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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. absolutely. Totally unjust. that’s why I was bitter about the colts for years. They stink and land Peyton manning for like 12 years. He gets injured and they implode for 1 year to land Luck, and are back on track for another 7 years with him.
  2. agree. It’s probably also due to the fact that Herbstreit knows what he is doing too. Solid color guy.
  3. Niners holding on a lot of those run plays tonight. Finally called.
  4. Dang— fooled twice on 3rd and long screens!
  5. I was a real doubter, but he has looked good to start the year. More than a game manager too.
  6. Nice drive there by the giants. If only that RB caught the ball And that last ball was caught cleanly by the WR…. Skill players aren’t that good. no margin for error.
  7. At least Bernard was limited today, as opposed to DNP. But I hear you.
  8. Worried about our defense. I feel Like they overplay on jet sweeps and screens, and I can see the Skins running a lot of those, and other misdirections on Sunday. Hopefully our guys stay disciplined.
  9. hate seeing knox as another DNP. Not a great sign.
  10. this is great to know. I am not an expert, but I felt like noticed more gap stuff in the last game. Now that we have a little beef on the line, especially the right side, it seems like this is the way to go.
  11. I am guessing he was struggling in practice and had no chance of getting activated? Still, bizarre.
  12. Totally agree. what are they thinking? They will never make it off the plane first. At most, they move up a few rows and then get blocked. But then it screws up the flow for everyone else. Drives me crazy.
  13. the absolute worst are the people who stand up right away in the aisle and move down the aisle, cutting ahead by like 3 rows, at most. Do they not understand the normal de-planing protocol?
  14. very helpful. I think it will really help us to have two weeks of game film on these guys now. I have a feeling that the D will have some more success against them.
  15. he does look fatter and slower. His arm release also looks very forced. Not as smooth as I remembered him. (by the way, Amari Cooper looks a little pudgy to me too!)
  16. As an aside, I have never seen an offensive player commit such egregious facemask penalties on defenders. On one, he grabbed and basically spun the guy around like a top. Agree that I don’t think that alone warrants any discipline, but it was bizarre.
  17. Watson going to cry himself to sleep tonight with all the cash he stole from the browns.
  18. Is it just me, or does Amari Cooper seem Pudgy? Plus, his helmet is like too small for his pudgy head.
  19. Levi Wallace— always in perfect position and always allowing the catch.
  20. I am not going to be able to stay awake for this. We are about 3 hours in, and still have a 1/4 left?
  21. you have to be blind to be starting Harris over Warren. I remember reading that Harris, by some metric, is one of the worst starting RBs in the league.
  22. This game is brutal to watch. I think it is a combination of pretty good defense and extremely mediocre offense. my buddy is a browns fan and he can’t even do it. Sort of tolerates him. I can’t even stand to look at him.
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