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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. They get all these huge splash plays from their defense and ST every week. It is nuts.
  2. Horse collar in a situation like that should be an ejection.
  3. agreed. They deserve it after their win against us last year.
  4. I have no issues hiring a DC. But I would base it on either experience or if you have someone who is unproven, some basis for believing that he has some kind of innovative views on the defensive side of the ball and good managerial experience and vision for the offensive side. I obviously have no idea how Staley did in his interviews, but he lacked experience and came from a defensive system that— while effective— didn’t reflect anything all that brilliant.
  5. Weird move. I love the current location of the Caps stadium in DC. Probably my favorite little area in DC, and quick walk to Chinatown too.
  6. it would be different if he he had some experience or track record of being innovative in any way, especially on the offensive side. His entire experience was based on learning Fangio’s relatively simple defensive scheme in a relatively short period of time. I get hiring more of an unproven guy on the offensive side who has been involved in very innovative or explosive schemes. But that wasn’t Staley.
  7. he was a fraud from the get go. I was beating that drum for years. He was totally unqualified to be a HC. His claim to fame was basically stealing Fangio’s defense and taking credit for it, but running an inferior version. Then he became some bizarre media darling, like you said. I remember when Gruden was fired and he made some comments about it, and was hailed a genius. Or when he basically made the simple comment about how running is important to keep defenses honest, and he was hailed a genius. his career trajectory was one where he needed another 3-4 years as a defensive coach. He had no business being hired.
  8. I can hear her. Tyreek: don’t think just of yourself. Think of your baby mamas too!
  9. I think he will be IR’d and then retire. he absolutely cannot play again. The neck and back injuries and constant stingers are really red flags for his health.
  10. I believe he has to play. He needs the money for child support for his two new babies.
  11. Surprised that the GM was fired. That roster seems really good. The coaching was terrible.
  12. As some of you know, I am a big-time weather worrier and dome enthusiast. But this is the rare game where I think bad weather will really help us. Dallas can be run on. And they really need ideal conditions to click on both sides of the ball. They like playing on fast turf in clean conditions. I wouldn’t mind a cold, rainy, ground and pound game. Get Murray and Ty involved and pound it.
  13. Does anyone know if you need just peacock or peacock premium to watch the game?
  14. This is my approach too. Covid is so ubiquitous now that I don’t bother testing. I have had it And the family has it a bunch. The very last few people I know who never had had it, got it in the summer. I just try to practice good hygiene, and stay away from people when sick. I think we all got used to a much different protocol when it was a new virus. But it’s like the flu now, IMO.
  15. Agreed. Based on performance, we got a steal too. I would have given up easily a second round pick, maybe even a first. He is playing like a first-round pick.
  16. 1) Hyde: retiring. I would force this if I were the Bills. The neck and stinger issues are worrisome. 2) Poyer: back for one more year, to help new guys learn system. 3) Everyone else stays. Re Tre, they are keeping him. This guy is the heart and soul of this team, and they aren’t cutting a guy like that because of injury.
  17. no DVR option? That’s what I would do. We need you 100% focused on this game!
  18. I just watched Netflix movie “leave the world behind.” It stars Julia Roberts and Ethan hawke and was actually produced by the Obamas. i don’t think I have ever seen a worse movie in my life. I just had to come on here and warn people and vent— just a total waste of 2 hours. Slow and plodding for long stretches, plot is pointless, characters are all unlikeable.
  19. I was a die hard fan back in the early days. My wife and I actually went to one one of their live shows like 20 years ago, featuring Ruben studdard and Clay Aiken! looking it up now, the last season we watched was season 9– Lee Dwyze was the winner! My favorite idol was probably Katherine McPhee— to me, probably the most talented singer on the show. And she lost to that Taylor Hicks!
  20. Oddly enough, I feel happier over this Dolphins loss than the Bills win!!
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