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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. That’s pretty much the highest praise. excited about the comments too about dolejez and Sidibe.
  2. Oh wow— really? That’s nuts. I guess we can’t really regret the fumble too much then.
  3. thanks! This was actually a huge play! What a shame to fumble at the end.
  4. What fumble? If we didn’t see it, it didn’t exist.
  5. I feel like expectations are too high re Wallace. It’s not that easy or cheap to get two Elite CB’s. Having 1 elite guy and then a collection of a few serviceable guys seems to be more of the norm.
  6. This is spot on. Dodson made a ton of plays out there in both the run and pass game. I am super excited about him. Klein was pretty rough out there, especially in coverage.
  7. agreed. All those little playaction passes over the middle would have been futile with Edmunds back there.
  8. So Tyrod, how long do you want to be the starter? It’s entirely up to you! sincerely, San Diego Chargers legal Department
  9. agreed. But it wasn’t even him. Brown and Beasley were getting like yards of separation on their guys. The TD’s to Diggs and Brown were both underthrown and they still cleanly beat their guys. And the Miami secondary is not bad.
  10. Does anyone know whether the rams play a lot of zone or man? Also will Jalen Ramsey be on Diggs all day, or does he play on one side only? it’s interesting— but Josh excels against zone coverage, and has been so-so against man. Last week was the first time I recall him really picking apart man coverage and I think that was partially due to the Bills running way More crossing routes that I have ever seen them run, and Josh being super accurate on those.
  11. well, it could be worse. This should just heal with some good R&R. The problem is if he develops these chronically.
  12. Brown is such a stand-up guy and team player. He probably is the poster child for the Process.
  13. Don't NFC wins hurt our chances of making the playoffs? I say we throw in the towel right now.
  14. To me, that is the appropriate standard for him. All I want him to do is be "not noticeably bad", and avoid huge blunders, like shanks, line drives, blocks, and not catching the ball. On a related note, he already made what I consider to be one big blunder in game 1-- when he held the ball for Bass with the laces in on Bass's second missed FG.
  15. agree. They are really clicking on O. Their D seems a lot better too (imagine if they still had Mack!).
  16. yup— to my point before— the saints D is not good and dirty. I would add undisciplined too.
  17. Saints may want to consider doubling Waller, one would think.
  18. It may be just me, but watching this saints D reminds me of their bounty gate days— not very good and play over the Edge re dirtiness.
  19. Took Zay about 4 years and 2 teams to make a tough catch. Took Gabe Davis less than 2 games.
  20. looking at this again, the defender is an idiot. He takes a horrible angle to begin with and wasn’t going to even come close to Moss. He was like a full yard behind him. I think McK was setting him up, figuring he would actually go and try to tackle Moss at the correct angle.
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