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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I have a close friend from college who never got married. He is now in his late 40s. He’s very content with it. i think he just wanted to have the freedom that came with doing his own thing. And now he wouldn’t really even think of getting married and having to compromise on how he is living his life. The only thing I feel sad about for Him is that he would have made a great dad.
  2. Agreed. He was absolutely money in the playoffs. The Bass of old. You could tell too that the coaching staff had total confidence in him, as well.
  3. No doubt that there are a lot of bad customers. But a bad customer is not a license to treat all customers poorly! I can’t even get someone to say “hello” to me most times.
  4. I will never say a bad thing about Jordan Phillips! That dude basically made the defensive play of the year against the chiefs with that sack. Got us the ball back with a chance to win.
  5. well, the 2017 draft was McD, I suppose. It definitely wasn’t Whaley. But guys like Rousseau and AJE were what I would expect for late 1st and 2nd round picks. Edmunds was a key cog of our defense. Allen obviously a home run and then some. I am not saying Beane has been great in those early rounds, but I also think it’s unfair for the pundits to point at Elam as illustrative of his early round drafting.
  6. I think this is definitely part of it. But I am also talking about common courtesy, or basic manners. I don’t need super Chick Fil A service. But how about a “hey” and a “thanks,” or a “sorry about the wait— was tied up.” Burn out can’t cause people to just all sense of basic decency and common sense, can it?
  7. My same take too. It took me forever to get through that article to figure out there was actually no “lie” here.
  8. Same here. This is a bit of a pet peeve, but nowadays kids call adults my their first names. Like some 6-year old kid will call you, “Mr. Pete” or just “Pete.” That is nuts to me. I have taught my kids to use adults’s last names only. in fact, I am 47 years old and saw a childhood friend’s mom recently who is like 75, and I still called her “Mrs. Smith.” okay, I am done with my old-man ranting (for now).
  9. It’s sort of tough to defend Incognito when you have that voicemail. Maybe that was meant to be “tough love” and part of football culture, but it sounds bad: "Hey, wassup, you half-n----- piece of s---. I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. I'll s--- in your f---ing mouth. I'm going to slap your f---ing mouth, I'm going to slap your real mother across the face [laughter]. F--- you, you're still a rookie. I'll kill you."
  10. just looking at what other really good backup RBs make, it seems like 2 years/$7M might be the sweet spot?
  11. For real? I thought he would jump at the Chance to just re-sign with us. Has a perfect niche here.
  12. No one wants to to give them their flowers, but the chiefs were the ones ahead of the curve on this, in trading Hill.
  13. I actually am not sure it’s always a situation of people being burned out or unhappy. Maybe sometimes. But It seems also due to ignorance— like they don’t even think being friendly and customer-oriented is something they should do. i am not also looking for anyone to fawn over me. Just to say hello and recognize my basic existence. another example— I was at the dollar store and me and another lady were standing in line. The cashier saw us, but kept us waiting for like 5 minutes while she was putting stuff away on a shelf. she then came over, and I was like, “hey, how’s it going.” No response. She rang me up. Then I said at the end, “thanks.” And no response. something almost identical happened to me at Panera bread then to the other day. isn’t that weird?
  14. So, when I was a teenager and I worked in fast food, I was taught to be polite to customers and drop everything for a customer’s request. Maybe it’s just me, but have times changed? I go to retail and restaurant places now where I get from an employee, “hold on a minute. I’m busy.” Or a hostess at a restaurant stand waiting to roll another 20 napkins before deciding to turn to me to seat me. Or an usher at a symphony concert who is standing there holding programs, but doesn’t give me one or even acknowledge me. These are just a few examples. But this sort of stuff happens to me almost all the time. Is it just me? Are workers these days just ruder? Am I just becoming a curmudgeon?
  15. I do think people (me included) are a little unfair to Beane. He has hit on a lot of great draft picks, including early round ones. We just tend to dwell on the not-so-good picks. Allen, Tre, Edmunds, Dion, Oliver, Rousseau, AJE. All first and second round picks who I think panned out very well.
  16. This is a tough one for me. There are some guys that were really bad, yet they weren’t supposed to be great to begin with. They were just thrown into the starting lineup out of necessity. So they shouldn’t really count (eg, peterman, Tuel, Mike pucillo, Ty Pennington). It’s the true busts— elite picks or signings who flamed out— that should be on this list. The top guys that obviously come to Mind there are Maybin and Mike Williams. But the one guy who stands alone for me is Sammy Watkins. Based on how great he was supposed to be, what we gave up for him, and then how he performed (plus the attitude and the injuries), I truly thought he was the worst.
  17. Lot of amazing memories here!!
  18. We all know what happened last time when we desperately needed a DT in a very deep class. Then the perfect guy fell right to us!!! (And we picked Donte Whiff-ner).
  19. he needed to teach those guys Judo to avoid Rapp!
  20. You don’t oversee 27 wrist and forearm injuries, and keep your job. should have had those guys doing wrist curls!
  21. False info, apparently. Steelers and jags haven’t spoken. https://awfulannouncing.com/nfl/trevor-lawrence-steelers-report-shut-down.html
  22. Really smart move by the Steelers. I just don’t think the jags would do it.
  23. I feel like the Saints are still paying for Jairus Byrd!
  24. Cleveland about to fully guarantee his contract to close the deal!
  25. I went down a little internet rabbit hole to look up some of the recent great Syracuse players, including a lot of them that left early. Chris McCullough, Tyler Lydon, Donte Greene. Even Darius Bazley. You sort of wonder if any of them have any regret about leaving early.
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