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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. And yet Brown is the least of the worries on the oline.
  2. Miami seems pretty well set in their secondary. Can’t see them throwing big bucks at Poyer.
  3. This is the same dude that has contracted Covid like 6 times?
  4. NBA has been up and down for me. I was a huge fan in the 80s and 90s. Then really tailed off in the 2000s and 2010s. Part of the issue was the rise of foreign players and college one and doners. Add to that the rise of very random niche roll players. I just didn’t know any of these players, like I used to know the guys who were college stars. I started getting back into the NBA though about 5 years ago (especially the west teams), as the game is fun and wide open and there are a lot of stars. It is actually now better than college, since college ball feels like it has really tailed off (esp with the new transfer rules and NIL).
  5. Decided to cancel DTV. I was paying $97 for a package that had fewer channels than the standard list for YouTube or Hulu. pretty sad! Been with them for almost 20 years!!! Not sure yet if I will do YouTube or shop around until when YouTube starts marketing Sunday ticket.
  6. Agree. Who gets put out too taking 30 seconds to measure a golf club? i will have to check out play it again. Daughter isn’t very athletic— so been trying a few low-cost things here and there to see if she might enjoy something.
  7. I rarely use Craigslist anymore, but decided to look for some used golf clubs for my 11-year old daughter. Found some for $20, but the posting didn’t really provide any details. 1) I emailed the seller, asking what size the clubs are. 2) a few days later, he replied, “come and take a look. I live out in x” (which is about 30 minutes from me). I figured that was the end of that, and didn’t reply to this email. 3) he replies a few days later with: “???????” 4) I replied and said: “sorry, but I don’t have time to drive out there. Can you just email me the size?” 5) 5 days go by and he emails Me the size. I was going to get back to him, but wasn’t in a huge hurry. Plus, I was doing a little research on the size of the clubs. 6) anyway, less than 24 hours after he emails Me the size of the clubs, he sends me an email that says: “you’re welcome, a-hole.” I mean, what did I do wrong here? Or is this guy just a psychopath?!
  8. I love some of these. Reminds me of my one buddy who went to school with all these x degrees of relations of semi-famous celebrities (for example, Terri Hatcher’s ex-husband and Marc Bulger’s sister-in-law).
  9. It stinks to lose him. And he is only 17 years old too.
  10. if you love carbs, try Pepe e Cacio. Pasta, pasta water, cheese, pepper. It’s such an easy dish to make. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/cacio-e-pepe
  11. It is looking like Mike Hopkins will be out at Washington after the season. Do you think we bring him back?
  12. Great win by Syracuse. Nice to see them win a close one, and also get a charge call going their way for once late.
  13. I bet he was thinking how boring and easy those two QB’s have it. 😃
  14. Anyone else see the guy with the Josh Allen jersey and huge Bills sign in the front row during the game? So awesome.
  15. Not a single offensive hold or defensive hold call all night. can’t call the game one way, and then switch with 50 seconds left in the game.
  16. i was saying the same thing to a buddy. They literally ruined what was shaping up to be the greatest SB of all time. They decided the outcome. First DPI or D hold too all game, I believe.
  17. I am glad I am not an eagles fan. I am outraged for them.
  18. The game was filled with those little grabs. Spags D does that every play. Just sad the refs called it there.
  19. Chiefs going to run this down to like no time and kick the FG. Good game by eagles.
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