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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Is this a joke? These receivers have been playing out of their minds all year. That was like a Duke-like catch.
  2. Good hold there. That FG looked like it had a 110% chance of being good. That kicker looks good!
  3. As far as I can tell, there is 1 team that really is the issue— the Titans. I would basically sideline that team for several weeks to effectively quarantine that organization. My understanding too is that they violated protocols, which has led to this. I know I don’t want the bills playing those guys next week.
  4. I suspect the multiple coaches who want to cancel the season are all on the Jets’ coaching staff.
  5. I am going to have to find it on amazon to show to my kids! That was such a classic movie.
  6. I remember how earth-shattering “honey, I shrunk the kids” was when I was a kid. I remember the awe of watching it in the theatre. whats weird is I literally never see that movie on anywhere Since. I can’t recall it ever being re-run on TV, or really watching it at any point after 1989.
  7. The Raiders aren’t serious about the NFL safety plan. It’s a shame because it affects all of the teams, not just their crappy 6–10 team.
  8. agree. I can’t believe they let them practice. Did they not even test those guys too? if I am the bills, I am thinking about refusing to play this week.
  9. the raiders are going to have a chance to really set a precedent that the rest of the league will likely follow.
  10. to me, this isn’t a covid or non-covid thing. This is a collective bargaining thing. The players and league came up with a detailed health and safety scheme, including opt outs, testing, masks, and strict rules as to what players Can and can’t do. the players can’t simply flaunt this and get away with a slap on the wrist. Some of these players on opposite teams decided against opting out, under the assumption that everyone would follow these rules. I am sorry, but these guys need to be suspended and quarantined for 2 weeks.
  11. I agree. Should be a straight up 2-week suspension and quarantine. That is just ridiculous. These guys are under strict NFL and NFLPA rules.
  12. the rumble scene was insane. But other than that, I have found the acting in that show to be pretty solid. It’s not Orson Welles in Citizen Kane— but they are all solid actors. I was actually surprised Zabka is so good, since I wasn’t sure he had acted much beyond KK 1. by the way, just re-watched another favorite movie of mine— Bloodsport. Now if you want to talk about bad acting, Jean Claude Van Dam...
  13. Have not read this entire thread, but I would give the guy a break. People have bad games. He is an MVP talent. He has proven me wrong, I know— based on a now very good sample size, he is an exceptional and ultra-accurate pocket passer, and a terrific scrambler.
  14. 1) from an article I read yesterday, the last time a QB was called for a facemask was 2016. 2) Donald coming in at the end was scary. He basically was going to just smack JA in the head and face, had JA not ducked back and away. The rams were playing recklessly in going after our QB, and JA fought back.
  15. Don’t want to overlook the fact that this Bills team went 5 for 5 in red zone today!! 5 for 5!!
  16. Honorable mention was the JA roll out to his left and throw to Gabe Davis who rapped this toes on the sideline. What a gorgeous throw and catch.
  17. Levi Wallace wasn’t the problem today, IMO. He actually made the only great play on D. Our LB’s need to play better.
  18. Can we all stop and admire how JA converted two 3rd and 22nds on the final drive? It was a ridiculous drive with several ridiculous throws.
  19. What kills me about this “interception” is that it is Josh’s only pick of the year! He should have an unblemished record. Just a travesty.
  20. the facemask call on JA was the first time that had been called a penalty on a QB since 2016, per an article I just read. i am sorry— but a stiff arm by an offensive player in that situation is not a penalty. That really could have cost us the game. Further, the Donald sack and fumble was a grab of the helmet, neck, and face— clearly a penalty. The announcers’ statement that a horse collar is not a penalty when the QB is in the pocket (not sure that is even right)— but that misses the point— can’t grab the QB’s head. the rams are the ones complaining about the obvious illegal contact at the end? The refs really had it out for JA today— was really stunning.
  21. I found the entire game to weird with the fake crowd noise. It seemEd out of sync— like a beat too late. BTW, imagine if there had been real fans in the stadium? I am pretty sure Goff would have had a lot more trouble.
  22. the facemask call on josh Allen on a stiff arm— when is that ever called?
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