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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. haha— was going to post the exact same thing.
  2. Chiefs holding constantly on both sides of the ball. I can’t even watch this.
  3. On that TD, the chiefs literally just grabbed every receiver on Detroit.
  4. I actually didn’t think he even played any snaps with us. But I remember him in Tampa. I will say it was always hard to keep track of all the “mike Williams”, as that has to be the most common name for NFL wide receivers.
  5. Agree on all, esp McGee. I would probably put Terrence McGee in my top-3 favorite Bills of all time. I loved that guy.
  6. oh whoops. I thought we already signed Klein back. I figured he was coming back after cut-down day, but maybe with Kirksey, they decided to wait and see on Klein.
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if AJ Klein takes over for a Bernard by the 2nd Qtr of that jets game.
  8. When he drafted Benford, I predicted great things. He always gave me that Terrence McGee vibe— another unheralded guy that ended up as a great starting CB for us.
  9. I love going on cruises! This one looks great because it is more Like a big yacht. 1000 people. Spacious rooms. Sign me up!
  10. One of my favorite holiday movies, but felt that by the time you are into late November/Thanksgiving, it loses the Fall feel.
  11. Nice topic! This is tricky. I can’t really think of many movies that really epitomize Fall. The one that comes to mind is “when harry met sally” with all the Fall scenes in Central Park. But I don’t love that movie. A lot of sports movies set in Fall— like Rudy— I feel are more “sports” movies rather than bringing out the season.
  12. This truly is the worst take in all of sports history. It is amazing.
  13. my favorite Peter king prediction: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ff4sglktjk0381.jpg
  14. That PFT excerpt totally misunderstands the difference between coaching and players. For example, Great golf coaches aren’t elite pro-level players. But they understand the mechanics and how to convey information a lot of times a lot better than the pros they coach. I don’t think the broncos would just hire some lackey. I bet Webb is coming in there to be a legit coach, imo.
  15. I think they are going to basically run the GB offense. Run heavy; play action; some nice back shoulders. The reality is that Rodgers, when he as a line and run game and a few weapons, is not going to be easy to defend. He is going to march them up and down. We will need to try to hold up in the redzone.
  16. Yeah, they love him here, and his wife is supposed to be a real “glue” person for the culture. Maybe they carry two QBs on the PS. They have room, at least right now.
  17. Thanks so much. very helpful. It’s weird. I am not feeling a lot of pain, but some instability and “crunchiness and clicking, and just not cutting like I need to. I played hoops this morning and did this pivot (trying not to put weight on that bad leg), and just fell on my butt. Very embarrassing. But I figure if I can get some PT and just kind of be careful playing through it, I won’t have to miss time playing sports, which is my major form of exercise.
  18. More of a grammar pet peeve than an expression. I hate when people drop the infinitives from sentences (“to be”.) so, they say, “That needs washed,” as opposed to “that needs to be washed.”
  19. were you able to play through it at all? I know it is probably a bad idea, but I have been bracing the knee and continuing to do some sports, like bball and golf. For bball, I am taking it easier— sort of trying not to cut hard, etc. Haven’t had more issues yet, but obviously the knee isn’t right. (Going to see a doc next week).
  20. This book really changed my mind on medical marijuana and legalization. Strong evidence linking marijuana use as causing mental health disorders. https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Your-Children-Marijuana-Violence/dp/1982103663 Didn’t see your post here. But I agree. It is really concerning if you read the literature. Also the THQ content in marijuana Today appears to be way higher than that of the 1960s.
  21. If this is the knee pain thread, I have come to the right place. Seeing the doctor next week. Think I may have slightly torn the meniscus playing pickleball of all things. Sort of clicking and not as stable.
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