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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. They are just giving Jacobs 10-yard check downs.
  2. feels like cheating when Josh doesn’t have to do 99% of the work.
  3. BTW, so far this season, Harty has not been as was advertised in preseason. His speed hasn’t really fooled anyone. Little surprised.
  4. Bills are the only team that prefer not to kick it through for a touch back. Just strange.
  5. Amazing when you let the other team make mistakes and get easy scores off of them.
  6. Would really like to see Harris or Murray pounding the ball some today. Not sure about a lot of inside runs with Cook.
  7. Adams is a tough match-up. Going to need to double him.
  8. I am trying my hard to just ignore the elephant in the room, and hope we just win and Diggs gets the ball a lot. it is funny— my one buddy who is a Steelers fan told me that this Diggs relationship would sour fast a few years ago. His point was all these wide receivers are diva head cases, and come unhinged as soon as they are either not getting the ball and not winning. It is a WR virus.
  9. I am not sure why she hasn’t been fired yet for that. It is a major faux paux for a media person employed by the team.
  10. well, it’s called predicting. And anyone who saw the game film saw how effective those guys were in limited targets. Plus, the times they were just standing there wide open and Josh wasn’t throwing to them. they just need the targets. https://x.com/aaronquinn716/status/1701568374042431946?s=46&t=uEztWLHQe9squs0mVCzJCQ
  11. Those guys were open so many times, but not targeted. Could have had a huge game. Every pass to them was an easy 7 yards.
  12. someone needs to explain the purpose of this rule for me. It makes no sense.
  13. you would think our running game then would be a lot better!
  14. How come all these other teams can run these nice boot leg passes and they never work for the bills?
  15. it’s more like “course management” in golf. Good golfers can cut the corner on a dog leg, but the smart ones lay-up. It is sometimes mentally hard to lay-up though when you know you can bomb a 300 yard drive. I think that is the problem with Josh. The ironic thing is I bet he has these same issues when he plays golf.
  16. This is like a real Rocky V moment: started on the practice squad (in Buffalo), and now going back to his roots 20 years later!
  17. the scatterbrained, jittery stuff was the same as in the Steelers preseason game. I think we all looked past it because it was preseason. But something weird is going on. His pocket presence has just regressed tremendously.
  18. you are always coming in half glass full!! Love it! I will say that that 1989 dolphins/Bills opener was one of the most memorable plays of my childhood. I still remember running around my house as an 11-year old kid, going nuts after Kelly scored.
  19. I mean, I am only talking about season openers. No doubt we have had a lot of other bad losses too. But this is such a high number to lose this way on the first week of the season.
  20. Is it just me, or do we have a disproportionate number of opening season heartbreakers? I am not talking just losses; I mean buzzer-beater type losses. to name a few: 1) 2002: also lost on the last play of the game to the jets. Chad Morton 100 yard KO return in OT. 2) 2004: lost on last play of the game against Jags— big 4th and long conversion, and then Ernest wildfire catches the GW TD with a few seconds left on a force-out call. 3) 2007: Broncos win on GW FG, where Jason Elam ran onto the field to kick it and the announcers were screaming there wasn’t going to be enough time left. 4) 2009: McKelvin fumble in the last minute on a KO return, which led to patriots 1-point victory. 5) 2013: patriots kick GW FG with 4 seconds left to win by 2 points 6) 2023: jets punt return in OT to win it. These are just ones in my recent memory. I suspect there are even more….
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