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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Will root for him. But I don’t think his body will hold up for a full season.
  2. Stuff like this really gets me mad. Just totally reckless; how easy it would have been to have killed someone.
  3. honestly, that is lame by the ranger. That’s not like Pebble Beach. If you were really that slow, he could have asked you to just speed it up/pick up your ball on certain shots, etc.
  4. They really need to introduce each speaker before they speak. It gets confusing.
  5. i hear you. 9 is too few for me. But like 12 or 13 is perfect!
  6. Let me try one more time! 😁 I think you actually would really like golf based on what you said, and depending on your mindset. For me, it’s no different than walking and enjoying nature. That’s why I love walking the course and doing it early morning. It’s basically walking and enjoying the outdoors, along with the challenges of golfing. I sort of use it too as a way to vary my exercise. I play pickup bball three times per week, as my main exercise. But if I can golf once and play tennis another time (and maybe throw in yoga and a bike ride here or there), it’s just a nice variety. okay— have I convinced you?!
  7. Yeah, if I can shoot like a 90-95, that is a great round for me. But I am happy anywhere in the 90s. I hear you on the family obligations. To take that into account, I normally play only 9, and try to do it on weekday mornings before work (like around 6:30 am). Or if on a weekend, then like at 6 PM. Can’t waste 4+ hours in the middle of a weekend day. what is amazing about golf though is the mechanics of the game and how varied it is. You have to have great mechanics and even understand a lot of the science behind it. But then you have to develop so many types of skills, like touch around the green, but power elsewhere. And one of the reasons I walk when I play (most of the time) is for the exercise. I walk some hilly courses with my heart rate monitor on. Walking 9 on a hilly course is like over 4 Miles and I can burn between 800-1000 calories. So you can exert yourself, if you want.
  8. Where are the protests about how punters or kickers or long snappers don’t get paid either? it’s about market value of the position. This isn’t a RB league anymore. It’s a passing league. It’s also why QB, WR, and TE salaries have shot way up.
  9. I started playing pretty regularly about 10 years ago, and love it. Mostly try to play 9 holes (walking) at least once per week, and mostly at Public courses, though I will get out to some buddies’ nice country clubs too. what’s amazing is that I feel like i have gotten so much better, and yet my scores pretty much stay the same!! Usually shoot like low or mid-90s over 18. I think that is like a 20-ish handicap. Just so hard to put everything together in a round!
  10. my issue with McVay is mostly about his arrogance. I don’t care for his aura. Plus, all this early retirement talk to spend time with his fiancée seemed so classic Gen z. Lot of regular people out there that grind it out and have a wife and have kids!! I also didn’t care how he sort of throws players under the bus or out the door, like with Goff and Akers. But no doubt he has had some offensive success.
  11. thanks! I am always looking for good podcasts. I do hope though that this isn’t a McVay love fest. I don’t care for him, though maybe my views will change after this.
  12. Good thread. I have been wanting to try it to help my shoulders.
  13. Don’t get me started on birthday parties for these 20-something’s. They have to take a week off of week for an appropriate birthday party.
  14. Exactly. It would be a dream to take my two young boys to a single pre-season or TC activity. Like one time even.
  15. Didn’t bother since I know non-SHs have no chance. Yeah, I am bitter.
  16. I have always felt that my kids appreciated simpler vacations than really fancy ones too. Visiting family; a trip to see the sights in DC; trip to the lake. Don’t think you need to take little kids on these exotic trips they won’t remember. My wife and I prefer to leave the kids when we are going somewhere nice, so we can relax!
  17. i actually heard Diggs showed up late and didn’t play in the softball game (not joking).
  18. my concern with getting an inflatable was getting a hole in it, and then you are into patching, and that seems to never work. Have you had to patch yours? i got a light weight soft top board (like kick board material) that probably weighs around 30 pounds. So light enough to carry around. I love it, but it is getting old and it was expensive ($800). So not sure if I should spring for the inflatable for my next one.
  19. Big fan. I have done it for about 10 years, on lakes. Tried it a few times on an ocean, and was a little Too choppy and windy for me. I like it way more than kayaking, which I find to be uncomfortable. Plus, really works your core and is good exercise. Nowadays, you can get lots of affordable SUPs, including inflatable ones and the cheaper hard ones (like Pelican). I splurged on this really sweet foam top one from a company called Isle. It was pricey, but I love it. Fast, light, stable, and durable. And it has lasted me 10 years and still going.
  20. Marcellus Wiley truly was a legend here in the 19 games he started for the Bills.
  21. There is no price I wouldn’t pay for Sunday ticket. I did the stress of sports bars for years about 15+ years ago, and I am not going back.
  22. The idea of VIP and corporate getting priority over regular fans at training camp is absurd. I can’t even imagine the team making that much money off of it— it can’t be anywhere near the revenue of the luxury boxes at the games.
  23. I think that is part of it. But I think the other issues are: (1) we don’t have nearly as many TC Public practices as many other teams (10 Rochester Public ones compared to like 16+ for other teams); and (2) I haven’t been to the recent iteration of TC, but it seems like with all the fan experience stuff, the capacity seems much smaller. I also wish they did what a lot of other teams do, which is have special practices with the extra bells and whistles just for Season ticket holders, and then let the rest of the masses go to the remainder of the practices. I think the bengals and chiefs both do this.
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