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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. same. And when I don’t, I am usually filled with guilt.
  2. yeah, I will take this one— thanks. BTW, even this one, while clean, I am guessing would go for like maybe $120k in most parts of the country. Amazing that houses cost this much in Queens.
  3. I thought the same at first. I can see having a weekly competing anthem every week as being viewed as divisive. But playing the song one time to start the season is more of an acknowledgment, as you said.
  4. Just to be clear, this song is just being played before week 1 games, not every game. I had not heard this song before, but just listened to it, and it is a very uplifting, positive song.
  5. I'm not even sure they celebrate Thanksgiving down in Jax anyway.
  6. I used to be a die hard Mets’ fan as a kid, and loved Bobby Bo!! Glad to know he’s still making out like a bandit!
  7. that’s exactly it. It’s sort of a different dish altogether. Almost like chicken for chicken and dumplings.
  8. Surprisingly, roasting a chicken in the crock pot is easy and delicious. You don’t get the crispy skin of an oven, but it is very moist. by the way, I don’t believe in pulled pork in the crock pot. It’s morally repugnant. I know too many terrible home cooks that think they are gourmet chefs by throwing a big chunk of fatty pork into the crock pot and then dumping bbq sauce on that mushy mess later.
  9. Haha— many of us (including me) posted this prediction within like 30 seconds of cam getting cut. he will be good for the pats. Won’t be asked to do much.
  10. I was actually just telling my wife that someone needs to do a high-end foodie garbage plate. I didn’t know they existed! my idea was a nice ribeye or angus burger and smoked sausage over truffle Parmesan fries. Can’t really think of an elevated version of Mac salad, which I think is critical. Spicy lentil chili sauce. Toasted brioche bread.
  11. oh man. I am drooling. I need to get back to Rochester again— its been about 5 years and when I go, I rarely get time to do a proper food tour!
  12. exactly. Or like DeMarcus Murray a few years ago for the cowboys. When he left the cowboys, he looked pretty ordinary really fast. haha— agreed. He’s probably no. 1 now on most lists too! And probably has the most big-play potential. the one guy that would get a lot more press if he played behind a better line or for a better team though is Chubb. That guy is a real Home run hitter.
  13. haha— same on both accounts. I was a “street” player (very few lessons as a kid), so most of what I learned was by watching on TV and then replicating at the park or local school courts. So, I did the same—developed a lot of touch shots, drop shots, good net game, lobs, etc. it turned me into a pretty solid doubles player, but a not so good singles player. But my serve was and is pretty bad and inconsistent. My HS tennis coach made me ditch the sideways looping Mac serve! my first few rackets too were Dunlop’s. But then I moved to the Wilson pro staff. Now I have an old man pretty basic Prince I got a few years ago. But I only hit with my kids and play seriously a handful of times each year. after Johnny Mac, the other player I used to try to emulate was Stefan Edberg. Really great serve and volley and finesse game.
  14. same. I patterned my tennis game around him (mimicked his serve, etc.) and would always wear a bandanna out there on the courts!
  15. I’m not a big Elliott fan. I think he’s pretty good, but there are a bunch of other RBs in the NFL who I think are much better, IMO (Kamara, Barkley, Bell, Chubb). That cowboys‘ line opens gaping holes— it’s not even funny. It’s tough to judge how good he is. But I’d suspect a lot of RBs would look really good behind that line.
  16. This guy’s reviews are great. Love how serious he takes it!! watching a few of these makes me realize how much I miss Bill Gray’s. Totally forgot about that place— but that was a staple for me as a kid. Great burgers with hot sauce!
  17. I think we all have some concerns re Allen’s deep-ball accuracy. The thing that he does very well though is the long intermediate, over-the-middle throws. To me, those are, in a lot of ways, the hardest throws to make, and the bulk of the throws that really great QB’s make. And they are the throws that bad QB’s don’t even try to complete. When it’s 3 and 15, there are two guys I want as my QB— Ben R. And Josh Allen. They are fearless And skilled in that situation. What I would like to see is Allen add to his arsenal the check-downs (can’t believe I am saying this), and focus on the short and intermediate game. I really don’t see his deep ball improving much, but I am not sure he has to have a great deep ball to be a threat and keep defenses from cheating. He has the added threat of his legs. Seems like that will keep defenses more honest than anything else.
  18. haha— I had no idea that was the state’s slogan! That’s brilliant!
  19. This reads like it’s from the Jax Jaguars’ 2006 marketing and sales plan.
  20. Fair point. My sense though and based on a few google searches is that all he did was lease up one county to essentially keep his toe in the water and to sort of roll the dice on an untapped area. He devoted some money in drilling, but not that aggressively. And as soon as the market went down, they stopped drilling. based on the footprint of his holdings, this seems more like a play with not a lot of risk For him. Gas prices go up and he develops it a bit more. Gas stays low, and he just hangs onto leases, which I suspect are all held by shallow production. Or if they aren’t held, he lets some go or re-leases at super low prices. in the end, this new company seems almost like more of a hobby, and he will probably wait it out and flip all his leases when the market comes back. back to the original point of the thread, I think we can both agree that JKLM can go into the toilet, and it’s not going to be even a drop of water in the bucket as to the pegula’s Total wealth or financial stability as owners of the team.
  21. JKLM owns very few assets (about 120K acres), and from what I can tell, they had only 1 rig and halted drilling in 2019 anyway. Pretty small potatoes. i don’t believe that the Pegulas are truly in the OG business anymore in any meaningful way, and so I’m not sure what the panic is over. Pegula pretty brilliantly sold out to shell at the absolute peak of the market. (And Shell has since pretty much given up on the assets they got from him, and walked away from Appalachia).
  22. I could be wrong, but I thought the Pegulas sold virtually all of their oil and gas assets year ago to Shell. That’s why they are so wealthy. They may a few little assets here and there, but that’s just chump change—more for a hobby. Am I wrong? Are they still in the oil and gas business?
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