintz. You can’t be running back on D, moving your legs, and be getting a charge call. It defies common sense. And then to call a flagrant there to end the game?! The whole idea of the flagrant is unnecessary plays— guys get hit the face and head all the time on normal drives. Just a shame because they should have won.
  19. The jets have legit been killing it lately with their draft picks. If I were them, I would hold onto them and keep building their team the right way. Maybe add a solid vet in the off-season.
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