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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. it’s just post-loss insanity. People will come back to reality in a day!
  2. Giving up 24 to a great O, especially on multiple short fields, is a pretty good performance by the D. If you are expecting the top-3 unit we previously had pre-injury, then your expectations are skewed. We had Josh Norman and Tyrell Dodson out there!!
  3. I was fully expecting a big Bills win. The D played how I thought they would. I just expected the O to play the entire game as they did on that first drive. They got stuck in the mud.
  4. The most Bungly thing is for them to lose 25-24.
  5. Looks like a catch to me. But they aren’t overruling it.
  6. Too risky to challenge. You know these refs have been awful all game too. Now that is going to change?
  7. These defense is gutting it out tonight. The reality is that I had the bengals scoring 24 in this game. I just thought the Bills O had turned the corner and would score like 30+. Apparently not.
  8. I am loving Douglas so far in coverage. Very tight.
  9. we have to be patient on O. Bengals trying to bait Allen in trying to score 14 points at a time. Just take some more easy stuff.
  10. Hard catch by Davis, but wouldn’t it be great if we had a receiver make a spectacular catch once in a while.
  11. I don’t think the officials properly communicated to anyone that they were running the clock. No coach knew. Otherwise, the bengals would have called a TO.
  12. The refs tonight are seriously using no common sense. The taunt, the grounding, the non-call on the trip. Then, they run the clock too at the end of the half, unbeknownst to anyone.
  13. he is similar to Brady. Efficient and boring, but knows when to take chances down the field.
  14. That is not grounding if the QB is not under pressure. There has to be intent to avoid the pressure. McCauley is an idiot, apparently. It is a foul for intentional grounding if a passer, facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure from the defense, throws a forward pass without a realistic chance of completion.
  15. Dane playing the best game I have ever seen him play.
  16. I will say that if this defense miraculously can hold them to a FG, it will be a huge success by them. They have settled down and the O is putting them in terrible Spots all half.
  17. I think Dane is picking that pass if Hyde didn’t get in there. Now we lose Hyde on top of that.
  18. Miracle to not give up points with a pick at the 20!!!
  19. Key on D for both teams is getting third down stops. They had us 3rd and long, and got a stop. We had them 3rd and 10, and didn’t.
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